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- April 8, 2024
April 8, 2024
Solar Eclipse, Right-Wing Infighting, Mexico and Ecuador
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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2024 Solar Eclipse

Today, the most anticipated solar event of our generation will take place in the skies as the moon passes in front of the sun and casts its shadow over three countries at various times throughout the day. The 115-mile-wide path of the eclipse encapsulates several major cities, leading to the expectation that this will be the “most watched solar eclipse in history.” Watchers nationwide will survey the skies for Venus, Jupiter, and Comet 12P as the eclipse reaches totality above them.

Relax. Today's eclipse is not the sign many think it is (Matthew 24:4-8). One of the great dangers of man is to have an ethnocentric or egocentric view of their world (Job 42:7, Philippians 2:3), supposing that circumstances or events in their life or land mean something for every life and land.
Consider this excerpt from an article entitled "A Week of Earthquakes, Eclipses, and Other Divine Signs."
'Several rabbis are pointing to last week's rare lunar eclipse and continued earthquakes as a divine pre-Messianic wake-up call. In fact, it isn't only the rabbis. Even Arab sources are labeling the recent earthquakes as part of the end-of-days conflict centered around Jerusalem.'
While the above predictions sound foreboding, they become less worrisome when you discover the article was not referencing the recent earthquakes in New York, but the Middle East, and the reference to eclipses are not the ones happening today in North America but rather ones that happened six years ago over Israel.
Jeremiah tells us, "Thus says the LORD, "Do not learn the way of the nations and do not be terrified by the signs of the heavens, Although the nations are terrified by them" (Jeremiah 10:2). There is no reason to be terrified of anything for those who trust in the One Who created the sun, (Jeremiah 30:10-11) and for those who don't know Him, there is never a time not to be terrified (Isaiah 13:8-9).
That said, weather permitting, I will have my (properly protected) eyes looking up in north Texas today taking in the, not as rare as people think, shadow passing over us. Solar eclipses happen more often than the current media onslaught would suggest; they just don't happen regularly where you are.
What should happen where you are is that others would hear about the perfection of the God who creates wonders in the heavens and Who has done something wonderful for all who believe in Him (1 Chronicles 16:24).
May there be no eclipse of your faithfulness in loving and serving others today (Romans 1:16).
By: Todd Wagner
Infighting Conservative Influencers

Candace Owens' departure from the Daily Wire triggered intense debates among conservatives online, revolving around theology, censorship, antisemitism, and the phrase "Christ Is King." The controversy highlighted divisions within the conservative movement and raised concerns about the alliance between establishment conservatives and extremist groups. Candace has since challenged Ben Shapiro to a debate which, after a lot of back and forth online, is in talks to take place soon, unmoderated, on a neutral platform.

A brief dive into Conservative Twitter revealed that there is quite a lot of water under this bridge and seemingly more happening behind the scenes than we had the margin to understand (Proverbs 18:17, 19:2).
“Infighting” on the right and conflicts among formerly “united” and highly followed conservative leaders is an excellent reminder to the remnant that before we are conservative, right-wing, or followers of any media personality/pastor/influencer/author, we are followers of Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17). Conservatism will not save our Nation, but Jesus through Christ-followers will. Anything good for government, our nation, and people comes from Him (Genesis 1:31, Proverbs 16:4, 1 Timothy 4:4-5). We are blessed that He has not only shown us that there is a “good way where life is” (Jeremiah 6:16-20) but also given us instructions for how to walk in it (Psalm 119:105, Psalm 19:7b, Matthew 19:17). As we lead out in our own public spheres of influence, representing “the way,” may we do it with wisdom (Mattew 10:16-18), with listening ears (James 1:19-20), without unwholesome speech (Ephesians 4:29), with a willingness to be misunderstood (Jeremiah 20), with a heart that seeks to believe the best (1 Corinthians 13:7), with a desire to please God and not man (Galatians 1:10), without a love of money (1 Timothy 6:10), and, at the proper times, willing to play the prophet and “lose our jobs doing/saying the right thing” (Romans 12:1-2, Proverbs 28:1).
His Word is richer and deeper well than we will live long enough to discover (Romans 11:33-36).
By: Kirby Mankin
Mexico and Ecuador at Odds

Mexico broke diplomatic ties with Ecuador following Ecuadorian police raiding its embassy in Quito to arrest former Vice President Jorge Glas, who was seeking asylum there, with Mexico condemning the action as a breach of international law. The rift escalated when Ecuador accused Mexico of violating diplomatic norms by sheltering Glas, leading to Mexico withdrawing all diplomatic staff from Ecuador immediately. The incident sparked regional condemnation, with the UN expressing alarm and Ecuador's actions being criticized as impulsive, further complicating relations between the two countries amid broader regional security concerns.

This is yet another reminder of the importance of choosing wise leaders and the need to pray for the ones that are chosen (1 Timothy 2:1-2). There is a good way (Jeremiah 6:16-20) that is always right, true, and helpful, which leads to biblical prosperity for everybody everywhere who employs it. God's way is just as good for Americans as it is for Mexicans, Ecuadorians, and every other nation or people group. Their leaders would be blessed, and their lands healed (2 Chronicles 7:14) if they started to seek the One who made them and makes available to them abundant life (John 10:10) and abundant wisdom (James 1:5-8, Proverbs 2:6-8).
By: The Remnant News Team
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