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- November 18, 2024
November 18, 2024
Trump’s Recess Appointments, Iran’s ‘Treatment Clinics’ for Women, Bible-Readers Less Lonely
“Truth becomes hard if it is not softened by love; love becomes soft if it is not strengthened by truth.”
John Stott
Table of Contents
Trump to Use Recess Appointments

President-elect Donald Trump has opened the door to using recess appointments to bypass Senate confirmation, even as Republicans hold “the trifecta” – control of the presidency and both chambers of Congress. Ahead of John Thune’s election as Senate Majority Leader, Trump emphasized that supporting recess appointments would be a prerequisite for the role, citing the need to avoid delays in filling critical positions. After his election, Thune acknowledged that recess appointments remain an option but expressed hope they would not be necessary.
Recess appointments, constitutionally permitted under specific conditions, allow presidents to temporarily fill vacancies without Senate approval during congressional recesses. Historically, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush used this authority extensively, though not for top-level Cabinet positions. Barack Obama, however, faced limitations after a 2014 Supreme Court ruling required a recess of at least 10 days. While critics argue that recess appointments undermine the Senate’s role in providing checks and balances, proponents see them as a vital tool to prevent political stalling and ensure government functionality.

The Bible does not speak directly to the nuances of recess appointments or constitutional intricacies, but it calls us to stand firm in what God has made clear, exercising wisdom and discernment in all things (James 1:5). Our duty as the remnant is to speak loudly where God has spoken clearly and with caution where He has not (Deuteronomy 29:29).
It’s crucial to recognize the temptation to align blindly with political figures and parties (Matthew 6:24). While we may cheer for our leaders as they navigate the system, we must remember that God, not man, is our ultimate authority (Romans 13:1). Let us not be double-minded (James 1:8). Ask yourself: Would your response—whether in condemnation or justification—remain consistent if the opposing party proposed the same measure? As believers, we have the freedom to call balls and strikes, no matter who is at bat.
Consensus is not a sign of morality, nor is disrupting the political status quo. The question of recess appointments may make for good dinner conversation (or not), but it will not be mentioned when we sit at the Lord’s table in Heaven. Be faithful in the present, and keep your focus on the eternal, for that is where our true citizenship lies (Philippians 3:20).
By: Jamie Wilder
Iran’s ‘Treatment Clinics’ for Women

Iran has announced plans to establish a "hijab removal treatment clinic" to provide "scientific and psychological treatment" for women who defy the country's strict hijab laws, according to Mehri Talebi Darestani, a government official. Critics and human rights advocates view this initiative as a coercive and psychologically abusive effort to suppress dissent against the mandatory hijab. This announcement follows longstanding protests by Iranian women, including the 2022 uprising sparked by Mahsa Amini's death at the hands of the morality police, and reflects the regime's increasing use of mental health institutions as tools for repression. Many see these clinics as a continuation of Iran's harsh tactics to silence opposition and enforce conformity to the ruling ideology.

The promotion of virtue and the prevention of vice are two worthy goals, specifically goals governments should be committed to as commanded by Scripture. Peter writes the "punishment of evildoers" and the "praise of those who do right" is the activity of righteous governments "sent by the Lord" to cause human flourishing (1 Peter 2:13-14). Trouble always follows in lands where governments fail to do their job or if governments abandon God's understanding of virtue and vice and replace them with their own definitions (Isaiah 5:20). Such is the case with Islamic nations and their laws (Proverbs 14:12). When men abandon God's teachings and create their own, or men confuse false prophets with God's prophets, oppression and sadness quickly multiply (Jeremiah 6:16,19). Leadership is always consequential and when the wicked rule, people will be forced to hide and inevitably groan (Proverbs 28:28, 29:2).
Sharia, or Islamic law, finds its origins in the Quran and the Hadith. The Quran is Islam's holiest book, and the Hadith is where Islamists believe the sayings and actions of Muhammad, based on his understanding of the principles he wrote about in the Quran, are recorded. However, not all Islamic scholars agree on how to best regulate conduct, family relations, business dealings, and dress codes based on their understanding of the Quran and the Hadith. As a result, Sharia law is as varied in different Islamic states as traffic laws are around the world, and while it may be okay to change which side of the road cars should travel on, it is not okay to travel in the wrong direction or drift from Truth (Hebrews 2:1-3). While Muhammad claimed to hear the words he wrote in the Quran from an angel because those writings reject the grace of God as revealed in the gospel, they are to be rejected (Galatians 1:6-8). There is no virtue in promoting Sharia law or looking to the Quran as a means of defining virtue or seeking blessing (Galatians 1:9).
By: Todd Wagner
Bible-Readers Less Lonely Than Others

The American Bible Society released the eighth chapter of its "State of the Bible USA 2024" report this week, focusing on the issue of loneliness. The report highlights that individuals who cultivate strong spiritual practices and frequently extend forgiveness tend to experience significantly less loneliness. In contrast, those less engaged with the Bible, church, or forgiveness often report higher levels of isolation. These findings underscore the profound connection between faith engagement, relational habits, and emotional well-being.

Most Americans report moderate to high levels of loneliness. Among the "Bible disengaged"—the 138 million adults who rarely or never read the Bible and don't find it central in their lives—that number is about three out of four. Conversely, among the 47 million who think the Bible is very important, nearly 90% of the Bible-engaged do not find loneliness to be a problem.
We were not designed to be alone or isolated. God wants us to gather together, loving one another (John 13:34-35) and practicing the "One Another's" of Scripture as a family. We're commanded to assemble together (Hebrews 10:24-25), to stir each other up, and to encourage one another. Solomon told us it's better to have a partner than to go alone (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10). We are, collectively, the body of Christ, and no one member can function without the rest of the body (1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Romans 12:4-5).
How does being engaged with the Bible help us allay loneliness? Scripture not only informs us that God has a plan for us (Psalm 139), it tells us who He is and that He can be trusted to be there when we feel alone or isolated (Psalm 19:7-11). The Bible is God's word (2 Timothy 3:16) and He wants to communicate with us through the written Word (Hebrews 4:12-13) and His Son, the living Word.
Having a relationship with God is our primary purpose. We were made to know Him and glorify Him (Psalm 100:2-3, Ecclesiastes 12:13). It's no surprise that those who are more engaged with their Bible and its Author have a better outlook on life and belong to a community of believers who share their values, beliefs, convictions, and lives with each other.
By: Ken Teaff
Other news you should know
😬 New study suggests link between cancer and marijuana usage.
💥 Biden allows Ukraine to strike inside Russia with missiles.
💸 Yikes: Kamala Harris campaign spent $100M per week in her bid for president.
🔔 Pentagon fails 7th audit in a row, unable to fully account for $824B budget.
🥊 In case you cared (and haven’t heard), Jake Paul won.
🤝🏻 Trump and some of his new cabinet picks attended a UFC event.

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