August 11, 2023

Suspension in Florida, Threat to Biden, Richard Dawkins is right

August 11, 2023

"A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t."

- Charles Spurgeon

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Today’s Headlines

Desantis Suspends Second State Attorney

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has suspended Monique Worrell, a Democratic state attorney who represents Orlando’s 9th Judicial Circuit. This decision marks DeSantis' second instance of removing a Democratic prosecutor in under a year, following his suspension of Andrew Warren, who had pledged not to enforce certain state laws—specifically, abortion restrictions and laws related to gender transition procedures for minors.

The suspension of Worrell comes in the midst of an ongoing investigation involving a teenager charged with the fatal shooting of both a reporter and a 9-year-old girl. Adding to the complexity, DeSantis highlighted another instance where Worrell's office declined to charge a teenager initially arrested for multiple gun-related offenses, who later went on to fatally shoot his pregnant girlfriend. Central to the issue is DeSantis' claim that Worrell consistently neglected mandatory minimum sentences for serious crimes, such as gun violations, drug trafficking, and child pornography.


The Remnant’s Response:

“If you see the oppression of the poor and the denial of justice and righteousness in the province, do not be shocked at the sight; for one official watches over another official, and there are higher officials over them” (Ecclesiastes 5:8).

The story here is not that a Republican governor removed a democratic state attorney, but rather that we can rejoice that a higher authority watching over another authority did the right thing. Anyone who “justifies the wicked” or “condemns the righteous” is an “an abomination to the LORD” (Proverbs 17:15) and we can be sure they will give an answer to Him (Colossians 3:25).

The heart that is genuinely concerned with justice recognizes the imperative of punishing evildoers, irrespective of their tribe, family or fortune (Deuteronomy 1:17). Truth and justice are not matters of personal preference (Deuteronomy 32:4). Individuals entrusted with power to bring justice should be replaced when it is established that they are unwilling to fulfill their role (1 Samuel 15:26-28).

Alleged Threat To President

An armed Utah man named Craig Deleeuw Robertson, accused of making violent threats against President Joe Biden, was shot and killed by FBI agents in Provo. The shooting occurred while agents were attempting to serve a warrant at Robertson's home. Robertson had posted online threats against Biden and other public figures, as well as law enforcement officials. Despite having access to weapons, Robertson was described by neighbors as frail and non-threatening. Biden was briefed on the matter and was visiting Utah for an event related to veterans' benefits when the FBI raid which led to Robertson’s death occurred.


The Remnant’s Response:

While more clarity will come to light about the details of the FBI’s actions around this tragic event, there is already a clear lesson for the remnant to learn from.

What you say online is louder than you think and “lives longer” than you can imagine. What you say everywhere matters (Proverbs 13:3). The wise guard their tongue (Proverbs 21:23), use their speech to build others up (Ephesians 4:23), and remember the tongue has the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:23). This does not mean the remnant should be hesitant to speak Truth when it is costly. Silence in the midst of sin is sin (Matthew 5:10-12, Galatians 1:10). But it is a good reminder that many of our troubles come not from what we do say but from how and when we say it (Proverbs 15:1). Our speech should be “seasoned with salt” so it can give “grace to those who hear it” (Colossians 4:5-6).

May the Lord give us a ‘wise tongue’ so ‘knowledge will be acceptable’ (Proverbs 15:2) and a salty courageous tongue so the world’s “Hyponatremia” is treated.

Richard Dawkins Is Right

Celebrated Author, evolutionary biologist and well known atheist, Richard Dawkins, is in the news for his support of the scientific reality of two sexes. Dawkins unashamedly asserts that gender is binary and ultimately determined by one's biological sex. Dawkins recently wrote an essay that sparked backlash stating, "A woman is an adult human female, free of Y chromosomes"—a statement widely decried as an oversimplification of gender identity and denounced as transphobic.

The famed Professor for Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University has been accused of “abandoning science” and transphobia.


The Remnant’s Response:

Generally speaking, there are chasms between the beliefs of the Bible and Richard Dawkins, but we have found common ground on the issue of gender and two sexes. The Remnant knows God created male and female (Genesis 1:27) while Dawkins maintains that evolutionary processes led to this biological reality.

What is most fascinating about Dawkins' stance is the backlash it has provoked from those who once revered him. As a champion of secular rationalism and science, Dawkins has long criticized religious belief. But now that he contradicts the progressive narrative on gender identity using scientific arguments about biological sex, Dawkins faces swift condemnation. His views are deemed irrational, ignorant, and hateful by the very groups who uphold science and reason as supreme authorities. Dawkins is abandoned by his own tribe and the secular culture he helped build. Dawkins, would be well served to know, as Christ did, the fickleness of man (John 2:24-25).

Those who celebrate you one day may soon claim you are untrustworthy tomorrow. It is hours not years that separate cries ocf “hosanna” (Matthew 21:9) from “crucify Him” (Matthew 27:22).

This reveals the hypocrisy and contradictions of the contemporary leftist agenda. Science is only valued when it affirms their ideology, and discarded when it doesn't. Outspoken atheists like Dawkins are celebrated until the moment they challenge any aspect of the approved social platform or power structure. Commitment to truth bows to the demands of political correctness and personal agendas. In this way, the so-called "tolerant" left increasingly mirrors a rigid religious orthodoxy, enforcing acceptance of specific beliefs with cult-like zeal. Dawkins' cancellation shows that even the high priests of secularism can quickly fall from grace for blaspheming the dogmas of the day. The remnant hold to Truth even when it leads to “insults” and “persecutions” and all kinds of “false evils” being spoken against you (Matthew 5:10-12).

Other news you should know

🔥 Devastating fires hit Maui this week affecting thousands. Some lost loved ones, others lost homes, businesses, and all personal belongings. Here is a place to give if you feel led.

🟩 Manchin is thinking about going independent.

🎰 Allegedly… the lefty has bet $1B in his career.

🏠 4 US citizens released to house arrest in Iran in exchange for unfrozen funds.

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