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- August 30, 2024
August 30, 2024
Zuckerberg “Confesses,” Telegram CEO in Trouble, College Football Kickoff
“Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.”
St. Augustine
Table of Contents
Telegram CEO in Trouble

Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, was charged in France with crimes related to failing to prevent illegal activities on the platform and was barred from leaving the country. The indictment marks a rare move to hold a tech executive personally accountable for user actions, intensifying debates about the responsibilities of tech companies in policing content. Durov was accused of enabling activities such as child sexual abuse material and drug trafficking, leading to a potential 10-year prison sentence. This case highlights growing government pressure on tech platforms to address harmful content while raising concerns about free speech and privacy implications.

Anyone who cares about freedom should care deeply about freedom of speech, and everyone who cares about freedom should care deeply about what is said; after all, “The tongue has the power of life and death.” (Proverbs 18:21). If the freedom to express truth and life-giving ideas is suppressed, death and lies will increase. There is a reason that a righteous king proudly declares that his “eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land” while those “who practice deceit shall not dwell within my house” and those ”who speak falsehood shall not maintain his position before me” (Psalm 101:6-7).
There is no doubt that a wise and loving parent limits what their children see and hear as seeing and hearing are central to training (Philippians 4:9, Proverbs 22:6). The question is not whether leaders should protect those under their care; the Lord Himself clearly demands that (Ezekiel 34:5-6), the question is what do the leaders care to protect people from. Few people, for now at least, would argue against a government working diligently to prevent money laundering, drug running, and child pornography (Psalm 101:8), and every lover of good should encourage Zuckerberg, Musk, and Durov to work diligently to eliminate all of these from their platforms. We should be constantly wary of governments that demand the right to evaluate, regulate, and unilaterally suppress speech without accountability and oversight. When this happens, we should brace ourselves for trouble, especially when said governments have already cast their lots with the culture of death and immorality (Romans 1:32).
A government of the people and by the people will only be a blessing for the people if the leaders are committed to the only thing that truly blesses people (Psalm 1). Until the day comes when a righteous leader governs the land (Isaiah 32:1-5), the rest of us should remain skeptical when those who govern our land claim it is righteous to take away our right to communicate our thoughts and convictions. If France is going to arrest Durov for not giving them access to posts before they are posted, then the leaders of le poste (France’s postal service) and Orange (France’s largest telecommunications provider) better brace themselves for arrest unless they give the government the right to read the mail before it is delivered or approve a phone call before it is made, and none of us think that is a good idea. Men should be and will be (Ecclesiastes 12:14) held accountable for every action, but giving the government the ability to control speech before we hear it is the path to slavery, not freedom. The remnant has been given an example to follow when worldly governments suppress speech in order to protect power structures and keep people in darkness. May the Lord use our efforts in these newsletters and your application of the biblical Truths that are brought forth to raise up the next courageous generation of faithful disciples.
“And when they had summoned them, they commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge, for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:18-20).
By: Todd Wagner
Zuckerberg’s “Regret”

Mark Zuckerberg shareed a letter written to Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) in which he seemed to share regret that his company, Meta, participated in partisan censorship during the Covid-19 pandemic and the 2020 election. Over the last two years, Zuckerberg has himself testified before congress, as have many Meta employees related to concerns about information being inappropriately moderated and/or manipulated. Concerns over censorship and the responsibility of media companies have made it all the way to the Supreme Court and remain a conversation during the current election cycle.

While some may view this letter as vindication, others call it another attempt to pander to the government. Where Zuckerberg may have “given in” to the democratic party or White House over the last several years, now he seems to be “giving in” to the pressures of pleasing Republicans with a “confession” or apology (2 Timothy 4:3). At this point, we know better than to trust the words of one who so clearly seems to be “tickling the ears” of those with whom he may foresee needing favor with soon, and we would be wise to remember that some “kisses” are deceitful (Proverbs 27:6). Thousands of hours have been dedicated to searching out the truth regarding censorship and foul play, and no actionable information came to light, even after a review by the Supreme Court. Does this mean there was no impropriety? Only the naive would believe this to be the case. History has shown that Meta and other major media companies like them have proven they are not primarily concerned with the public well-being, truth, or justice. With sky-rocketing rates of addiction, mental health-related issues, and algorithms proven to thrive on dark news, there is no question that social media should be carefully consumed and diligently evaluated (Proverbs 4:23).
By: Kirby Mankin
Ohio State Evangelists

Social media is buzzing about a “revival” at Ohio State University as several star football players held a gathering and shared the gospel of Jesus Christ and their testimony of how Jesus has changed their lives. Several videos posted online showed a large gathering with thousands of students responding to the call of Jesus and dedicating their lives to Christ. The students went on to worship the Lord, and many publicly expressed their new faith in Jesus with late-night baptisms while thousands of students participated and looked on.

God uses His people and stories like the Ohio State report to encourage us when we are despairing, to remind us of the call on our own lives, and to assure us that His grace is always at work and never ceases (Lamentations 3:22-23). The Remnant may (and should) despair, pray, and cry out for repentance for this nation and people that once proudly claimed to be “under God.” It is the ultimate comfort to know that the Lord is always at work, never sleeping (Psalm 121:4), and purposefully, patiently pursuing mankind so that even just one more may come to know the Lord Jesus Christ before Judgment (Exodus 34:6; 2 Peter 3:8-10). When the Remnant sees other Believers using their platform to serve God’s will and spread the Gospel, we should not only be encouraged but also reminded of the call on our own lives and platforms (Ephesians 2:10). We are to live our lives denying ourselves and joining in Christ’s suffering, shouldering our own cross (Matthew 16:24-26) and pursuing the Lost as sacrificially as Christ (1 Timothy 4:5). Jesus came for the Lost (Luke 19:10), and the Lord expects those of us who love Him to love as He loves and seek as He sought, whether you are a college athlete or a college drop out, the Lord expects you to join Him in sharing His Gospel with others. Perhaps more bluntly, Charles Spurgeon said, “Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you’re not saved yourself.” To see star athletes at a storied football school known as THE Ohio State University aligning their primary concern with that of their Savior and using their platform to point the lost to THE way, THE truth, and THE life (John 14:6) is something the Remnant can celebrate and should replicate. Be reminded that when God uses lowly man to spread the miraculous good news of Jesus Christ, even the mighty angels long to marvel at such a Divine plot twist (1 Peter 1:12).
By: Matthew Lopez
Other news you should know
🪖 Deadliest raid carried out in West Bank since war began.
💉 Polio vaccines being administered after first case confirmed in Gaza.
🏡 We promise this won’t age well.
💵 Interview exposes the bad economics.
🤑 Berkshire Hathaway hits $1T.
🏰 Disney and Reliance merger worth $8.5B goes forward.
🛢 1 million barrels of crude oil could be leaking into the Red Sea.

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