August 21, 2023

Pig Kidneys & Rutgers Vax

August 21, 2023

Together with:

Quote of the day:

“The task of the Christian is not to whine about the moment in which he or she lives but to understand its problems and respond appropriately to them.”

- Carl Trueman

Today’s Headlines

Pig Kidney Still Working a Month Later

A scientific milestone has been achieved in the field of xenotransplantation. Doctors at an American university have successfully transplanted a genetically engineered pig kidney into a human body, where it has functioned for 32 days without being rejected. The 57-year-old recipient was an individual declared brain-dead and donated to science by his family. This surgery marks the longest a pig kidney has survived in a human after four prior attempts at such xenotransplants.

For decades, similar animal-to-human transplants have failed as the human immune system rapidly rejects the foreign tissue. But scientists are now modifying donor pigs genetically, engineering their organs to better match human bodies and avoid rejection. While more studies are needed, the 32-day survival of this genetically engineered pig kidney represents meaningful progress toward making xenotransplantation a viable clinical practice.

Over 100,000 Americans are on the waiting list for a life-saving kidney transplant. In 2022 alone, nearly 90,000 were waiting for a kidney, but only 26,000 transplants were performed. Meanwhile, kidney failure continues to impact over 800,000 in the United States.


The Remnant’s Response:

One of the problems with continued scientific and medical advances is that our spiritual wisdom and applied ethics have not kept up with our technological improvements, and we should point out that human history hasn’t long done well with whatever technology it has. Our problems have much more to do with training in wisdom (Proverbs 1:7) than technology and knowledge. It is dangerous to be “always learning and never come to the knowledge of the Truth” (2 Timothy 3:7).

Today, other animal-derived solutions like heart valve replacements are already being used to attempt to save lives, so while this new development is newsworthy, the ethical challenges our advancements have brought us are not.

Some have expressed reasonable concerns about animal exploitation, and whatever we do for ourselves should not violate our compassion toward members of the Animal Kingdom (Proverbs 12:10). Still, despite PETA’s positions, God’s word clearly authorizes the dominion over (Genesis 1:28) and prudent use of animals to meet human needs as a food source (Genesis 9:3). It is not unreasonable to think that using animals for other issues that contribute to human flourishing is a reasonable inference from the dominion principle. Meanwhile, just because “we can” doesn’t mean “we should,” and part of wisdom’s fruit is restraint, self-governance, and kindness to those over whom we have power (Proverbs 3:3-4). Everything God gave us is good, but careful consideration of His Word and genuine prayer is necessary before we go hog wild (1 Timothy 4:4-5). May we seek wisdom to keep up with our increased knowledge (James 1:5) so we don’t like the sow “return to wallowing” in the mire of indulgent sin (2 Peter 2:22).


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Rutgers Requires Vax

Rutgers University has drawn renewed attention and debate for upholding its COVID-19 vaccine requirement for all students, faculty, and staff entering the Fall 2023 semester. Although they are not mandating receipt of booster shots, Rutgers is continuing to require that all members of the university community submit documentation proving they have received the primary two-dose mRNA vaccine series (Moderna or Pfizer) or the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Those who have not completed a vaccine series must request and receive an approved medical or religious exemption in order to register or remain enrolled.


The Remnant’s Response:

In the height of COVID, the nation struggled to navigate the social and spiritual aspects of COVID-19 as much as the physical. There were lively debates on both sides of the political aisle and the spiritual "pew". People boisterously lectured how the faithful should wear masks to "love your neighbor" and honor God by "submitting to governing authorities," citing Mark 12:31 & Romans 13:1-7. When some churches shut down, others were willing to defy local law in order to "not forsake gathering together" (Hebrews 10:25). When vaccines were made available, the public response became even more polarizing. While some rushed to get the vaccine, others waited to better understand the possible effects and/or expressed distrust in the process or motive behind the "science" (Proverbs 22:3).

The greatest danger this writer saw was the willingness of the masses to blindly trust "leaders" and fail to confront conflicting messages, logical inconsistencies, and reductions in personal liberty. Fear, panic, and impulse fueled people’s reasoning more than faith, prudence, and vigilance.

The great tragedy of COVID, lay in the fact that many lost their ability to think critically and allowed fear rather than patience, reason, and wisdom, guide their decision making and their expectation of others.

Today, Rutgers continues to hold a line that does not stand up against the now widely accepted scientific truth that covid vaccines, having been produced at operation warp speed thus preempting the usual trials and procedures in place to ‘ensure’ the safety of the new vaccines, have been proven that they do not prevent transmission or illness and have still to be determined adverse effects. This policy puts many students in the position of having to give up their education opportunities unless they comply. While it is the responsibility of the state to do what is best for its citizens, it is the responsibility of the remnant to be faithful, fearless of public opinion or scrutiny when they want to make decisions that don't align with the majority, and protective of personal and religious liberties. Because, "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely," it is wise to maintain the perspective that "the government is best which governs least" (1 Samuel 8:10-18). It goes without saying that public health is a valid concern, but it is often neglected that the public has a good reason to have a healthy distrust of a government that isn't governed by the Godly.

Other news you should know

🌺 Nearly 1000 Hawaiians Missing after Devastating Maui Wildfires, death toll expected to dramatically increase.

🚀 Russian Robotic spacecraft crashed into the moon.

Spain beat England 1-0 to win the 2023 Women’s World Cup.

⛈️ Hurricane Hilary downgraded to a Tropical Storm, still expected to bring dangerous and record-breaking rainfall.

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👵🏻 Bill Clinton turned 77 over the weekend… which makes him younger than both Trump & Biden.

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