January 5, 2024

Epstein, Boxing, KY Marriage Clerk

January 5, 2024

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength”
Charles Spurgeon

Epstein Documents Unsealed Pt. 1

Unsealed court filings from a lawsuit related to Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking conspiracy case named approximately 150 people that had been previously redacted from the suit against Ghislaine Maxwell. The suit, settled by accuser Virginia Giuffre in 2017, led to the release of documents naming prominent figures like former President Clinton, former President Trump, and Prince Andrew. Other notable mentions include Michael Jackson, David Copperfield, Stephen Hawking, and Alan Dershowitz. Not all names mentioned were accused of wrongdoing, while others were further condemned.

The release of the "Epstein case documents," which so far has proved largely anticlimactic in terms of new news, nonetheless can serve us by reminding us of some essential "old news."

  1. Regardless of what truths about our actions come out in our lifetimes, eventually all truth will come out about all our lives. “For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light.” (Luke 8:17)

  2. All sin has eternal consequences (Romans 6:23), but sexual sins (1 Thessalonians 4:6) and sins against children are especially noted and condemned by the Lord (Matthew 18:6).

  3. It is tragic that our world is more curious about others' sins than we are convicted and concerned by our own. (1 Corinthians 10:12)

  4. Being shocked by sin is not enough. Action is required when evil is present. (Proverbs 24:11-12, Ephesians 5:11)

  5. The depth of sin, the corruption of the human heart, and the darkness of the human condition made the Lord sorry (Genesis 6:5-6), and it should do the same to us as well. (Psalm 119:104)

  6. The remnant should be eternally thankful that the Lord is “compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression, and sin” (Exodus 34:6), and yet we should be constantly reminded that “He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished.” (Exodus 34:7)

  7. It is unspeakably naive to believe that the sadness which defines the exploitation and abuse of children is unique to the wealthy and the elite. Educate yourself on the truth about this unacceptable pandemic of evil and take action. Watch this film and learn all you can from those paying attention like my friends at Jaco Booyens Ministries.

By Todd Wagner

USA Boxing Rule Change

USA Boxing is under fire for its new “Transgender Policy” that permits males to compete in the women's division under specific conditions. Under the new guidelines, a transgender boxer must identify as female, undergo gender reassignment surgery, and undergo quarterly hormone testing for at least four years, maintaining testosterone levels under a certain threshold. Failure to meet these standards can result in a 12-month suspension. Critics argue that this policy does not signify progress but rather a step backward in women's sports.

Tragically, yet another organization is guilty of failing to resist the influence of transgender ideology and the lies at its center. (Romans 1:32) While some in USA Boxing leadership may believe they are finding middle ground, this policy legitimizes the false idea that there are ways to transition from one sex to another. Despite the assertions made by our secularized culture, God meant what He said: there are two biological sexes, male and female. (Genesis 1:27) Anything short of a clear distinction between the sexes is founded on lies and misinformation, and while all tampering with truth is dangerous, when you drag the transgender myth into a sport as violent as boxing, the results are going to lead to real physical dangers to women. Anyone who truly wants to advocate for women's rights and protections would not redefine genders or allow mentally ill men to pretend to be women; especially in a sport as violent as boxing. (Romans 1:21-22)

By The Remnant Team

Kentucky Marriage Lawsuit

A Kentucky official, Kim Davis, who denied a marriage license to two LGBT+ men in 2015, has been ordered by a federal judge to pay them $260,084 in legal fees and expenses following their lawsuit. Davis, then a county clerk, refused licenses to same-sex couples, citing religious beliefs, and spent 6 days in jail for not issuing the licenses. The judge also ruled that Davis must pay the couple $100,000 in damages, a decision likely to be appealed by her attorneys.

We responded to a similar story out of Texas in October, read an applicable excerpt below and the full thoughts here.

While being accused of misconduct, being fined, potentially losing a job, and jail time is not pleasant, faithful men and women have endured far greater threats and consequences as a result of standing firm for biblical truths (Daniel 3, Daniel 6, Acts 7, Hebrews 11:36-38). Unless more courageous men and women speak out and stand firm against the aggressive claims of the LGBT+ community and other like-minded “progressives”, (1 Corinthians 16:13) there is little doubt that our world will accelerate in its embrace of foolish ideologies and practices. (Romans 1:28-32) As others have observed, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” The remnant often needs to be reminded that the Lord expects His followers to be revolutionary agents of grace, (2 Timothy 4:1-2) unafraid of the consequences (Matthew 10:28) and always ready to love others by speaking truth in the face of error. (Matthew 10:16-22) Today, our world needs revolutionaries more than ever.

By Todd Wagner

Other news you should know

House committee to formally begin impeachment proceedings against Biden Homeland Security chief.

🏫 1 killed, 5 injured in shooting at Iowa high school; suspect also dead.

🗣️ Incredible response to WaPo reporter with question on condemning 'White supremacy.’

🥷 Islamic State claims responsibility for Iran bombings that took nearly 100 lives, Tehran vows revenge.

🚢 Houthis launch sea drone to attack ships after final warning.

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