March 15, 2024

Pornhub Disabled in Texas, TikTok Banned, UK and Puberty Blockers

March 15, 2024

“You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed.”

John Bunyan

Tik Tok Ban Incoming

In a decisive move, the House approved a bill on Wednesday commanding TikTok's Chinese parent company to divest its ownership of the app or face a U.S. ban.

The bill sailed through the House with overwhelming support, 352 to 65, despite TikTok's opposition and Biden administration warnings. It awaits a tougher path in the Senate. If enacted, it would be our nation's first widespread ban on TikTok (a social media platform). Proponents argue it's vital for national security, while critics decry it as a threat to freedoms of speech and commerce. China denounced the move, potentially deepening U.S.-China tech tensions.

Social media and appropriate regulations regarding them are new and necessary challenges our representatives must meet. Each new advancement in technology and science brings with it new opportunities for both good and evil conversation in our world. Balancing what is good for commerce and free enterprise with what is good for citizens is not easy work, but it is necessary if we want to experience the peace and tranquility that only comes with wise governance (2 Timothy 2:1-2). The good news is if we are diligent in producing and electing “wise and experienced men” (Deuteronomy 1:15-19) willing to pay attention to God’s Word, there is wisdom ready there to guide and protect us (Jeremiah 6:16).

The role of government in any land is to prosecute evil, uphold justice, and promote the advancement of the common good (Romans 13:4). To do this, a land must have a basis by which good is defined so it can be protected. Our nation’s trouble lies much more in our inability to define, protect, and celebrate what is good (Isaiah 5:20) than it does in having a company willing to celebrate and monetize the evil our confused citizens create. When Americans love what is “true, honest, excellent, right, lovely and worthy of praise” (Philippians 4:8) TikTok and other platforms like it will be something we can be thankful for, not something we need to regulate (Galatians 5:19-23). Until we deal with the fundamental problem infecting our nation, we will never be able to make enough laws to deal with our lawlessness. Until then we need be far less worried about a company collecting our data than we do the data we collect in our hearts (Proverbs 4:23, Psalm 1:1, 1 Corinthians 15:33).

The job of the remnant is to daily produce good content with our lives (Matthew 7:17) that proves to be a blessing to all who consume “it” lest we find ourselves watching the “tik tok” of time counting down to an unpleasant, certain, soon and coming judgment (Matthew 12:33-37).

By: Todd Wagner

UK & Puberty Blockers

NHS England has announced that children will no longer receive puberty blockers at gender identity clinics following a public consultation and the decision to close London's Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS). Puberty blockers will now be accessible only through clinical research trials. The move, welcomed by the government, aims to ensure care aligns with evidence and the child's best interests. The decision follows concerns raised by an independent review led by Dr. Hilary Cass regarding the lack of long-term evidence and data collection on treatment outcomes. Two new NHS services will open in London and Liverpool in April, providing holistic care supported by clinical experts.

God's Word is clear not only in regard to how He created humanity as male and female (Genesis 1:27), but it is just as clear when it comes to how he will treat humanity that mistreats children (Matthew 18:5-6). While wisdom and sound judgment are likened to an ornament of grace around the neck (Proverbs 3:21-23), there is something else hung around the neck of those who cause trouble for God's "little ones" (Luke 17:2).

While we celebrate the NHS removing the life-changing stumbling blocks of puberty blockers in the UK, the remnant needs to continue to speak up regarding the tragic policies still widely embraced regarding the treatment of mentally ill children here in the United States. True "holistic care" involves addressing the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of an individual (1 Thessalonians 5:23), and neglecting God's plan for any of these keeps an individual from the healing His kindness intends.

Regardless of ethnicity, gender, or nationality (Galatians 3:28), the needs of all of God's children remain the same, and the antidote to the infirmity and iniquity in each of our beings can only be addressed when the "great physician" (Mark 2:17) is consulted and His "standard of care" followed (Isaiah 1:18-19).

The best hope for all involved in this story, whether it is those arguing for destructive and deceptive treatment or those vulnerable to their policies and counsel, is for the remnant to be bold, kind, persistent, and unwavering in Word and deed (1 Corinthians 15:58) when it comes to conversations on these issues and unashamed when engaging everyone when it comes to the source of true healing for all men (Romans 1:16).

By: Jamie Wilder and Todd Wagner

Pornhub Disabled in Texas

Pornhub and affiliated adult websites have blocked access to users in Texas due to a legal dispute over an age-verification law enforced by the state's attorney general, requiring adult sites to verify users' age. This move follows a federal appeals court upholding the authentication requirement while striking down a provision for displaying health warnings about content, leading Pornhub to disable access in Texas to comply with the law, which it criticizes as ineffective and restrictive. The parent company, Aylo, asserts it will continue to fight for industry rights and privacy concerns.

Whatever one chooses to think about the failed impeachment proceedings and legal troubles Texas’ attorney general Ken Paxton has faced, there is no debating the good his office has done in impeaching Aylo’s right to dump corruption and filth into the state which he is charged to protect (Proverbs 28:28). It is impossible to be too restrictive when it comes to eradicating the evil of pornography and the lives it ruins, both in its creation and in its consumption (1 Thessalonians 4:3-8).

One of the greatest lies about pornography is that it is “a private sin that doesn’t hurt anyone.” Please watch this video and educate yourself on the foolishness of this dangerous belief.

By: Todd Wagner

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