August 28, 2023

"Global Warming", Shooting In Florida, Shooting in Oklahoma

August 28, 2023

Quote of the day:

 "Courage is fear that has said its prayers."

- Karl Barth

Today’s Headlines

Arson Leads to Wildfires in Greece

Authorities have arrested two men suspected of deliberately starting fires in Greece, contributing to the wildfires that have claimed the lives of at least 21 individuals. One arrest was made on Evia Island, where a man admitted to igniting multiple fires in the Karystos area. Another man was apprehended in Larissa, accused of intentionally starting fires in dried vegetation. While arson has been identified as the cause of several fires, the origins of larger blazes, including the one in Evros that resulted in the most casualties, remain uncertain.

The Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, Vassilis Kikilias, condemned the actions of arsonists as criminal and despicable. With firefighters combating over 100 blazes in a single day, Greece sought international assistance, with countries like Germany, Sweden, Croatia, and Cyprus sending aircraft, and numerous firefighters from other nations provided on-ground support. This year alone, over 160 people have been arrested in connection with fire-related offenses.


The Remnant's Response:

It is difficult to listen to the constant barrage of propaganda in news cycles without becoming overly callous toward the claim of so-called ‘expert’ testimony. It is our responsibility to be vigilant and discerning in the face of the latest doomsday prophecies consistently put forward by a profit-motivated media, which is compensated by clicks and captivated viewers. Add the problem of local, national, and world leaders motivated by using fear to further their agendas, and we understand why our Lord told us to be “wise as servants” when dealing with our world.

There is no denying that man has been given great responsibility in our stewardship of God’s earth (Genesis 1:28). There is also no denying that, despite the barrage of testimony by societal elites and government spokespersons, the ‘science’ is far from decided on the issue of our impending climate doom. One thing we do know is that when Jesus returns to earth (Revelation 19:11ff), he returns to people, so whatever is going on with our “warming issues,” it does not lead to our extinction. It is also worth noting that what is clear about the wildfires in Greece and the tragedy in Hawaii is that specific human sin and multiple errors made by industry and governments caused these problems. It was not carbon emissions that caused these tragedies; it was ‘cardo’ (heart) trouble.

To be sure, one expression of sin is disregard for the proper care and stewardship of God’s creation, but it is also a grave sin to elevate God’s creation to a position of importance beyond His intention. To paraphrase Jesus, the earth was made for man, not man for the earth. Whenever you see the animal world more protected than human life or nature elevated to a position of sovereignty over humanity, which God created in His image, you can be sure something other than science is behind it (2 Corinthians 2:11).

Shooting at Oklahoma Football Game

During a high school football game between Choctaw High School and Del City High School in Choctaw, Oklahoma, a shooting resulted in the death of a 16-year-old boy who was not a student of either school. Two other individuals were wounded by gunfire, including a 42-year-old man with a gunshot wound to the chest and a "young female" with a thigh wound. Two additional females sustained broken bones while fleeing the scene. Choctaw Police Chief Kelly Marshall stated that an argument between at least two males led to the shooting. No arrests have been announced, but a person of interest is being pursued. Law enforcement recovered two guns and eight rounds at the scene. Seven Choctaw police officers and two off-duty Del City officers were present at the game. Governor Kevin Stitt expressed condolences and stated that the situation is being monitored.


The Remnant's Response:

America has a problem, and it is not guns (Psalm 50:22). But if we Americans don't soon deal with our sin problem, we will not only lose our freedom to own guns; we will lose all our freedom (Deuteronomy 28:15). Fear is a powerful motivator. It is so powerful that people will give away freedom for perceived safety. When simple, joy-filled things like high school football games, trips to the mall, or gatherings in any public space become homes to violence instead of places of rest, it won't be long before simple-minded people trade freedoms for a promised future. Wise men know societies without guns, but still filled with sinners, will still have quarrels, disputes, and death (James 4:1-4).

The remnant's job is to call people to deal with the source of trouble, not the tools with which trouble is made. It is our job to remind people that a failure to live well with our freedoms will lead to us living in despair without them (Mark 7:20-23).

Our problem is not what we holster on our sides; it is the sin we hold onto inside of us. If we don't soon come to our senses, we will come to be victims of sinful governmental leaders who will keep their guns and promise us peace if we would only cede our freedoms to them. While this ceding of freedoms may lead to less gun violence from citizen to citizen, you can be sure it will not reduce but only multiply the violence done to men. God alone has a plan for our peace, and to God alone we should cede our freedom (Romans 6:17-18, Matthew 11:28-30, Galatians 5:1).

Shooting In Florida

Authorities in Jacksonville, Florida, have identified the victims of a shooting at a Dollar General store on Saturday, which the Justice Department is investigating as a hate crime. The victims were Anolt "AJ" Laguerre Jr., 19; Jerrald De'Shaun Gallon, 29; and Angela Michelle Carr, 52, all of whom were Black. The shooter left behind "manifestos," indicating a racial motivation for the attack.

The gunman used an assault-style rifle and a handgun, wore a tactical vest, and had written swastikas on the gun. The shooter acted alone and had previous involvement with law enforcement and mental health services.


The Remnant’s Response:

Racism in any form is completely condemned by any true follower of Jesus. There is no room in the heart of God’s people for hatred of anything other than sin. The concept of “hate crimes” is manufactured by man. God hates everything that damages human relationships (Proverbs 6:16-19) and Jesus makes it clear that in the Lord’s eyes even speaking hateful words to a fellow image bearer is akin to murder (Matt 5:21-22). Sin breaks the heart of God and it should break the heart of Gods people.

The Bible makes it clear in Acts 17:26 that God made every nation of men from one blood. We are all of one human race and we are all made in the image of God. Nobody can claim to have a relationship with Christ and at the same time embrace any form of racial superiority or discrimination against others based on ethnicity, tribe, skin color, physical attributes or perceived utility (James 2:9).

Other news you should know

🇨🇳 China encouraging baby making through “sweet love”.

🇪🇸 Spanish World champion womens soccer team boycotting future competition over a kiss.

👛 It’s a Barbie world when the movie brings in more than $1 billion at the global box office.

Today is the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington and MLK Jr’s Dream.

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