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- July 10, 2024
July 10, 2024
RNC Party Platform, Biden’s Future, French Election
“The will of God will never take you where the grace of God cannot keep you.”
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New Republican Party Platform

The Republican National Committee (RNC) approved a new party platform abandoning federal abortion limits, aligning with former President Trump's state-level approach. This change, adopted behind closed doors, faced opposition from pro-life advocates who seek federal protections. The platform emphasizes 14th Amendment protections and opposes late-term abortions, supporting prenatal care and birth control access.
Trump played a significant role, even writing parts of the platform, which was adopted quickly with minimal debate. The process drew criticism for its secrecy and restrictive measures, including barring phones and controlling draft releases. Some delegates and activists, like Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, expressed dissatisfaction, while others, like Ralph Reed of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, praised the platform for balancing state and federal roles.
Read the 2024 GOP Platform here.

If you have felt politically homeless in recent years, these changes made are no doubt an extremely unwelcome development.
Abortion is not just about policy, a purity test, or political position; it is first and foremost about people—people made in the image of God from the moment of conception (Genesis 1:27, Psalm 139:13-14). This newly held position, which references the 14th Amendment, is contradictory. One cannot be consistent nor honor God by claiming that "the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied life or liberty without due process" and then fail to apply its protections explicitly to the preborn.
While Trump and the RNC may change their position, God's Word doesn't change (Isaiah 40:8). No amount of babies killed in the womb can justify a departure from truth in the efforts to curry favor from political moderates or the approval of man (Proverbs 23:23). As Elijah once said, "How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him" (1 Kings 18:21).
The sanctity of human life is true because God said it is so, not because of U.S. platforms and policies (Exodus 20:13). The remnant must continue to resist both secular progressivism and Christless conservatism, leaning on the Lord for wisdom (1 Thessalonians 2:4, Proverbs 3:5-6). And because "the Lord is God," the truth remains that we have a Christian duty to love, serve, and protect mothers and their babies—before and after birth (Psalm 82:3-4).
By: Jamie Wilder
Democrats Gather to Talk Biden

Following the aftermath of the Presidential Debate, House Democrats gathered in a private setting Tuesday morning to discuss openly with each other President Joe Biden's future. The discourse shows an evident split between the party: On one side, there is a call to unite behind the President, and on the other, there is a call for Biden to step down.
Despite efforts to find consensus, the meeting ended without a clear path forward, reflecting deep internal divisions within the party.

This is not the first time in history that we have evidently seen a leader of a nation go through mental struggles (1 Samuel 18:6–16; Daniel 4:28–37). The response to President Biden's recent humiliation should not be one of mockery and laughter but one of prayer and a call for him to repent. For we are all sinners who fall short, and vengeance is not ours, but the Lord's (Romans 3:23; Romans 12:19). May President Biden repent, turn from his desire to rule his own life, and seek the Lord (2 Chronicles 7:14; Acts 3:19).
As Christians, there is wisdom to be found in how the Democrats are using one another to process and determine next steps on how to unify (Proverbs 11:14). And while finding counsel is wise, our ultimate test on the Day of Judgment will be Scripture (Romans 12:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:20–21). While democrats discern what should become of our president, they should really be processing how to repent from wickedness as grievous as child sacrifice and mutilation (Luke 6:27). However, there is a sense of joy when those who push evil begin to fall and we should pray that God puts a stop to the sin that runs rampant in our nation (Proverbs 11:10; Habakkuk 1:2–4).
By: Jack Mueller
French Elections Lean Left

Marine Le Pen's National Rally party seemed poised for a significant victory after securing first place in the opening round of French legislative elections. Despite this initial success, her party ultimately failed to gain an absolute majority in the runoff. The "Republican front," a coalition of various political factions that strategically unite to block the far-right, once again prevented the National Rally from gaining power.
The New Popular Front, a left-green alliance in France, won, creating a split assembly with no majority. The NFP consists of four parties: France Unbowed, the Socialist Party, the French Green Party, and the French Communist Party. Despite its success, the alliance faces internal tensions and disagreements, particularly due to controversial leadership and policy stances. The future of the NFP depends on its ability to maintain unity and compromise among its differing factions.

After speculation, the result of the French elections leaned decidedly left, “surprising many.” We know that we do not have hope in the world mirroring political policies we deem more advantageous than others. We also know that we should not boast about tomorrow, for we do not know what a day may bring (Proverbs 27:1). What we can boast in, boldly export, and personally embody is the truth that human flourishing exists in complete submission to Christ and His ways (Romans 12:1-2, 2 Corinthians 10:15).
While we watch the four parties that make up the NFP seek unity in the name of progress, we will undoubtedly see them confront the truth found in Mark 3:24-25: a kingdom, house, and parliament that is divided against itself does not stand for long. Though the media may be “surprised” by this development, we are not. A post-truth nation like France is exactly the kind of public we would expect to vote to be represented by men seeking plainly illogical and ungodly political reform (Ephesians 4:18, Romans 1:21).
By: Kirby Mankin
Other news you should know
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🚮 This is what those trashcans will look like.
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🧊 American climber’s body found in ice 22 years after going missing.
🇪🇸 16 year-old scores game winning goal to beat France.

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