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- June 12, 2024
June 12, 2024
Hunter Biden Guilty, Justice Alito Recordings, SBC Vote Incoming
“Sometimes God allows what he hates to accomplish what he loves.”
Joni Eareckson Tada
Table of Contents
Hunter Biden Found Guilty

Hunter Biden was found guilty on all three federal felony gun charges. He faces possible jail time and large fines and will likely face sentencing in the next several months. Biden was found guilty of lying on a federal background check (two counts) and possession of a firearm while using illegal drugs. Biden has maintained that he would not pardon his son but remains supportive of him "no matter what."

While there is immense disagreement around gun control, ownership, and access, for now, we should all be able to agree that drug addicts should not be able to purchase firearms. And that those who lie on forms to obtain weapons still should be rightly punished for their trespass (1 Timothy 1:9). This, however, anecdotally, reminds us of the truth that those committed to ill will are not deterred by paperwork or law. The law reveals sin, it does not inherently deter it (Romans 3:20, 7:8, Galatians 3:18-21). Those who want to do evil will (Proverbs 17:11). Those who want to break the law will. Though apparently troubled, thankfully Hunter Biden did not abuse his gun ownership in ways others have with tragic consequences.
At a minimum, we must at least acknowledge that sometimes guns do get in the hands of drug addicts or evil-doers, and those are the moments that we hope those of sound mind, good repute, and excellent aim are also well-armed (1 Timothy 3:2).
By: Kirby Mankin
Justice Alito Recordings

Newly released audio recordings of Justice Samuel Alito and his wife have made headlines after liberal activist Lauren Windsor posted them after posing as a conservative documentary/filmmaker. The audio includes sound bytes discussing the leak of the Dobbs decision, Mrs. Alito's penchant for flying controversial flags at their home, and the country's political, religious, and social polarization, among other things.

There is nothing surprising about judges having a framework by which they form opinions. Whether they are "strict constitutionalists" or "activist justices" who believe our founding documents are "living/breathing," every living/breathing person has a worldview (Joshua 24:14-15). Everyone does. Good judges, bad judges, criminals, "left-wing activists," and "religious conservatives" all possess one, and Jesus warns that when we see the world with a bad eye, "your whole body will be full of darkness. If the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness" (Matthew 6:22-23). Worldviews matter (Proverbs 14:12).
The remnant believes judges with a proper understanding of righteousness and objective truth, as revealed by a sovereign Lord, are the best kind of judges (Proverbs 29:2). Justice John Roberts reveals his worldview when he says "Would you want me to be in charge of putting the nation on a more moral path?" "That's for people we elect. That's not for lawyers." (If Roberts was speaking carefully, he would have added, "That's not for the judicial branch.”)
The idea that the Constitution should "evolve with society" is based on a worldview. The idea that the Constitution is our nation's fundamental law and that law should be changed only by the means allowed by the law (which, in America's case, is through the amendment process) is rooted in a worldview that has respect for the law (Proverbs 22:28).
It is the job of the judicial branch to make righteous judgments based on the law (Proverbs 16:10), which often involves consideration of previous legal decisions (precedent) but especially requires courage to correct prior rulings that did more than make righteous judgments based on the law. The Latin phrase stare decisis (meaning "let the decision stand") suggests caution, it does not require obedience. The recent Dobbs decision is an example of our courts overturning badprecedent.
That it is "news" that America has a judge who believes our nation should return to a standard of godliness is simply the latest illustration of where we are as a civilization (2 Corinthians 3:14). The best of us have a worldview that aligns with reality (Proverbs 14:34). God promises to bless nations whose leadership humbles themselves to adopt a worldview that aligns with His Word (1 Kings 11:38).
Justice Alito is right to recognize what is self-evident (Proverbs 9:12). A nation cannot serve both Baal and Jehovah. Morality and immorality. Modernism and post modernism. Objectivity and subjectivity. Selfishness and selflessness. It should not be controversial to acknowledge the objective reality that "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other" (Matthew 6:24). America has not been this divided since the civil war, and Justice Alito is correct in asserting that unless our democracy deals with our differences with civility, we are soon headed for another one (Proverbs 29:9).
By: Todd Wagner
SBC Vote Incoming

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), the largest Protestant denomination in the United States, is gathering in Indianapolis, Indiana, on June 11-12th, where over 10,000 delegates are worshipping God and voting on various issues within their denomination. Among those topics being discussed, the biggest event on the agenda is a vote on an amendment to ban churches from the SBC that have women pastors.
The amendment will clarify language on existing law, Article III, which explains what churches the SBC cooperates with, adding the paragraph, “affirms, appoints, or employs only men as any kind of pastor or elder as qualified by Scripture.”

The church, being the bride of Christ, has an obligation to follow Scripture and apply it to their lives with as much exactness as humanly possible (1 Corinthians 5:6–7; Ephesians 5:25–27). When many local bodies look to convene together, as is the case with the Southern Baptists, it is appropriate that they discuss, defend, and seek to declare an orthodox understanding of God’s Word in which they can all stand together (Jude 3). If this amendment passes, the SBC will offer explicit clarity to churches regarding titles and roles for women within the SBC. Even as the Lord is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33), His church should strive to be the same.
Whatever readers of The Remnant or other denominational leaders think of the SBC’s convictions regarding appropriate titles for women, everyone should celebrate the conviction being shown in clearly articulating what they believe is an expression of their God-honoring reverence to His Word (Exodus 32; Leviticus 10:1–3; Mark 11:15–18; Acts 5:1–11) especially in this cultural moment where there is increasing pressure to acquiesce to culture’s rejection of God’s created order and distinction between the sexes (Genesis 1:28, 1 Corinthians 11:3-11).
It is worth noting, that the words bishop, pastor and elder are used interchangeably in Scripture, (Acts 20:17, 1 Peter 5:1-5, Titus 1:5-7, 1 Peter 2:25) further highlighting the importance of removing potential confusion regarding the Scripture’s clear teaching on who may be elders (1 Timothy 2:12–13; 1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:6–9).
By: The Remnant News Team
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🦅 Senior Democrat Strategist suggests Biden shouldn’t run for re-election.
🏢 Former Epstein cellmate gets life for 4 murders.
💉 Founder of failed tech company Theranos appeal will be heard next week.
▶️ Popular youtuber dead at 40 after unknown accident.
🔒 Worth celebrating when a reconciliation makes headlines.
🧑🏼🎨️ King Charles got a makeover courtesy of animal-lovers.

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