July 31, 2024

Venezuelan Election Drama, Iran/Google Election Interference

July 31, 2024

Courage is the indispensable requisite of any true ministry. Courage is good everywhere, but it is necessary here.

Phillips Brooks

Venezuelan Election Drama

Following the disputed presidential election in Venezuela, protests erupted as President Nicolás Maduro was declared the winner, despite widespread claims of fraud. Opposition leader María Corina Machado claimed that Edmundo González had won by a large margin, citing possession of 84% of voter tally sheets that allegedly showed González's victory. Maduro and his government have faced international and domestic pressure to release official election data, with critics, including foreign governments and organizations like the Organization of American States, condemning the results as illegitimate. Amid rising tensions and violent clashes, with six people killed and numerous arrests, Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López and Maduro have pledged a crackdown on dissent and maintained that the military remains loyal to the president.

It has been well said that while it is possible to "vote in" socialism/communism, it is not possible to vote it out. The current situation in Venezuela appears to confirm this proverb, and we can pray we don't continue to flirt with testing it ourselves (Proverbs 22:3). Calvin is credited with summarizing many scriptures with the saying, "When God wants to judge a nation, He gives it wicked rulers." 

One of the "tactics" the Lord uses in bringing judgment is to give people what they want. Psalm 106:13-14 describes obstinate Israel this way, "They quickly forgot His works; they did not wait for His counsel but craved intensely in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert." America is following in its path, forgetting the Word of God, rejecting His counsel, and craving for debauchery in the wilderness of disobedience. For decades now, the Lord has watched as this country increasingly tempts the Lord to let us have the full harvest of our rebellious sowing, and if we are not careful, it will look very much like the current situation in Venezuela. Here is the Word of the Lord, "So He gave them their request, but sent a wasting disease among them" (Psalm 106:15). Others translate the Hebrew: "he gave them what they asked for, but he sent a plague along with it" (NLT). There are few plagues as horrible as the oppressive government of tyrants. "Like a roaring lion and a rushing bear Is a wicked ruler over a poor people" (Proverbs 28:15).

Venezuelans are currently suffering as Cubans, Russians, Romanians, and millions of others have done in recent decades. People who embrace leaders who embrace socialist ideas are embracing a "rushing bear" who will devour them even as they have over 100 million others before them. Venezuela is a living warning to the foolish American electorate (Proverbs 14:16), which continues to embrace politicians and policies that will be a deadly plague. The remnant must continue to boldly advocate for the wisdom of God's way, vote with biblical clarity, and pursue the confused with Godly conviction, clarity, and love (Isaiah 1:18-20).

By: Todd Wagner

Iran/Google Election Interference?

A U.S. intelligence assessment reveals that Iran is engaging in covert social media and influence operations to undermine former President Donald Trump's candidacy in the upcoming November election. The efforts include using fake accounts and disinformation, motivated by Iran's desire to prevent another potential Trump Administration. Iran's preference has remained unchanged since 2020, when it conducted similar campaigns. Additionally, the U.S. detected a recent plot by Iran to assassinate Trump, leading to increased security measures.

Additionally, Elon Musk accused Google of election interference, alleging that its autocomplete feature was biased against Donald Trump. Musk posted screenshots proving that searches for terms like "assassination attempt of" and "president Donald" did not include Trump. Google responded, stating that the autocomplete function was not working as intended for some searches and is being investigated.

A disordered value system inevitably leads to ruin—even death (Proverbs 16:25). When a society neglects to uphold truth in its rightful place, it invites downfall and destruction (Isaiah 59:14-15; Proverbs 14:34). Those who intentionally obfuscate the truth should be viewed with skepticism and do so at their own peril (John 8:44).

Regardless of whether threats come from foreign adversaries or domestic algorithms, through intentional campaigns or inadvertent errors, it is crucial for the remnant to stand firmly for truth at every turn (Ephesians 6:14). Commitment to clarity and truth is not (or should not be) a marker of partisanship but of a Christ-follower (John 8:32). 

The spirit of our age, coupled with the influence of Big Tech and foreign actors, reveals humanity's deep-seated depravity and highlights the need for discernment (Jeremiah 17:9). While truth may be challenged and debated, it remains unmalleable (Proverbs 16:25). The truth, even when inconvenient, does not shift with circumstances or opinions.

By: Jamie Wilder

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