August 26, 2024

RFK Jr. Endorses Trump, DNC Recap

August 26, 2024

“Christianity is not just an intellectual belief system or a private faith; it demands a commitment to a living Lord who transforms lives and societies.”

John Stott

RFK Jr. Endorses Trump

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has suspended his independent presidential campaign and endorsed Donald Trump. Kennedy made the announcement at a Phoenix rally alongside Trump, citing shared values such as free speech, medical freedom, and opposition to the war in Ukraine as reasons for his decision. Despite this endorsement, Kennedy indicated that his supporters could still back him in states where his presence on the ballot remains while he will seek to remove his name in swing states where he could act as a "spoiler.” Listen to his (worth your time) speech here.

Two specific statements made by Kennedy during his announcement to join Trump are worth celebrating. Kennedy stated that he wants to make "America healthy again" and that a major motivation for joining Trump was that the former president wanted to leave "healthy children" as a part of his future legacy. Not only are these two initiatives that all good people celebrate, but they are two issues that all wise people should work to see accomplished in more than just the physical realm. America is unhealthy today for reasons that reach well beyond the pollution of our food sources or the influence of "big pharma." America is sick because it has long trusted in men whose campaign pitches and election-year promises have fallen well short of their execution during their years in office (Proverbs 20:6).

Kennedy himself has stated that he hopes this time President Trump 2.0 will do some of the things he failed to do as he promised during his first administration. This is not just a Trump problem; human rulers have tended to make grandiose promises, especially when running for office, which they are either unable to accomplish or from which they inevitably skillfully pivot or creatively explain their original intent so they once again are able to convince the masses they are still worthy of your support. The "getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor and a snare of death" (Proverbs 21:6) to both the one making the promise and those who put their hope in the promise maker (Jeremiah 17:5). As encouraging as Kennedy's words were, it is not like the Democratic party from which he is departing has been promoting America's obesity and diabetes epidemic, or with the stated goal of leaving behind more malnourished children without access to health care. And while it is CLEAR the Democratic platform is FILLED with nonsense and foolishness that will make America increasingly unhealthy, it is also true that there is plenty in the Republican platform that needs healing. While the democratic platform is demonstrably worse for our country than the alternative, both Trump and Kennedy need to be continually reminded that the "sine qua non" requirement essential to a child's health is safety from termination in the womb.

America is sick because of policies, laws, executive orders, and "recommendations" made by governmental agencies under both Republican and Democratic administrations. The only leader fully worthy of our trust is the One who does not lie (Numbers 23:19) and has demonstrated a sacrificial willingness to heal our disease of self-love and sin (Isaiah 53:4-5). America is sick not only because of high fructose corn syrup and a constantly growing vaccine schedule recommended by the CDC and AMA, but it is also sick because it has rejected the faithfulness God calls individuals and nations to and because it has refused to embrace God's cure for sin (2 Chronicles 7:14). As the psalmist reminds us, America will continue to be unhealthy as long as it puts its confidence in men instead of its trust in the Lord (Psalm 118:8-9).

America will be healthy again when the elect of God hold fast to the Word of God (Proverbs 3:18) and teach our children to do the same (Proverbs 22:6). While the lesser of two evils may be our only choice at the ballot box, it is assuredly evil if the remnant does not follow the Lord's prescription for a legacy of healthy children in our land (Deuteronomy 6:3-9).

By: Todd Wagner

DNC Recap

The 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) commenced and concluded last week, with a continuing strong focus on themes of "joy" and the defense of "abortion rights." Critics claim the event relied too heavily on familiar rhetoric, lacking fresh solutions or policies. The DNC platform, approved by a voice vote, contained an oversight mentioning Joe Biden as the nominated president despite not being proofread. Vice President Harris, while pledging to be "a president for all Americans," heavily referenced abortion rights, Project 2025, and launched verbal attacks on Donald Trump. Notably, reports indicate that 25 children were aborted in a Planned Parenthood mobile clinic outside the convention. You can read the DNC platform here.

Godless policies lead to a reality that grieves the heart of God, ushering in more darkness in our world and in the lives of our neighbors (Proverbs 14:34). For instance, reports indicate that there are now 25 fewer image bearers due to the DNC's policies and their troubling marriage with Planned Parenthood. 

However, it's crucial to recognize that both major parties exhibit corruption, though their detrimental effects vary across issues. While the GOP under Trump has mistakenly and tragically softened its stance on abortion compared to previous campaigns, the Democratic Party under Harris has only intensified its aggressive approach. Both are egregious and warrant our mourning, for these are not merely political issues but moral ones with eternal implications (2 Corinthians 7:10, Matthew 16:26). As our friend Allie Beth Stuckey aptly says, "Politics matters because policies matter because people matter."

As we emphasized last week, not all issues can be reduced to an "agree to disagree" attitude. While we've critiqued changes in the 2024 GOP Platform, the Bible grants us the freedom to push back against darkness from any corner of the earth (Ephesians 6:12). The Democratic Party Platform for 2024 is riddled with vain and empty words (1 Timothy 6:20). Rather than presenting new policies or ideas, it recycles tired slogans like "right to choose."

Christians who are well-versed in church tradition, history, or biology will find it challenging to align with the platform's positions on issues such as abortion, transgenderism, and marriage (Jeremiah 1:5, Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:24). Yet, our ultimate authority must be the Bible and the guidance of the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16-17, John 16:13), not political affiliations.

Therefore, voters should carefully evaluate the platforms—more carefully, perhaps, than even the Democratic Party's own leaders. Most importantly, let it be true that the church in America examines our own hearts far more thoroughly than we scrutinize others (2 Corinthians 13:5). Remnant, "Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation" (Psalm 146:3), but trust in the Lord above all else (Jeremiah 17:7).

By: Jamie Wilder

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