January 22, 2023

DeSantis is Out, Panama Canal Traffic, March for Life

January 22, 2024

If to be feelingly alive to the sufferings of my fellow creatures is to be a fanatic, I am one of the most incurable fanatics ever permitted to be at large.
William Wilberforce

DeSantis Drops Out

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis suspended his Republican presidential campaign two days before the New Hampshire primary. In a video on social media, DeSantis cited the lack of a clear path to victory after coming second in Iowa. He acknowledged the majority of Republican primary voters' preference for Trump and gave the former president his endorsement. DeSantis initially positioned himself as an alternative to Trump but faced challenges, including attacks from pro-Trump groups and internal campaign struggles. DeSantis has three years left in his second term as Florida governor.

While acknowledging that there is no perfect candidate, Ron DeSantis emerged as a timely option, providing a viable alternative to both Trump and Biden. The Florida Governor notably lacked the pervasive character flaws and baggage associated with the former president. He governed in a way that led to the flourishing of Florida, avoiding shortcomings in the policies of the current president.

The unfolding scenario likely will have two of the most polarizing presidents in the history of our country receiving their respective nominations and facing off once again in the upcoming election.

A divided country only increases the need for a united church (1 Corinthians 1:10). Instead of more DeSantis, Trump, or Biden followers, we need spirit-filled believers who are unwaveringly committed to living out the teachings of Jesus in their daily lives. (1 John 3:18). Mature believers speak with wisdom in a way that expands the knowledge of God and turns away wrath (Proverbs 15:1-2), and lovers of God care for their neighbors however they vote and treat their enemies with compassion (Matthew 9:36). It takes immense spiritual maturity to manifest these graces while maintaining convictions and firmly holding onto the Truth (1 Thessalonians 5:14). God stands ready to help those who turn to Him for wisdom (James 1:5) and who readily yield to Him so they can bear the fruit of goodness and peace (Galatians 5:22).

By Remnant News Team

Panama Canal Drought

A severe drought in Panama has led authorities to reduce ship crossings in the Panama Canal by 36%, impacting one of the world's crucial trade routes. The cuts are expected to result in a greater economic impact than initially estimated, with estimates ranging from $500 million to $700 million in losses for 2024. The drought, considered one of the most severe in the country's history, has caused disruptions in the maritime route, leading to traffic congestion and raising concerns about the canal's reliability for global shipping. Panama Canal Administrator Ricaurte Vásquez emphasized the need for the country to address the water problem urgently.

This is a good reminder that despite the ingenuity of man, it is still “the LORD your God... Who is giving you power to make wealth...” (Deuteronomy 8:18). All the wisdom and engineering feats of man can’t produce the needed water supply that only comes when the Lord causes “the fountains of the great deep to open, and the floodgates of the sky” to open (Genesis 7:11). God’s world has a way of humbling us by reminding us that try as we might, we are still dependent on His grace to provide the climate, weather patterns and resources we need to live and prosper. This is true not only in the natural world but especially in the supernatural world, where the drought that exists in all men’s souls can only be satisfied with the water of life found in Christ (John 4:13-14). 

If you are still digging around trying to engineer a new pathway to peace with God, it is time to acknowledge the vanity of your efforts and drink from the One source which offers eternal prosperity to man (Romans 5:1, John 14:6). 

By Todd Wagner

March for Life

This past weekend, tens of thousands gathered in snowy Washington, D.C., for the 51st March for Life. The event, focused on state-level pro-life efforts, saw Mike Pence rallying support for pro-life candidates at the National Pro-Life Summit, emphasizing the importance of upcoming primaries. To add a surprise element, fresh off winning the college football National Championship, University of Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh made an appearance and championed the right to life. The national abortion debate continues to intensify in state legislatures, with Democrats framing the 2024 election as a pivotal referendum on abortion rights.

The March for Life is distinct from all other activist marches, focusing on those without a voice – individuals who can't vote, run for office, advocate, or march for themselves. It echoes the command: "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, ensure justice for those being crushed" (Proverbs 31:8-9).

Jim Harbaugh, like many pro-lifers, risked public backlash and invested his time, talents, and treasures to advocate for the preborn. A National Championship is a remarkable achievement, but being a champion for life is the call of the Christian.

Tragically, in the very same location where the march took place, a woman can obtain an abortion at any stage of pregnancy for any reason. It's a blessing to live in a country where we are able to speak freely without fear of governmental reprisal, but it is horrible that we still live in a country that allows children to be destroyed.

We often say at The Remnant that clarity is kindness, and it is important that we continue to emphasize that God's Word is clear on this issue of the dignity and value of life in the womb and out. (Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139:13-16, Exodus 20:13, Psalm 22:10, Proverbs 24:11-12). Our call is to love and protect both the mother and the child, before birth and after (Luke 6:31, Romans 13:10, 1 Corinthians 16:14). If you're a believer, your call is to prioritize God's Word over your own sensibilities or emotions on issues of morality (Romans 12:2). Only those who are in sync with the God of all eternity will be those who in the end are on "the right side of history" (2 Corinthians 5:10).

By Jamie Wilder and Todd Wagner

Other news you should know

🧀 Parental rights bill moves to Wisconsin Senate.

🏈 Ravens coach John Harbaugh read from scripture and gave glory to God after their divisional playoff win vs Houston Texans

🇺🇸 Senior Biden adviser is expected to travel to Egypt and Qatar this week in negotiation efforts to secure the release of hostages held by Hamas.

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