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- June 26, 2024
June 26, 2024
Julian Assange is Free, Boeing in Space, MLB and Pride
“We must know that we have a high and holy calling to fulfill and must not waste our days and lives in seeking our ease and gratification.”
Susanna Wesley
Table of Contents
Julian Assange is Free

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleaded guilty to publishing U.S. military secrets in a deal with the Justice Department, securing his freedom without serving further time in an American prison. Assange, who entered his plea in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, admitted guilt to a single felony count and will return to Australia. The plea deal concludes a prolonged legal battle that raised issues about press freedom and national security, allowing both sides to claim a measure of satisfaction. Assange's supporters view the resolution as a relief, though concerns about its implications for journalism persist.

God is committed to revealing truth (Ecclesiastes 12:14) and celebrating those who seek it (Jeremiah 5:1, Proverbs 23:23). This is not always so with men who often "deceive their neighbors" and who "have taught their tongue to speak lies," (Jeremiah 9:5) especially when they are motivated by self-interest or power (James 4:1-2). Even the best of men (and their governments) need accountability (Proverbs 18:1). Though deception has always been a part of warfare (Genesis 34:13-27), the Lord will hold nations accountable just as He does men (Jeremiah 9:9).
Mr. Assange is well known for saying, "If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by truth." While this pithy statement resonates with our innate longing for peace, it is also worth remembering that "all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing," and if good men don't wield the sword of just war, (and sometimes the necessary deception that goes with it) then every war will be won by evil men. The United States government believes Mr. Assange did more than reveal the truth; it has charged him with conspiring with a former intelligence analyst in the U.S. Army to obtain and disclose classified military documents related to national defense and, in doing so, aided and abetted evil endangering the lives of human sources who put themselves at risk to achieve it. Whether or not you agree with Assange's actions says a lot about your confidence in the integrity and mission of the United States military and those charged with leading it (Proverbs 20:6). What is certain is that one day, every evil action and motive (Proverbs 16:2) of men will be revealed. Until that day, both treachery and injustice will have their day (Ephesians 6:13). All of us, including the CIA, the KGB, the U.S. Government, and Wikileaks leadership should be reminded that "truthful lips will be established forever, but a lying tongue is only for a moment" (Proverbs 12:19). Finally let us be always reminded that "The remnant of Israel will do no wrong and tell no lies, nor will a deceitful tongue be found in their mouths; for they will feed and lie down with no one to make them tremble" (Zephaniah 3:13).
By: Todd Wagner
Boeing “Stuck” in Space

Two NASA astronauts, Barry “Butch” Wilmore, and Sunita “Suni” Williams, and their spacecraft, the Boeing Starliner, are docked at the International Space Station (ISS) as NASA tries to determine the cause of a malfunctioning Boeing Starliner. Initially, there were reports that the astronauts were “stuck” at the ISS (and even rumors that Elon Musk’s SpaceX might be up for the dramatic task of a rescue mission); it appears that NASA is, at the moment, “choosing” to keep the NASA astronauts docked at the IS, with no public return date. Although the story is still developing, it appears it’s feasible for NASA to return the astronauts to Earth. Still, the downside is NASA loses the ability to survey the malfunctioning part of the Starliner. The initial reports indicate that the Starliner had multiple helium leaks, some known prior to taking off, and unstable thrusters.

Butch and Suni should remain the headline in this story and in our hearts. We ask that you join us in prayer that God does indeed return them both to Earth safely (Ephesians 6:18). God has great concern for human life, and He paid a costly price to rescue and reconcile humanity when we were all once alienated ourselves (Ephesians 2:1-4; John 3:16; Matthew 10:29-31).
Boeing is once again in the news for the wrong reasons. As widely reported, Boeing has had a plethora of safety failures over the last several years, including catastrophic failures that have cost us dearly in the loss of human life. Boeing has also been criticized for its corporate focus on DEI best practices in the midst of ongoing, major safety failures that continue to risk human life. Among other things, DEI celebrates unrepentant sin under the auspice of diversity. The ESG funding and capital that comes with DEI reinforces a worldly “design” of corporations that conflicts with God’s design and celebrates certain lifestyles that God has identified as sinful (Matthew 7:26-27; Romans 1:26-28). Perhaps revealing is the fact that Boeing, an aeronautical engineering firm, is currently led by a CEO with an accounting degree and no engineering background—yet another indication that finance and profitability are paramount at Boeing, clearly at the expense of engineering standards and safety (Matthew 6:24). As Christians, we are to model and teach a morality and way of living that leads to human flourishing consistent with God’s design (Matthew 7:15-20). Boeing’s culture conflicts with God’s design for human flourishing, discipline, faithfulness, and excellence. With this, it is unsurprising that Boeing’s “fruit” reveals a growing and alarming pattern of failure.
By: Matthew Lopez
An epic weeklong father-son trip that will change everything
The Quarry Project is a transformative father-son trip in remote Alaska that will set the foundation for a friendship and brotherhood with your son that will change your family legacy.
“Listen to Me, you who pursue righteousness, Who seek the Lord: Look to the rock from which you were cut, And to the quarry from which you were dug.” (Isaiah 51:1)
Todd Wagner, Remnant team member has 2 spots left on the week he is leading July 10-16.
Learn more or
MLB and Pride Month

The Texas Rangers stand out as the only MLB team not hosting a Pride Night, professing a commitment to true inclusivity at their games. Texas' conservative political environment may shape this choice. Historically, the Rangers have faced opposition when engaging with LGBTQ+ groups, and their majority owner has financially supported conservative politicians. Nevertheless, the Rangers actively participate in various initiatives and partnerships that support the LGBTQ+ community.

Don't be confused; the Ranger's enterprise has been clear about their support and acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community. Do not mistake their abstinence from a "Pride Night" for a pro-Biblical-Marriage ethic. While we do not see a bold stance for the truth, what we do see is an (increasingly rare) consideration for "both sides of the aisle." The team's official response was that they desire to make "everyone feel welcome and included in Rangers baseball…" While this goal feels very subjective, it's interesting that they're the only team in the nation that seems to have considered that some fans would be made uncomfortable by the overt celebration of sex, sexual preferences, and even mental illness at a professional sporting event.
Men and women who have tragically distilled their identity down to sexual desires absolutely need the love of the church (Matthew 22:39). They do not need one night (or one month) of rainbow themed - sexualized baseball events, parades, or corporations/organizations that "stand in solidarity," they need friends who love them enough to trudge through desires (Galatians 5:24) that are in conflict with truth, reality, and what is good for them (and society) (Jeremiah 6:16). May we be a part of creating a society that doesn't need grand overtures and excessive virtue signals to communicate that we are capable of love and respect (Micah 6:8, Romans 12:10). May we be a people that proudly engages men and women of all kinds and beliefs with the love of our Savior, the truth of His Word, and the wisdom, freedom, and joy of His way (Romans 5:8, Proverbs 30:5, Psalm 16:11).
By: Kirby Mankin
Other news you should know
🇺🇸 Is Trump the best debater of modern American history?
👎🏼 Say one thing and do another.
🆓 Trump would pardon pro-life prisoners.
👏🏼 We’d call that a pretty good endorsement.
🍿 Who even knew there was a Shrek 4?
🏒 Florida Panthers celebrate their very first Stanley Cup win.
💵 Incumbent Rep. loses in the most expensive house primary ever.

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