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- April 15, 2024
April 15, 2024
Masters Winner, Israel and Iran, Tax Day
“The true secret of spiritual progress is to be always looking to Jesus, and daily sitting at His feet.”
J.C. Ryle
Table of Contents

Israel At War… Again

Early Sunday, Iran launched approximately 300 missiles and drones at Israel. The attack represented a significant shift for Iran, moving from reliance on proxies to direct action. Israel's defense system, supported by the U.S. and Britain, intercepted most of the missiles and drones, resulting in minimal casualties and damage. Despite this, Iran considered the operation successful. The incident rightly prompted international concern, with diplomatic efforts underway to prevent further escalation. As Israel considers its response, Iran signals a willingness to escalate if provoked.

Israel is at war… again. While we should obviously continually be "praying for the peace of Jerusalem" (Psalm 122:6), this is a good time to remind ourselves of some truth that will give us continual peace. The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), the One in Whom all the nations will one day place their hope (Matthew 12:21), Israel's True King (Zecheriah 9:9) who will speak peace to the nations and cut off the bow of war (Zecheriah 9:10); the One who is your life and your glory (Colossians 3:3-4), wants also to be the source of your peace (John 14:27).
Listen to His Words.
See to it that no one misleads you (Matthew 24:4). Soon enough, the world as we know it will end (Revelation 21:4), but now is not the time. Rumors of war (Matthew 24:6a) and actual wars will lead to the final battle (Revelation 19:20-21), but we are not there yet. Until we are, "see that you are not frightened, for those things must take place" (Matthew 24:6b). Only after unmistakable worldwide events have occurred (Matthew 24:29-31) will Jesus return in an unmistakable way (Matthew 24:27, 30). Until then, "nations (like Iran and Russia) will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes, but all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs" (Matthew 24:7-8). Only after tribulations and the murder and hatred of the disciples of Jesus by governmental authorities around the world take place, (Matthew 24:9) will Jesus Himself return to end the rebellion and blasphemies raised against Him (Revelation 19:11-16). Until then, make it your purpose to live faithfully so that when your master does return, He will not find you "drowsy or asleep" (Matthew 25:5). "Be on the alert, then, for you do not know the day nor the hour" (Matthew 25:13). "Do not fret, it leads only to evil doing" (Psalm 37:6). Stop listening to false teachers who want to garner attention for themselves as if they have been given special insight as to the day or hour (Matthew 24:36). These men are out to deceive you (Matthew 24:4) and will mislead many (Matthew 24:5) performing signs and wonders (Matthew 24:24) so amazing that if possible even the elect will be misled (Matthew 24:22) They will claim the Messiah Himself is here (likely a reference to the anti-christ) (Matthew 24:26-27).
"Behold, [remnant] I have told you in advance" (Matthew 24:25). Do not be deceived.
Finally, do not confuse the Lord's coming to remove His people (the rapture) with the truths above related to His Second Coming (and this writer believes that is the clearest way to understand Scripture). If the rapture is part of God's plan, it is important for you to know that NONE OF THE ABOVE Scripture needs to take place before that event. So, stop fretting or date-setting and ready yourself by doing the will of the master and not worrying when the world as we know it is ending, "for the son of man is coming at an hour that you do not expect" (Luke 12:35-38).
By: Todd Wagner
Another Masters Win for Scheffler

Scottie Scheffler secured his second Masters title with a commanding victory, finishing four shots ahead of Ludvig Åberg to reaffirm his dominance in men's golf. Despite facing challenges from multiple contenders, Scheffler remained unfazed, closing with a four-under 68 to claim his third win in just over a month and a share of the Masters-record $20 million prize purse. His tournament was tempered by the impending arrival of his first child. Scheffler was ready to abandon the tournament if his wife went into labor, making the triumph all the more remarkable.

We are watching greatness, but not for the reason the world is noting.
A miracle is taking place before our eyes that is more beautiful to behold than the azaleas at Augusta and more impressive than being number one in the OWGR. A man, rich in the world's eyes, skilled in his craft, and entrusted with all the trappings of fame and the privilege that comes with it, is walking in humility with the Savior. This is a miracle (Matthew 19:23-24).
Scottie Scheffler is not a man with a superficial faith or superstitious beliefs. He, by the grace of God, is aware of who He is (1 Timothy 1:15), whose he is (Zepheniah 3:17), and why he is loved (Titus 3:5).
It is beautiful to watch.
He knows the danger of riches (Proverbs 30:7-9); he is aware of the seduction of fame (Proverbs 27:21); he knows the foolishness of the pride of man, (Daniel 4:29-31) and the temporary nature of popularity and worldly notoriety (Job 8:9, 14:2, Psalm 144:4). Without God’s grace, godly buddies and the blessing of a Godly wife, Scottie would not be the man he is today (Proverbs 27:9, Proverbs 19:14, 31:10).
I assure you the current "Masters champion" doesn't want our praise, and I can promise you he cherishes our prayers that by God's grace, he will continue to serve his Master. Stop and pray for the Schefflers as they celebrate a victory, and expect their firstborn any day now (Colossians 4:2-6).
By: Todd Wagner
Tax Day

Today marks the deadline for Americans to file their taxes. While we fight for the heart of our nation, we remember that even as our government struggles, or fails, to be an entity we gladly “give” to, we are reminded that we are called to “render to Caesar what is Caesar’s” (Matthew 22:21) and submit to the government as long as it does not cause us to forsake or sin against our true King (Romans 13:1-7). May the remnant influence their neighbors, towns, cities, and states in such a way that there is gladness associated with “paying Caesar” for the way it blesses the land and its inhabitants.
By: The Remnant News Team
Other news you should know
💉 Young women to be euthanized for mental health issues… read our thoughts here.
🧑🏻⚖️ Trump’s trial starts today.
📱 Tech companies fight to have the App of the moment.
🏕 SCOTUS will hear arguments about this problem.
💒 This bill just passed in TN… its about time?
💸 House to discuss more aid being sent to Israel and Ukraine.

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