July 24th, 2023

Millennials, Barbie, MrBeast

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Quote of the day:

"Never be content with a vague and indefinite knowledge of Bible doctrines. Always seek clear, distinct views. Let nothing satisfy you till your faith is so clear that you can give a reason for it to others."

- JC Ryle

July 24th, 2023

Today’s Headlines:

44% of Millennials Think Misgendering Should Be A Crime

A recent Newsweek poll focused on attitudes toward misgendering transgender individuals. Among younger millennials (ages 25-34), 44% believe misgendering should be a criminal offense, while 31% disagree. In the older millennial group (ages 35-44), 38% support making misgendering illegal, and 35% oppose it. Interestingly, Generation Z (ages 18-24) shows less enthusiasm for criminalizing misgendering, with 33% in favor and 48% opposed.

The survey also highlights that a majority of Americans are willing to use transgender individuals' pronoun preferences. Around 38% of respondents stated they would use the requested pronouns, while 17-18% would not, the remainder of respondents were either unsure, or thought it depended on the situation.


The Remnant’s Response:

People who know Genesis 1:27, 'God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them,' are not the ones who are “misgendering.” When individuals claim the existence of more than two genders or embrace the concept of gender fluidity, they are in rebellion against both God and humankind. This is the “crime” as it goes against truth, reason, science, and the belief in God Himself.

The current state of our nation's youth is a reflection not only of the failure of church leadership but also the failure of Christ followers to adhere to God's decree (Deuteronomy 6:1-4). It's no surprise that those who embrace error often seek to criminalize those who do not approve of their ways (Romans 1:32).

Puritan preacher JC Ryle accurately described the progression of those who trifle with sin: "First, it startles him, then it becomes pleasing, then easy, then delightful, then frequent, then habitual, then a way of life! Then the man feels no guilt, then obstinate, then resolves never to repent, and then is damned.”

These words may appear harsh, but the alternative to speaking with clarity today is the assurance that we will find ourselves even more harshly treated tomorrow (Jeremiah 1:17).

Box Office Weekend

This past weekend saw a monumental opening at the box office, with "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" bringing in a combined estimated total of $235.5 million in ticket sales. "Barbie" came out ahead, raking in an impressive $155 million and breaking records for the highest domestic opening for a live-action movie starring a female lead.

Meanwhile, "Oppenheimer" pulled in $80.5 million, securing the #4 spot for the highest box office debut for any adult-drama film. This "Barbenheimer" weekend is being hailed as one of the biggest non-franchise opening weekends in Hollywood history.


The Remnant’s Response:

Psalm 1:1-2, Psalm 101:3-4, Colossians 3:2, Romans 12:2, Philippians 4:8, 1 John 2:15-17, and Proverbs 4:23 remind us that believers are called to guard their hearts and fix their eyes and minds on the things of heaven. It is worth asking yourself what those in your house would say they are "diligently being taught" as they join you when you "sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up" (Deuteronomy 6:7).

Time is a limited resource, and we must carefully consider where we commit our hearts and minds. In the 21st century, we live in a world where there is an all-out war for our attention and affection. From smartphones to the entertainment industry there is an endless amount of money being dedicated to gaining and keeping our attention.

Creating space in your mind, heart, and life for the Lord is a decidedly uphill battle, one that will only be won with discipline and focus. While it is fun to enjoy a weekend at the movies, the remnant should be committed to keeping their eyes fixed on Jesus, their minds set on eternal things, and their lives seeking first, and foremost, the kingdom of God.

Ask yourself how your Bible intake and time spent with those who spur your heart toward faithfulness and good deeds, compares with the amount of time spent 'entertaining' yourself by scrolling Instagram, preparing for your next fantasy football draft, binging Netflix, watching sports, or indulging in other fleeting things.

A good discipline is Bible first, Bible most. What we seek first and most in practice tells us more about who/what we worship than the profession of our mouths.


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Let us serve you and your friends, and together, we'll embrace the joy of relationships, the beauty of the outdoors, and the love that breaking bread together can bring.

MrBeast’s Right Hand Man

YouTube star Chris Tyson, known for being a part of MrBeast, recently came out as transgender, sharing that he now identifies as a woman. In April, Chris started hormone replacement therapy, which sparked speculation that he was transitioning, but clarified that he had not come out as a transgender woman then. Now, Chris, who is a man that believes he is a woman will be using the name Kris and she/her pronouns publicly, but using a different name privately with family and friends. Jimmy (MrBeast) Donaldson has been public about his support for his friends new journey.

MrBeast is the man behind YouTube's largest channel in the world, with 170M subscribers. He and his friends come up with and participate in crazy competitions in each video, like surviving on an island or keeping their hand on cash the longest. The winner of each competition has the opportunity to score hundreds of thousands of dollars.


The Remnant’s Response:

Jimmy (MrBeast) Donaldson started his infamous YouTube channel with his friend Chris Tyson in 2012, and together, they have experienced great success and notoriety. As far as we know, neither Jimmy nor Chris has a faith component in their lives, so it is unsurprising when they make and encourage each other in life choices that are contrary to wisdom.

However, it is surprising how many professing believers have weakened in their conviction regarding the biblical truth about gender and sexuality, especially when a friend or family member has begun to drift toward a lifestyle that abandons the clear teaching of Scripture. Oftentimes, believers compromise their convictions out of a desire to maintain a strong relationship with the struggling friend/child or sibling. It is a painful reality that maintaining a biblical position often results in the loss of a relationship, but Scripture teaches that truth and love are never mutually exclusive. Irrespective of outcomes, the most loving thing a friend/parent can do is remind someone of the truth that sets them free (John 8:31-32). Love "does not rejoice in unrighteousness but rejoices with the Truth" (1 Corinthians 13:6). Love bears and endures all things (1 Corinthians 13:7), including the prospect of being rejected by those we love if we continue to speak the Truth to them. Loving others means we care enough about them not to offer the deceitful kiss of affirmation as they embrace the destruction of sin (Proverbs 27:5-6). We can remind them that our love is unconditional even while remaining unconditionally committed to Truth and a call to repentance. While we should not be surprised that people outside the faith think it is loving to affirm and support destructive decisions, the remnant, motivated by compassion and kindness, must maintain courageous conviction in their communication and counsel.

There is a second important point to note in this news story. Parents should be aware of the immense popularity of "MrBeast" and the public transitioning of one of his channel's most recognizable and popular friends. While his content is mostly family-friendly, the transitioning and endorsement of a man who believes he is a woman is problematic and undoubtedly will cause confusion for the children who consume his content (Proverbs 22:6). One of the ways to condition (groom) others to increasingly accept inappropriate behavior is to move the boundaries of normalcy and remain silent or act as if nothing odd is happening. Chris' transition to Kris is not normal and is tragic for him, his ex-wife, his two-year-old son, and anyone else who isn't keenly aware of the consequences of his decision.

Other news you should know:

⚽️ Lionel Messi, in a star-studded MLS debut, had a game-winning 94th-minute goal, adding to his already historic career.

⛳️ Brian Harman wins his first major in dominating fashion.

🇮🇹 Italy bans men from competing in Miss Italy. Congrats to Italy for being sane.

📱If you have an iPhone 8, you should sell it now.

𝙭 In a surprising move… Twitter is no more. Elon announced the transition to “X.com”.

📦 Air conditioned trucks and increased pay is what brown can offer its drivers.

🐶 Nearly 500 golden retrievers got together in Scotland.

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