October 14, 2024

“Man Enough” (According to the Left), Illegal Prayer in Scotland, Third Trump Assassin

October 14, 2024

“If you read history, you will find that the Christians who did most for the world were precisely those who thought most of the next.”

C.S. Lewis

What “Man Enough” Means (to the Left)

A new grassroots campaign video supporting Kamala Harris went viral for attempting to portray and redefine masculinity, but it has been widely mocked online. The ad features men boasting about their manliness, from eating "carburetors for breakfast" to supporting liberal women's causes and Harris. Critics across social media derided it, calling it "the cringiest political ad ever." Claremont Institute's Spencer Klavan suggested the ad reveals the left's vision of what men should be, while others saw it as an attempt to reassure Harris's female base rather than appeal to men. This ad was released after recent polls have showcased a massive lead for Donald Trump with male voters.

The irony here is palpable. The same political group that popularized "toxic masculinity" (even applying the definition to include healthy, Christ-honoring men as "toxic") now wonders why men feel alienated. It's also the same group that claims there's no way to know if someone is male or female, denying common sense, biology, and the Bible (Matthew 19:4). No wonder there's a disconnect with so many male voters.

We don't need politicians on the left or the right telling us what real manhood is—God's Word will suffice (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Scripture calls men to be strong, faithful, and loving—neither passive nor aggressive—but like Christ, who showed us true masculinity: "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her" (Ephesians 5:25).

A key message of the pro-Kamala ad was that "real men" support unrestricted abortion access. Ignoring this would be unfaithful and cowardly. Let's be clear—real men protect life (Proverbs 24:11-12). They don't abandon or destroy it for convenience, nor do they do so because a politician says it's what "real men" do. Abortion stands in stark contrast to the biblical call for followers of Jesus to lay down their lives for others (1 John 3:16). Abortion, instead, demands that another's life be sacrificed for your sake. When men embrace that ethic, women and children always bear the brunt of evil. It opposes the ethics of the Gospel and cannot be redefined as manliness.

If that is part of your story, repent and come to Christ for forgiveness and restoration (2 Corinthians 5:21). I promise He will forgive you (1 John 1:9). Jesus isn't just the perfect example or standard—although He was that, too (1 Peter 2:21). He is our perfect substitute (Isaiah 53:5). We can never live up to Him, but He fulfilled all that righteousness demands on our behalf (Romans 5:8). It's because of Him that I am free; may the same be said of you, brother or sister in Christ (John 8:36).

By: Jamie Wilder

Third Trump Assassin?

A man identified as Vem Miller was arrested near Donald Trump’s rally in Coachella, California, with loaded firearms and false press and VIP passes. Police intercepted Miller at a checkpoint about half a mile from the rally entrance and found a loaded shotgun, handgun, and high-capacity magazine. The suspect believed to be linked to an anti-government group, was released after posting $5,000 bail. While Miller claimed he was a Trump supporter and carried the guns for safety, the investigation is ongoing, and authorities said Trump and the rally attendees were not in danger.

Talk of impeachments used to be rare in our country, and word of an assassin's plan to kill one of our nation's leaders once took our breath away. It is not a positive sign in our country that an effort to remove our leaders through impeachment, legal proceedings, or assassination attempts seems so commonplace that they only get mentioned in passing, if they even get mentioned at all (Proverbs 28:2). What are we to do given that despair is not our way (Psalm 42:5) and outrage is not a strategy for those who trust in the Lord (Ephesians 4:26)?

I recommend this: we should do what we can to bring peace through our words, leadership, teachings, and example (Matthew 5:9, 1 Peter 2:12).

We should "honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, [and] honor the king" (1 Peter 2:17). We should be careful not to treat those who disagree with us politically as enemies to be destroyed; rather, we should see them as others to serve and love (Luke 6:35).

We pray (Ephesians 6:18).

We evangelize (1 Timothy 4:5).

We read the Remnant News and the Scripture in it and share what we learn with others (2 Timothy 2:2). 

We don't grow weary in doing good (Galatians 6:9), and we don't let our hearts be troubled or fearful (John 14:27). We ask ourselves how we can use the world around us to remind us of something more lasting and true (Colossians 3:2). (This is one of the ways we try and serve you, by taking stories of the day and helping you process them with a mind toward eternal things (1 Corinthians 2:12-13).)

So, we close our reflection on this story with this thought:

While none of us may live with the daily concern of an assassin wanting to make an attempt on our life, all of us should be sober-minded and continually on the alert because our "adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8). And while none of us have the Secret Service providing protection, it is no secret where our help comes from (Matthew 6:13) or that the way of escape exists (1 Corinthians 10:13). So while we have an enemy who wants to kill all of us who seek to be part of Jesus 'administration' on earth, let us never forget that we have been given everything we need to be useful and fruitful for our King (2 Peter 1:3-7).

By: Todd Wagner

Illegal Prayer in Scotland

Christian and pro-life groups are raising alarms over new abortion laws in Scotland, which could criminalize prayer even in private homes. The legislation, which took effect last month, establishes 200-meter “safe access zones” around all abortion clinics, banning activities that supposedly “harass, alarm, or distress” abortionists and their patients—including silent prayer vigils.

Even people living within these zones now face the possibility of prosecution for actions that others can see or hear from outside their homes. This means that activities such as praying aloud or displaying religious symbols could be treated as crimes.

The abortion issue has been discussed with increasing vehemence for six decades or more. Christians, of course, follow Christ’s mandate to keep His commandments (John 14:21), which includes the prohibition against murder (Exodus 20:13). Those who love Jesus come down unanimously on the side of life, and there’s no doubt that life begins at conception (Psalm 139:13-16). That is a settled matter.

But there’s a new evil that is taking over the West, and that is the use of government authority to suppress the citizenry. Attempts to stifle free speech are as old as the concept of freedom of expression itself, but Satan is achieving great new heights among once-Christian nations. 

God ordained government as a means of protecting the rights of mankind (Romans 13:1-4), but the men who make up government are fallen, and their sinful nature compels them to seek power, as addicts seek drugs. This invariably manifests itself in muffling opposing viewpoints, but Scripture makes clear that we are to submit to authority even when rulers are evil, knowing that God will hold them accountable (Daniel 4:31-33). Yet we cannot submit to human laws that are in conflict with God’s plainly revealed moral law (Acts 4:19, 5:29, Exodus 1:15-17, Daniel 3:14-18).

What is now happening in Scotland will make its way to America. It’s already happening, as our government has applied pressure on media companies to suppress voices that are propagating information that does not benefit those in charge. Peter and John, Paul (Acts 14:19), Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and Daniel (Daniel 6:16) all suffered for standing up to the rulers of their time, as did Jesus. They stood for what was right, and Scottish pro-lifers today (and perhaps American Christians tomorrow) are risking punishment for doing what is right. 

Are we ready? Will we follow Christ, regardless of the repercussions?

By: Ken Teaff

Other news you should know

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🎽 World record shattered at Chicago Marathon.

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🥤 7/11 to close 444 stores.

🎙 Breaking the Internet: Trump planning to go on Joe Rogan’s podcast.

Free gas offered to residents in FL recovering from hurricanes.

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