Happy Birthday, America!

We are excited to announce the official launch of our newsletter! Starting with a special 4th of July edition, we will be delivering the most pressing news directly to your inbox on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Our aim in reporting is to provide you with pertinent information and remove as much bias as possible in our reporting.

Quote of the day:

"In all ages there has been a remnant according to the election of grace; and at this present time the Lord has His own hidden ones, who are the true conservators of the gospel, the truly illuminated of the Holy Spirit, the living witnesses of Jesus Christ."

- Charles Spurgeon

Special edition: We are excited to announce the official launch of our newsletter! Starting with a special 4th of July edition, we will be delivering the most pressing news directly to your inbox on a consistent weekly cadence. Our aim in reporting is to provide you with pertinent information and remove as much bias as possible in our reporting.

The distinguishing feature of this newsletter is what we call “the Remnant Response,” which is simply our attempt at sharing what God’s word has to say on any given issue. When it comes to #theRemnantResponse, our primary focus is not political correctness but theological exactness.

We believe there is only one source of truth (2 Tim 3:16), and that is found in God's revelation to us, rightly 'divided' and understood (2 Tim 2:15). We understand that truth divides (Luke 12:51), but it also creates the beauty God desires for all of us to walk in the ancient paths (Jer 6:16). Our intention is not to sow division; it is to sow the words of life into receptive hearts so God’s people can bear fruit as servants of His Kingdom (Matt 13:18-23). We believe this Truth, while dividing light from darkness, will ultimately foster greater unity among the remnant who love and cling to the truth (John 17:20-21). We pray your time spent with us here will help keep you well-informed (1 Peter 5:8), courageous (2 Tim 1:7, Jeremiah 1:17), and engaged (1 Peter 3:15).

Thank you for trusting us as those who will rightly divide the word in truth. (2 Tim 2:15)

Note: Today’s “news” will be different (and much longer) than our typical stories. We’ve linked two stories below from our Instagram that are more typical to our style in length and format.

Today’s headlines

America turns 247

247 years ago, a courageous group of founders, "with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence," came together to "mutually pledge to each their Lives, their Fortunes, and their sacred Honor" to one another and unanimously declared among the 13 United States of America their independence from a rule they believed to be "a Tyrant... unfit to be the ruler of a free people."

There is no way they could have foreseen the full extent of their signatures and commitment to 'form a more perfect Union'. Their boldness ignited a revolution that shifted the course of the world, which only eternity will fully reveal. From America's earliest days, despite the obvious imperfections and injustices, most pronounced by decades-long acceptance of chattel slavery, America's intention to constantly improve itself, even when necessary by civil war, has brought immense good and prosperity to the world.

From its earliest days, America has championed the cause of democratic governance, firmly believing in the power of the people to shape their own destinies. The United States established a constitution that has stood the test of time, providing a framework for a government that is accountable to its citizens and safeguarding individual liberties.

This great nation has also been at the forefront of economic prosperity, embracing the principles of free enterprise, innovation, and entrepreneurship. From the Industrial Revolution to the digital age, American ingenuity has fueled economic growth and paved the way for transformative advancements that have shaped the modern world.

America's commitment to humanitarian aid has extended a helping hand to those in need, both within its borders and beyond. In times of crisis, the United States has provided vital assistance, offering relief to those affected by natural disasters, armed conflicts, and global health crises. From its founding, it has purposed to exemplify the spirit of compassion and solidarity, continually striving to alleviate suffering and improve lives.

Technological innovation has long been a hallmark of America's achievements. From the Wright brothers' first flight to the exploration of outer space, American inventors and scientists have pushed the boundaries of what is possible. Through groundbreaking discoveries, they have revolutionized industries, transformed communication, and unlocked new frontiers of knowledge.

The United States prides itself on its rich tapestry of cultural diversity and the enduring legacy of immigration. Throughout its history, America has welcomed people from all corners of the globe, providing opportunities for a better life and fostering a society that thrives on the contributions of individuals from diverse backgrounds. This vibrant mix of cultures, ideas, and talents has made America a vibrant and dynamic nation.

Moreover, American culture has had an indelible influence on the world stage. From Hollywood movies that have captivated audiences worldwide to the universal appeal of American music, literature, and art, American creativity has transcended borders, shaping popular culture and leaving an indelible mark on global society.

