January 15, 2024

Israel Update, Palestine Protests at the WH, Navy Seals Missing

January 15, 2024

Without doubt, the mightiest thought the mind can entertain is the thought of God, and the weightest word in any language is its word for God.”
 A.W. Tozer

100 Days of War

Sunday marked the 100th day of the Israel-Hamas war. Approximately 120,000 Israeli's gathered in "Hostages Square" to commemorate it. PM Benjamin Netanyahu vows that "nobody will stop us" in reference to their effort to destroy Hamas. Israel is currently facing accusations of genocide in the International Court of Justice. Last week, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken faced challenging discussions with Israeli leaders on Gaza's post-war future. Currently, the U.S. and Israel differ on the future of Gaza's governance after a potential defeat of Hamas. While Israel's military continues its offensive, heavy bombardment and fighting continue to bring devastation to refugees and disruption to relief efforts. The United Nations estimates that at least 85% of Gaza's population has experienced displacement. 

It is always the way of the faithful to, as much as possible, seek and maintain peace (Psalm 34:14-15). However, we must remember that vengeance belongs to the Lord (Romans 12:19), and evil must be constantly addressed (Romans 12:21) even as we mourn the loss of innocent lives on both sides of every war. 100 days into this conflict finds 134 innocents (including 17 women, 2 children, 15 adults over the age of 65, and 8 foreigners) still being held hostage in Gaza. 

Even while Israel fights to protect itself against those who seek their destruction, they are constantly fighting another battle against those who challenge their right to respond, and recently, they are having to defend themselves in the International Court of Justice as South Africa has accused them of breaching the genocide convention. Distractions like this are not new for those who seek to defend this land (Nehemiah 6). As we have written extensively about and make clear in this podcast Israel has a right and need to defend itself. 

Once the intended defeat of Hamas is accomplished (a complex measurable), even more complex problems await as leaders seek to reconcile generations of anger, conflicting beliefs, and values in the region. The remnant is called to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6-7) and constantly remember that without Jesus being embraced as their Messiah trouble will continue to come in every heart and every land (Zechariah 12).

By Todd Wagner

Two Seals Missing

Two U.S. Navy SEALs are missing off the coast of Somalia after falling into the water during a nighttime boarding mission. The incident occurred in the Gulf of Aden while the SEALs were climbing aboard a vessel; one fell into the sea due to high waves, prompting the other to jump in to help, following Navy SEAL protocol. Both disappeared, leading to an ongoing search and rescue operation. The Gulf of Aden has witnessed increased U.S. Naval activity, but officials state the incident is unrelated to recent responses to Houthi-led attacks or Iran seizing an oil tanker. The details of the SEALs' mission and the targeted vessel remain unclear.

While much of this story is unknown and unclear, one thing is not: love is the throughline of sacrifice and courage, and the height of love is the willingness to lay down one's life for friends (John 15:13). It is good when our protectors have a protocol that mirrors the height of love and even better when we have men who follow that protocol even at the risk of their own life. America is blessed to be safeguarded by elite military units, unseen and silent heroes on dangerous missions.

It is a good habit to regularly lift them up in prayer, recognizing the safety they provide us, often without us fully knowing the risk and sometimes the cost of these missions (1 Timothy 2:1-2).

Let us honor everyone, love the brotherhood, fear God, and show respect to those in authority and who serve us (1 Peter 2:17). Join us in praying for a fully successful rescue mission for these two Navy SEALs, their brothers in service, and their families. We worship a God who is close to those who call upon Him (Psalm 145:18) and able to rescue us from physical and spiritual dangers. Pray especially for the salvation of those whose lives are in constant peril, and remind yourself daily that tomorrow is guaranteed for no one. (Proverbs 27:2) May the remnant be as faithful in their service to the King (2 Timothy 2:3-4) as these two seals were determined to be in serving us.

By Jamie Wilder

Pro-Palestine Protests at the White House

Anti-Israel demonstrators, including pro-Palestinian rioters, gathered outside the White House, engaging in "destructive behavior" such as damaging security fencing and throwing objects at police. The protesters chanted slogans like "Ceasefire Now," "Allu Akbar," "F— Joe Biden," and "Free Palestine," waving Palestinian flags. Some of the demonstrators damaged the anti-scale fencing, leading to the relocation of White House staff and journalists. The U.S. Secret Service repaired the temporary damage, and there were no arrests or property damage to the White House.

As I have written before, people rallying around an idea doesn’t make the idea worth rallying around (Exodus 23:2). I agree with Anatole France, who famously said, “If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.” Those protesting Israel’s right to prosecute a just war against a terrorist regime that is committed to the eradication of their nation-state are denying the necessary reality of the moment (Romans 13:3-4). To be sure, many Palestinians living in Gaza are themselves victims of Hamas, and the best way to ‘free Palestine’ is to free them from ‘unwanted’ wicked leadership, which keeps them at enmity with good. Meanwhile, we are blessed in America to live in a land where ‘passionate’ individuals can gather together to articulate their views, but it is important to remember our First Amendment allows for people to peaceably assemble, not violently. Violent assembly is a form of insurrection and should be treated as such (Romans 13:3). Our nation has weakened these last years as weak and ineffective leadership has not prosecuted and stopped destructive assemblies, further emboldening lawlessness (Isaiah 26:10). A failed governmental response (Proverbs 22:10) to foolishly disruptive protests will only lead to more foolish protests and violence (Proverbs 29:11). Failure to hold violent protestors accountable like this and those witnessed in Seattle, Washington; Kenosha, Wisconsin, and other places across our country in the summer of 2020, only encourage more unrest and violence. Freedom of speech and the right to peacefully assemble are essential elements in a free land, but those who use violence and destruction to exert their will must be confronted and, as necessary, treated with severity and met with consequences. When justice is delayed, more chaos will be the default (Ecclesiastes 8:11).

By Todd Wagner

Other news you should know

❄️ More than 95 million people were under a wind chill warning or advisory on Sunday as an “Arctic blast” blanketed the country.

☑️ The Iowa caucuses are today — here’s what you need to know.

🇫🇮 Finnish Supreme Court to revisit "Bible Tweet" case as Former Minister appeals hate speech charges.

🍺 Dry January: 10 facts about Americans and alcohol.

🇹🇼 Voters in Taiwan elected Vice President Lai Ching-te as their next president on Saturday against China's wishes.

🇾🇪 The Houthi militia threatened a "strong and effective response" after the United States carried out another strike in Yemen over the weekend.

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