August 14, 2024

Maine Upholds Law, Corporate Activism, Harris Aligns With Trump

August 14, 2024

The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because generally they are the same people.

GK Chesterton

Kamala’s Taxes on Tips Take

Vice President Kamala Harris has created quite a stir in the political arena by publicly stating her first policy position as a candidate for POTUS. At a rally in Las Vegas on August 10th—Kamala’s “big reveal” on policy, after almost a month as the presumptive Democrat nominee for POTUS, was a “no tax on tips” policy aimed to appease service industry workers and others who rely on tips for their livelihood. “No tax on tips” seems like a reasonable policy position, especially in a heavily unionized service industry state such as Nevada. So why the controversy? Kamala was under pressure and scrutiny for failing to formally outline and commit to any major policy positions as a candidate for POTUS, so her first publicly stated policy position was eagerly awaited by the mainstream media (MSM).

The controversy is twofold: 1) the fact that Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump espoused the exact same policy (“no tax on tips” for the service industry) almost a month earlier on July 9th in Las Vegas, and 2) Kamala was the tie-breaking vote in the Senate (as VP) to enact the Inflationary Reduction Act in 2022 (which ultimately authorized the IRS to tenaciously pursue underreported tips of service workers), an act seemingly at odds with her now publicly stated policy on service workers’ tips. The MSM summarily met President Trump’s proposal with negative coverage in the news, highlighting the potential negative aspects of the plan while receiving Kamala’s policy favorably and generally casting it in a positive light. Many pundits have decried this divergent media coverage of the exact same policy as evidence of the hypocrisy of the MSM. Many pundits claim that irrespective of the merit of the policy itself, she is simply plagiarizing President Trump’s policy positions. 

There is nothing necessarily amiss when political leaders reach a consensus or agreement on sound policy. Even when two diametrically opposed candidates or political parties reach the same conclusion on policy we can hope for, and should pray for, wisdom in the process that preceded the consensus (Proverbs 11:14). So when candidates’ policies align, at best and absent collusion for an ulterior motive, we can hope and pray that the resulting policy is sound, prudent, wise, aligning with Biblical principals and leading to human flourishing (Psalm 92:12).

The colloquialism “actions speak louder than words” finds its seed in Scripture (1 John 3:18-19). The Word of God admonishes all of us to avoid taking any action of self-interest (Philippians 2:3-4) and is especially harsh when it comes to dishonest or deceitful actions (Proverbs 12:22). The Remnant should be desperately concerned with electing leaders whose words contradict their actions, further their selfish ambitions, are based in deception or convenience, or otherwise conflict with the Word of God—lest those same leaders be a form of God’s judgment on a nation (Isaiah 3:4).

By: Matthew Lopez

Maine Rules on School Exclusion

On August 8, 2024, U.S. District Judge John A. Woodcock Jr. ruled that Catholic schools remain excluded from Maine’s state tuition grant program despite a 2022 Supreme Court decision (Carson v. Makin) that deemed such exclusion unconstitutional. The case was brought by a Catholic family and St. Dominic Academy, challenging Maine’s exclusion of faith-based schools from the tuition assistance program. The judge noted that while the plaintiffs raised significant constitutional issues, their chances of success were deemed unlikely. The Becket law firm, representing the plaintiffs, plans to continue challenging Maine’s exclusionary policies.

The run around of the Carson v. Makin Supreme Court decision is a great example of how the sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light (Luke 16:8). 

The Maine decision is just more evidence that there are those who want to influence the youth for their own agenda. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with him (Psalm 127:4–5)! Our question should be, who aims the arrows, and who holds the quiver?

Children are a gift from God (Psalm 127:3), and to allow them to be influenced by those who are enslaved to the world would be a tragedy with temporal and eternal consequence (Galatians 4:3). The remnant would be remiss to not pay great attention to anyone who is seeking to negatively influence children or prevent parents from positively steering their own children toward Truth (1 Chronicles 12:32; Nehemiah 4:23).

The remnant should be vigilant to pay attention to what is happening in their local communities (Jeremiah 29:7) and especially in their local schools, (Luke 17:1–4) all the while praying for governing authorities (Jeremiah 37:3), and understanding who the battle is truly against (2 Corinthians 10:3–5; Ephesians 6:12).

By: Jack Mueller

Corporate Activism is Out

A recent survey reveals that only 38% of U.S. adults want businesses to take stances on current events, a significant decline from 2022. While some support exists for businesses addressing climate change, mental health, and DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion), most Americans prefer companies to stay out of politics, especially on contentious issues like gun laws and abortion. Political endorsements by businesses are particularly risky, as they may alienate customers who disagree with the endorsed candidate. Even groups traditionally more open to corporate political involvement, such as Democrats and LGBTQ+ adults, are becoming less supportive of businesses engaging in public policy discussions.

God’s Word tells us that those who love Him should live:

1) In order to bring glory to God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

2) For the benefit of mankind (Psalm 16:11).

The remnant should neither shirk our responsibility in honoring God in the workplace nor be surprised when those who do not know God do not live or create companies which seek to honor Him or advocate for policies which will lead to human flourishing.

Leadership is everything, and we should not be surprised that institutions led by those not led by the Spirit advocate for unspiritual things (Galatians 5:16-17). While we can be thankful that more people want to depoliticize the marketplace, the remnant has no option but to diligently seek to be salt and light everywhere (Matthew 5:16) and to do everything we can to honor the Lord in everything we do (Colossians 3:23-24).

By: The Remnant News Team

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😬 A win for ’Squad’ member surprises after several primary losses.

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