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- November 15, 2024
November 15, 2024
The Onion Buys Infowars, Child Marriage Law in Iraq, Easier to Be LGBTQ Than Christian
“The unattended garden will soon be overrun with weeds; the heart that fails to cultivate truth and root out error will shortly be a theological wilderness.”
A.W. Tozer
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Child Marriage Law in Iraq

Iraq's parliament, dominated by conservative Shia groups, is pushing a bill to lower the legal marriage age for girls to nine, which would also strip women of rights to divorce, child custody, and inheritance. Women's rights advocates, including Raya Faiq and a coalition of female Iraqi representatives, are fighting the bill, calling it a serious threat to women's rights and safety. Supporters of the law argue it protects girls from "immoral relationships," but opponents see it as a move to control and limit women's freedoms. Human rights organizations warn that this legislation would increase the risks of sexual violence and lead to a rise in girls being pulled from school.

The Bible does not provide a specific age requirement for marriage, but several passages give contextual clues. In 1 Corinthians 7:36, the Greek word used in reference to a female literally means "past her youth." In Ezekiel 16, an illustration showing God's care for Israel, the nation is represented as a girl who reaches physical maturity. In Hebrew, the word used for older females literally means "a marriageable woman."
To learn more about what the Bible says about the marriage age, check out this article.
The idea that a little girl might be married off against her will is deeply troubling. However, it is a travesty that is consistent with the Islamic worldview. Muhammad himself was married to a nine-year-old girl. Yet, there are current laws in place that would make Muhammad a convict. Sadly, it makes sense why they would want to pass a law that would vindicate the horrid sin their false prophet committed.
In response, we must look to the true Prophet, Jesus Christ, the One who prophesied that He will prepare a place for us, the One who prophesied that He will come back with a sword, and the One who truly loved children (John 14:2; Revelation 19:15; Matthew 19:13–14). Let us pray for the children of Iraq and the people of Iraq that they would reject Muhammad and accept the One who will come back to judge the living and the dead.
By: Jack Mueller
Easier to Be LGBTQ Than Christian

In Northern Ireland, students reportedly find it more challenging to express their Christian beliefs than to reveal their sexual orientation, according to David Smyth of the Evangelical Alliance Northern Ireland during an inquiry on Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE). Smyth emphasized concerns that Evangelical perspectives are increasingly marginalized in schools, especially on topics like abortion and sexual identity. He advocated for an RSE curriculum that balances diverse viewpoints without pressuring students ideologically, stressing a need for common ground on topics such as healthy relationships and consent. Smyth also criticized some RSE materials as age-inappropriate or scientifically inaccurate, highlighting a need for careful consideration of sensitive issues.

The LGBTQ movement's hold on popular culture is neither puzzling nor unexpected (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Satan is the prince of this world (1 John 5:19), and he has blinded the minds of unbelievers and holds many in the grip of his lies and slavery (2 Corinthians 4:4). Without the Holy Spirit to guide us into truth, man is subject to broken longings (Jeremiah 17:9) and Satan's deceitful schemes (Ephesians 4:14).
It is the duty and privilege of Christian parents to teach their children to do what is right (Romans 12:21, James 4:4) rather than what is acceptable to the world (1 John 2:15), to shepherd them in truth and expose them to the way of life, and to protect them from the enemy, his agendas, and his ambassadors (and the corners of the internet where children are being victimized and groomed in these ideologies at increasingly alarming rates).
We have to stand in our faith, wielding truth and love like a sword and shield, teaching our children that it is faith, not acceptance, conformity, or popularity, that overcomes the world (1 John 4:4). We are called to encourage them, embolden them, and most of all, teach them the word of God so that they might have something with which to fight (Ephesians 6:17).
By: Ken Teaff
The Onion Buys Infowars

The satirical news site The Onion purchased Alex Jones' Infowars at a bankruptcy auction, with financial support from families of Sandy Hook shooting victims, to whom Jones owes over $1 billion in defamation damages for his false claims that the 2012 massacre was a hoax. As part of the acquisition, The Onion obtained Infowars' website, social media accounts, studio, trademarks, and video archive. Gun safety organization Everytown for Gun Safety will be Infowars' exclusive launch advertiser, using the platform to promote gun violence prevention. Jones announced plans to fight the acquisition and move his broadcasts to new platforms if necessary.

While there are many layers to peel back on this story, one thing is certain: the tongue has the power to cost you far more than your fortune—it can "corrupt the whole body, set the whole course of one's life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell" (James 3:6).
Sensationalized language may have gained Alex Jones fame and fortune in today's attention economy, but as Scripture begs us all to consider, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" (Mark 8:36).
Ironically, this story might read like satire, but remember, there is a God who knows how each of our stories will unfold—and no one can escape the consequences of their words and their actions (Matthew 12:36).
By: Jamie Wilder
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