To be sure, America, like any nation, is not and has not been without its flaws and challenges. Its journey has been marked by struggles and contradictions in its pursuit of a "more perfect union." Yet, even with all its flaws, for the past two and a half centuries, America has stood as a testament to the possibilities of a nation that has aspired to be the land of liberty.

As the world's most influential country, America continues to evolve, striving to live up to its ideals, address its shortcomings, and forge a path toward a brighter future. Its enduring spirit of resilience, innovation, and unwavering belief in the potential of its people inspires not only its citizens but also those who look to it as a symbol of hope and possibility.

In the grand tapestry of history, America shines as a remarkable nation that, despite its imperfections, has illuminated the world with its pursuit of freedom, prosperity, and the promise of a better tomorrow.


The Remnant’s Response:

America is an idea that is in crisis. While its early settlers arrived seeking a land where they could freely worship and serve God, and they aspired to create a community that would be a "city on a hill," by the time their descendants declared their intention in 1776 to break free from the tyranny of King George's England, they had forgotten to use God's word as their guide in all things. They had left the ancient paths, where the good way is (Jeremiah 6:16), and adopted the course of this world in their embrace of the slave trade. The signers of the Declaration of Independence boldly proclaimed the "self-evident" belief that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, including Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Yet, they actively denied these rights to their fellow human beings who were also made in God's image.

NOTE: The way slavery is addressed in the New Testament has nothing to do with the evil of what is commonly known as the "African slave trade." Kidnapping, owning, and selling others have always been condemned by our good and just God (Exodus 21:16).

It is always a grave danger for believers to embrace the cultural moment in lieu of the word of God (1 Kings 18:21). Syncretism is sin (Deut 6:13-15). The Word of God is not an idea to be considered alongside the best opinions of men or to be diminished in its application because it is profitable for personal gain or because it provides economic benefit to ignore it (James 4:4).

America, like everything this side of heaven, has always been and always will be imperfect. However, that does not negate the immeasurable good it has accomplished. Arguably, the United States has done more to advance the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ than any nation in history. We can express gratitude to God for this, even as we remain diligent in addressing evil at every point (Eph 5:11). It requires minimal effort to recognize the presence of evil in our country today, as it proudly celebrates acts that clearly contradict God's word.

The same is true in our individual lives. Each of us have work to do in rooting out the sin in our lives. We can never rest against the relentless efforts of the enemy who seeks to poison our hearts and destroy our witness for God (1 Peter 5:8). But if we wait until we are perfect before we are willing to represent the Lord, we will be forever waiting. Every area of our life that is out of sync with the will of God should be continually addressed, even as every opportunity we have to do good should be embraced (Phil 3:13-16). Today, let's all spend time praying for our country and its leaders (1 Tim 2:1-2), and let's remember that our country is made up of citizens, including us, who need to be admonished, encouraged, and helped (1 Thess 5:14). The vision set forth by John Winthrop, shared with his Puritan congregation before they journeyed to establish the land we now know as the United States of America, is a good word for all the remnant today.

"For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a by-word throughout the world."

Much is still at stake. Let us not be asleep. Let us not shrink back in our test.


Israel Bound: Win Your Spot.

Inspired by 1 Kings 19:18, we're giving away 2 spots for a group trip to Israel: one spot for our 7,000th subscriber + one spot for the subscriber who referred them to The Remnant.

To enter:

  1. Make sure you’re an active subscriber to The Remnant.

  2. Refer your friends by sharing your referral link at the bottom of this email.

  3. Winners will be announced at 7,000 subscribers.

Full terms & conditions at https://www.theremnantnews.org/giveaway. Must be 18+ to participate. No purchase necessary.

Other news you should know:

Supreme Court decision: 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis. The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in favor of a Christian web designer who refused to work on a same-sex wedding website.

Supreme Court blocks Biden’s student debt forgiveness plan. The Supreme Court has struck down President Biden's plan for student loan forgiveness, ruling that it exceeds the authority granted by federal law.

Twitter limits amount of tweets its users can read daily as it faces data scraping impacting user experience. Meanwhile, Elon’s new arch nemesis is launching a competitor to twitter. 

Tensions remain high in France as the 6th day of rioting continue over the death of 17 year old Nahel Merzouk.