January 10, 2024

Pope on Surrogacy, Ftw Explosion, Iraq and US Relations

January 10, 2024

Do not be content with showing friendship in words alone, let your heart burn with loving kindness for all who may cross your path.”
 John Calvin

The Pope Got It Right

Pope Francis strongly condemned surrogate motherhood, calling it a "despicable" practice that should be universally banned due to its commercialization of pregnancy. He included surrogacy among threats to peace and humanity, expressing concern about turning unborn children into objects of trafficking. The Pope called for a global ban on surrogacy, emphasizing the exploitation of women's material needs. Surrogacy is already illegal in Italy, and compensated surrogacy is restricted in many European countries. The Pope's remarks align with his strong stance on life and consistent opposition to practices like surrogacy, in vitro fertilization, and abortion.

Pope Francis has been in the Remnant News several times these last months, and sadly, each time, it has been related to problems with his leadership and drifting convictions, which required our response to be admonishments (1 Thessalonians 5:14). We are happy to report that today no such admonition is necessary. The remnant is thankful that the spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic faith has yesterday faithfully spoken out to protect women, children, the sanctity of the marital union, and is encouraging his people to trust a sovereign God when dealing with infertility.

God’s word is clear that children are a gift from the Lord (Psalm 127:3), and the gift of children is to come from the union of a husband and a wife (Genesis 1:27-28). The first time we see a third person introduced as a solution to infertility is in Genesis 16 when “Sarai said to Abram, “Now behold, the LORD has prevented me from bearing children. Please go into my maid; perhaps I will obtain children through her” (Genesis 16:2). Needless to say, it didn’t go well from there (Genesis 16:5-6, 21:9-10). Getting “creative” to help God accomplish things never does (Proverbs 14:12). God doesn’t need our creativity, he wants our obedience (John 14:15). While there is immense pain associated with infertility, there is always more pain that awaits us if we don’t wait on the Lord and trust in Him instead of our own solutions (Proverbs 3:5-6). If you know someone struggling with infertility, pray with them and encourage them by reminding them of God’s character, sufficiency, and trustworthiness (Psalm 27:14). Here is a trusted resource to share with them as you bear their burden with them (Galatians 6:2). When Empty Arms Become a Heavy Burden: Encouragement for Couples Facing Infertility.

By Todd Wagner

Iraq Wants US Out

Iraq's Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, intends to discuss the removal of American troops with the U.S. following a Baghdad strike that killed the leader of an Iranian-backed militia group. Al-Sudani criticizes the strike as a violation of Iraq's sovereignty. President Biden, justifying the strike with a 2002 Iraq War measure, faces opposition from lawmakers seeking its repeal. The Pentagon, despite Baghdad's announcement, asserts no plans for U.S. troop withdrawal, deeming the strike necessary against a militant leader involved in attacks on American personnel.

Sin's corruption begins in individual human hearts and quickly extends to conflicts between generations and soon relations between nations (Genesis 25:21-23), as is evidenced in the latest tension between the U.S. and Iraq. Nations bear a moral duty to protect lives and maintain order (Exodus 22:2-3), but agreeing on how to work together to accomplish that is no easy assignment. Pray with the Remnant team for "kings and those who are in authority" (1 Timothy 2:1-2) who have to balance the assignment of protecting their individual sovereignty and yet work together to punish evil-doers in the land.

By Jamie Wilder

Fort Worth Explosion

A powerful explosion shook Fort Worth, Texas, on Monday, leaving nearly two dozen people injured and causing significant damage to the Sandman Signature Fort Worth Downtown Hotel. According to MedStar, at least 21 individuals were injured, with one in critical condition and four in serious condition. Emergency responders rescued several trapped individuals in the hotel's basement, and a secondary search party was initiated to locate the rest of the victims.

The cause of the explosion is still under investigation, with early reports suggesting it might have originated in a nearby restaurant undergoing construction. Fort Worth Police advised avoiding the downtown area, and Texas Governor Greg Abbott expressed readiness to provide additional assistance if needed.

Our first response in all things should be prayer for all those involved and prayer for God's healing for those who have been injured (1 Thessalonians 5:17; Philippians 4:6-7). Secondly, a surprise event like this should remind us of the brevity of our life (James 4:14). We have no idea the hour or the day our time on earth may end. Every day is a gift. Every day is potentially the last day to serve our King. Wise men don't boast about tomorrow because they don't know what a day will bring forth (Proverbs 27:1). 

Scripture highlights two centralized components of our lives here on earth that will last forever. One is the soul of a human being (Daniel 12:2), and the other is the Word of God (Isaiah 40:8; 1 Peter 1:25). Each and every day, our primary objective as believers should be to invest in these two eternal areas. The remnant should be sharing the truth of God's grace and coming Kingdom as often as possible and filling their heart and mind with the Truth of God's word on a daily basis. Events like this serve as a somber reminder that we should live sober-minded, grateful for each day, and ready for THE day when we will meet our soon and coming King (Luke 12:35-38). Are you ready to give an account of your work when the "Son of man comes at an hour that you do not expect?" (Luke 12:40)

By Remnant News Team

Other news you should know

🧑🏻‍⚕️ Joe Biden is trying to force doctors to do abortions even after courts rebuked him.

🇺🇸 Is this Christian Nationalism? Biden holds campaign event at a black church in South Carolina.

🌝 Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chief says agency X account was hacked after apparent bitcoin fund approval.

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