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- August 23, 2024
August 23, 2024
Tim Walz's Son Faces Scrutiny, Housing Reform for Migrants, Gay Penguins
“Every Christian should be both conservative and radical; conservative in preserving the faith and radical in applying it.”
John Stott
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“Gay” Penguin Dies

Sphen, a male gentoo penguin known for his long-standing partnership with another male penguin, Magic, passed away at age 11 at the Sea Life Sydney Aquarium. The pair became international symbols of LGBTQ love after bonding and "successfully raising" two chicks. Sphen's made global headlines after a lifetime of being celebrated at Pride events and featured in documentaries, books, and educational programs.

After a lifetime of speculation about his sexual preferences, Sphen the penguin can finally rest in peace. After receiving titles like “queer icon,” one half of a “gay power couple,” and “adoptive parent,” Sphen has gone the way of all the earth (1 Kings 2:2), but not before being the center of quite an obsession. After building a nest with “Magic” (the other half of the “power couple”) and coddling a rock (a behavior quite common among male penguins), Sphen’s identity was cemented in the eyes of his zookeepers, who soon provided him with an egg to parent. While (honest) scientists admit that there is nothing sexual about “co-parenting” or nest-building (and admit that there has never been same-sex sexual behavior observed between penguins), the media and public have been unsurprisingly quick to see what they want to see in order to promote their agenda (John 8:44). Sphen, and a flock of other penguins like him, have unwittingly -and unwillingly- become tokens for the LGTBQ community. While some may be tempted to laugh at the light-heartedness of this story, the more prudent among us can see the dishonesty of the progressive agenda which has brought such havoc to our culture and which is especially destructive and dangerous to our youth (Hosea 4:6). Sphen, a victim of his captivity, nurture, and environment, was labeled gay and used as a poster-bird for LGBTQ pride, after a few relatively normal behaviors were maliciously labeled by his keepers.
Even more tragically, today’s children, like Sphen, are increasingly more and more victim to the agendas, beliefs, and perversions of a culture that is conditioning, grooming, and misleading them into thinking that certain normal behaviors/curiosities/questions are actually evidence of sexual preferences and identities. Protecting our youth from predatorial sexual agendas is absolutely worth ruffling feathers over (Matthew 18:6). Sphen and Magic (demonstrably sexually platonic penguins) have made their way into school curriculums, children’s books, and onto headlines of nearly every major media outlet for their gay “love.” While it is one thing to lie about the sexuality of penguins, it is quite another to waddle around with the truth about God’s created sexual order and poison a generation of children with lies. While far too many gullible people don’t see the deceitful foolishness being cast upon us by “learned” scientists, the Lord is not so easily fooled (Isaiah 29:15), and the remnant should not be either (Colossians 2:8). These stories are not harmless; they are part of a consistent attack on the sensibilities of men (Ephesians 4:14), and it is the job of the faithful to speak up against them (Ephesians 4:15). If you don’t see that there is a clear attempt to invent truths that suit the desires of men (2 Timothy 4:3-4) then you aren’t paying attention.
By: Kirby Mankin
CA and OR Housing Reform

Democratic Presidential nominee Kamala Harris has seemingly come out in support of President Joe Biden's tax proposals, particularly regarding new taxes on high-income earners and corporations. Biden's recent budget includes a controversial plan to tax unrealized capital gains for those with over $100 million in wealth, aiming to address income inequality and incentivize productive investments. An unrealized capital gain is an increase in the value of an asset you still hold, such as a business share or property.
Critics, including some economists and Republican politicians, argue that this proposal could stifle entrepreneurship and economic growth. Supporters, such as the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, believe it would address the unfair advantage currently enjoyed by the wealthy. If Harris wins the presidency, her tax plans could face significant challenges in Congress, depending on its composition.

The Bible doesn't directly address matters of housing policies; however, it does speak to many issues related to these developments:
- We worship a God of law and order (1 Corinthians 14:33). A government that disregards these principles and incentivizes breaking federal law risks misusing its God-ordained authority. A properly functioning and constitutionally honoring government should have its priorities properly ordered (Romans 13:1-2).
- The God of the Bible is impartial (Deuteronomy 10:17), yet these initiatives resemble unconstitutional affirmative action and DEI policies prioritizing one demographic over another. Any policy favoring lawbreakers and neglecting those living in our country legally is a policy that should be rejected.
- After teaching God's people that their God has no partiality, Moses finishes Deuteronomy 10:17 by stating, "...and accepts no bribes." Unfortunately, policies like these are often used to sway different segments of the population in an effort to curry votes and show a lack of respect for the law to gain political support (Galatians 1:10). Biblical wisdom could not be more clear on this issue: "The wicked accept bribes in secret to pervert the course of justice" (Proverbs 17:23).
The government is responsible for more than just addressing fiscal and economic issues for its own citizens, but certainly not less than that. After all, in America, our government is "for the people,” not for those who are willing to step on justice and wisdom so they can rule the people. Day by day, the adage “elections have consequences” continues to ring true.
By: Jamie Wilder
Emotional Moment for the Walz Family

Tim Walz's emotional moment with his son Gus, who has a nonverbal learning disorder, during the Democratic National Convention was widely praised but also led to online bullying. Overcome with emotion, Gus expressed his love for his father during the event, resonating with many viewers. However, some conservative commentators mocked Gus's emotional display, drawing criticism from advocates for children with disabilities. These advocates highlighted the incident as a reminder of the bullying that children with disabilities often face, emphasizing the need for empathy and understanding.

If we want to make America great again, we are going to have to remember the greatness of God's Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17). God's Word "makes wise the simple" (Psalm 19:7), and in keeping its commandments and following its teachings, "there is great reward" (Psalm 19:11). It reminds us that "Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise" (Proverbs 17:28).
Sadly, not everyone is convinced the above teachings are expressions of divine wisdom, and so we are constantly exposed to embarrassing examples of rash words that expose folly and bring shame on those who speak too quickly or without knowledge (Proverbs 18:13).
Such was the case after Wednesday night's democratic convention featured Tim Walz, the party's VP candidate, accepting their nomination, and the broadcast showing numerous shots of his son responding with great emotion and expressiveness. Gus, who is 17, has been diagnosed with nonverbal learning disorder (NVLD) and is described as neurodivergent. Sadly, this fact, even when it was seemingly known by many who publicly commented, did not prevent them from publicly shaming themselves and their cause by mocking the young man. Having disdain for a parent's progressive and societally destructive ideologies is not an excuse to speak arrogantly and with disdain about another image bearer (Ephesians 4:29). We live in a world where there are far too many who 'tweet' and speak "rashly like the thrusts of a sword" and far too few who speak with the "the tongue of the wise" "which brings healing" (Proverbs 12:18). While we should all pray (2 Timothy 2:1-2) that the tongue of Tim Walz stops advocating for policies that destroy lives let us all disciple and exhort others who disagree with him to speak in a way that makes "knowledge acceptable" instead of "spouting folly" (Proverbs 15:2).
By: Todd Wagner
Other news you should know
🚫 Results are in, and… universal basic income doesn’t work.
🪪 SCOTUS ruled and Arizona must prove citizenship for voter registration.
😬 Kamala releases tax plan.
💼 Whoops, slight miscalculation to the tune of nearly 1M.
🕺🏻 “Pommel horse guy” to be on the upcoming season of Dancing with the Stars.
🦅 Will RFK Jr. join Team Trump? Some think we may find out today.

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