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- July 22, 2024
July 22, 2024
Biden Drops Out, Global Tech Failure
“We must not be ashamed of being a remnant, weak and small. We must cease to think in terms of numbers, we must think in terms of the purpose of God and the purity of the witness and testimony.”
Martin Lloyd-Jones
Table of Contents
Biden Will Not Pursue Reelection

President Joe Biden announced that he is ending his 2024 presidential campaign, stating it is in the best interest of his party and the country. He endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee. However, some top congressional leaders have not backed Harris, and other Democrats are calling for an open nomination process. Additionally, some Republicans are demanding Biden's immediate resignation from the presidency, and criticizing Harris over border security and her comments on Biden's mental acuity.

One of the greatest judgments a land can receive comes in the form of inept and godless leadership (Isaiah 3:1-4). When God removes wise leaders, “the people will be oppressed” (Isaiah 3:5). Sadly, Joe Biden announcing “his” decision to remove himself as the democratic candidate for President does little to change the future prospect of God-fearing leadership for our country. (This Remnant Response is not addressing what appears to be an obvious decision made by unnamed individuals who are controlling the Democratic Party to remove the people’s choice as a candidate.) While Biden’s resignation does remove the insanity that would have been manifest had millions of people voted for a man who has undeniably shown signs of cognitive and neurological decline over the past years, it does not deal with America’s greatest insanity (Psalm 14:1). Our nation has been smitten with a much greater illness than the one easily observed in our current President, who also needs to resign from his current position for the same reasons “he has decided” not to seek reelection (James 4:6).
America’s greatest problem is not that we currently have a president who is not physically fit for office but that we are a people spiritually unfit for blessing (Numbers 14:11-12). Our nation is in peril not because of the current administration but because of our constant rejection of God’s will and way (Jeremiah 6:16). Our way back is not going to be found with a new nominee or with any outcome in November; our way back is going to be found in repentance, a turning from our wicked ways, and a steadfast humility before the Sovereign of the Nations (2 Chronicles 7:14). A mind that is conformed to the world is far worse than a mind in decline because of aging (Proverbs 14:12). While Biden needed to remove himself as a candidate and should remove himself from his current service, it is much more important that the remnant continues to model fidelity to Christ and, like the apostle Paul, call others away from the derangement of worldliness and into the transformation and healing that is found in trusting in the good, acceptable and perfect way revealed in the Word of God (Romans 12:2). While we wait for the next news to drop, let us be loud and gracious heralds of the good news that saves men and nations (Romans 1:16-17).
By: Todd Wagner
Global Tech Failure

Last Friday, a botched software update hit Microsoft computers, causing a global IT failure that left 8.5 million users with what many are calling the “blue screen of death.” The update, which came from a third-party company called CrowdStrike, affected businesses all over the world, leading to canceled flights, postponed surgery procedures, and TV channels going off air. The impact of the outage may take companies weeks to fully recover, leaving many fearful of the infrastructure in place in case of a cyber-attack.

Even as ancient cities were vulnerable when they were without walls (Nehemiah 2:17), today's cities are vulnerable when there are no "walls of protection" around their cyber security. But even as ancient people were wise to trust not in walls but in the Lord to be their comfort and strength, Friday's web failure is a good reminder for us to keep our hope in the Divine He (Proverbs 18:10) over human IT. Wise men have always placed their comfort and security in the eternal over the temporal (Isaiah 31:1; Matthew 6:19–21; Colossians 3:1–4). Last week's worldwide trouble is a good reminder of how foolish it is to place our confidence in earthly things (Psalm 33:16-17).
God is our mighty fortress, (Psalm 46:11; Psalm 48:3). He is our rock and our refuge in times of trouble and peace (Psalm 46:2). We must remember that although there might be a breach in the worldly wall, we are promised that the righteous will never be moved, that He is not afraid of bad news, His heart is steady, and He will not be overcome by His adversaries (Psalm 112:6–8). May wisdom be given to the men and women in the technology industry, and may God give us the wisdom to trust in Him and not technology.
By: The Remnant News Team
Other news you should know
🙏🏻 This pastor spoke with President Trump.
🫢 Report shows that gender dysphoria suicide rates have been exagerrated.
🏦 Corporate bankruptcies are at an all-time high.
🤠 Olympics start this Friday, Texas is representing.
🔙 Secret Service backtracks former claim.
💂🏻 Former PM Boris Johnson hypes up Trump.

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