July 19th, 2023

Canada Assisted Suicide, US Soldier in North Korea, Trump Investigated... again.

Quote of the day:

"The man who would truly know God must give time to Him."

- A.W. Tozer

July 19th, 2023

Today’s Headlines

MAID Expands To Mental Illness In Canada

The Medical Assistance in Dying program, known by its acronym MAID, has been legal in Canada since 2016 for adults with terminal illnesses.

The proposed expansion of MAID to include individuals suffering from mental illnesses has raised concerns among advocates for the disabled. They express deep concern that vulnerable individuals may be coerced into opting for MAID. Canada's Justice Minister, David Lametti, has defended the changes, stating that the evolution of MAID has been slow and careful.

Medically assisted deaths in Canada increased by 35% from 2020 to 2021. MAID accounted for over 10,000 deaths, which is approximately 3.3% of all deaths in Canada in 2021, up from 2.4% of all reported deaths in the previous year. In 2021, 79% of written requests resulted in the provision of MAID.


The Remnant’s Response:

The Lord's faithful never waver on the value of life. All people are made in God's image (Genesis 1:27) and deserve honor from the “womb to the tomb”. Human dignity is not based on utility or health. The weak and sick warrant care and compassion, not execution. Taking innocent life for any personal gain is condemned clearly in Gods word (Deuteronomy 27:25).

God alone has authority over life and death. (Deuteronomy 32:39). Ending life due to suffering or sadness starts down a dangerous path. Intentionally ending lives due to confusion or difficult mental states is an act of rebellion, not compassion. The way of man leads to death (Proverbs 14:12); proper theology leads to the love of God and life.

The Culture of Death has been marching through Western institutions for decades, and there is no end to where it will lead us if Christians do not continue to advocate for His ways to be our ways. Christians must reject the world's false definition of compassion and demonstrate a better way.

Any government that lets citizens take "unworthy" lives will steadily and dangerously expand that definition. History shows the horrors that arise when societies tolerate eliminating "undesirables".

American Crosses Into North Korea

A U.S. soldier crossed the Korean border into North Korea during a tour of the Joint Security Area (JSA) between North and South Korea. The soldier, identified as Travis King, was on an orientation tour and crossed the Military Demarcation Line without authorization, as reported. It is believed that North Korea's People's Army has taken the soldier into custody.

The incident occurred the day after King was escorted to a South Korean airport upon his release from prison, where he had been jailed for an altercation with locals. He was scheduled to fly back to the US and report to Fort Bliss, Texas.

This incident contributes to the tension in U.S.-North Korea relations, especially considering North Korea's missile tests and the presence of a U.S. nuclear-armed submarine in South Korea. Negotiating the soldier's release is likely to be complicated due to strained relations and North Korea's history of using detainees for propaganda or negotiations. The United Nations is working to secure Kings release.


The Remnant’s Response:

North Korea is a totalitarian regime with a long history of human rights violations. North Korea is ranked the most dangerous place for Christians due to its devotion to the ruling Kim family, leaving no room for faith. Christians face severe persecution, imprisonment, torture, and even execution if discovered. The regime aims to eradicate Christianity to maintain power (Proverbs 29:2). Bibles and Christian resources are strictly forbidden, with harsh punishments for offenders. Escaping is very difficult, and those who do endure treacherous journeys and imprisonment. Pray for North Koreans.

America must awaken to the dangerous path we are on, relinquishing freedoms for convenience's sake. The Remnant should love God above nation, but still love America by promoting its prosperity. As Jeremiah declared, "Seek the welfare of the city I have exiled you to. Pray to the LORD on its behalf, for when it prospers, you too will prosper." (Jeremiah 29:7)

We must intercede for this land, contending for the preservation of morality, liberty and justice for all. America was founded upon biblical principles; we must return to them or lose our freedoms and vigor as a nation (Jeremiah 6:16).

Trump Receives A Target Letter

Yesterday, Donald Trump announced that he had received a target letter from the DOJ's January 6 special counsel. In a criminal investigation, a target letter serves as an official document informing an individual that they are being investigated in connection with a crime. It also offers them the opportunity to appear before a grand jury. Typically, receiving such a letter indicates an impending indictment and potential arrest. This development suggests that Trump may soon face his third indictment in recent months. However, Trump declined the chance to appear before the grand jury and expressed his intention to vigorously contest all criminal charges brought against him.


The Remnant’s Response:

America's founders wanted to prevent politicized justice and ensure no one was "above the law", embracing the biblical "Lex Rex" (law is king) principle over the idea that rulers are above law ("Rex Lex"). 

Thankfully, America was founded on biblical principles of justice, even if imperfectly practiced. No one should be above the law or punished without due process. Inconsistency in applying laws is a sign of God's judgment (Ezekiel 9:9). The Remnant should be concerned if any leader seems immune to accountability or if laws are perverted for political gain (Leviticus 19:15).

May justice flow like a stream in our land (Amos 5:24), and may we flee partiality (Deuteronomy 1:17). Despite politics, we must focus on God's sovereignty, Christ's lordship, and speaking against injustice (Ephesians 5:11) while being slow to judge (Proverbs 19:2).

Other news you should know:

🚔 A home in Las Vegas was raided today in connection to the murder of Tupac, which happened 27 years ago.

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