October 16, 2023

Gaza Ground Invasion and SotH Update

October 16, 2023

Quote of the day:

“Night cometh."
John 9:4

Today’s Headlines

Israel Update

The Israel-Hamas war is escalating, with Israel poised to launch a ground invasion of Gaza, where a humanitarian crisis is worsening amid shortages of water, food, and safety. Israel has conducted heavy airstrikes since Hamas began rocket attacks and other assaults from Gaza last weekend. Gaza is under siege, with the only exit into Egypt closed, displacing almost a million residents as Israel warned them to flee south. Sirens continue in Tel Aviv over a week after Hamas' surprise attack began. The death toll climbs on both sides, with Israel reporting over 1,300 killed, including 276 troops, and Gaza reporting over 2,670 killed and 9,600 wounded. At least 29 Americans are among the dead in Israel, 15 remain missing, and Hamas has taken 155 hostages, including Americans.


The Remnant's Response 

As we wrote last week about the inevitable collateral damage and loss of innocent lives that accompany war, "War isn't hell. Hell is hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse."(While understanding “Hawkeyes” point in previous link- see this message which makes clear that eternal Hell is REAL and eternally horrible as a result of our ‘war’ against the glory of God.)

There is a reason that "just war theory" requires discrimination. Israel is, in this case, to be commended for their efforts to do all they can minimize the loss of innocents in their rightful prosecution of Hamas (Romans 13:4). Undoubtedly, there will be thousands more civilians who will die in the days ahead. We should all be praying for the multitudes who will suffer and the many who will die as a result of this current trouble.

May the remnant remember: All Palestinians are not Islamists, and even among those who call themselves Muslim, not all support Hamas and their atrocities. All Islamists are not committed to Sharia law, and all Islamists do not define jihad the same. It is, however, true that anybody who does not actively work to denounce and eradicate jihad as defined by the likes of Hamas, ISIS, the Taliban, etc... share in the blame and responsibility for their horrors.

As Gus told Jake Spoon after being caught with a murderous clan in Lonesome Dove, "You ride with an outlaw, you die with an outlaw." Despite Jake's protesting that he just "fell in with these boys while he was in the territory" and that he was "going to leave them first chance" he got. Gus reminded him, "You should taken that chance a little earlier. Jake, a man who will go along with five killings, is taking his leave a little slow."

Asaph agrees (Psalm 50:16-22). Solomon agrees (Proverbs 13:20). Paul agrees (Romans 1:32). The fear of the Lord is the hatred of evil (Proverbs 8:13), and fearing retribution by evil people if we speak up against them is not an excuse in the eyes of God (Jeremiah 1:17). The Lord expects us to speak out against evil everywhere it exists, irrespective of the expense, reminding us not to "fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell" (Matthew 10:28). This is a hard teaching and while one can have empathy for those who live in Gaza and know it would be certain death to speak out against Hamas and their perversions, there is always a day when you will be confronted with being a "little slow" in speaking up if you do not. Doing evil is crossing the line (Ephesians 5:3-10). Not speaking up against evil is also crossing the line (Ephesians 5:11). It doesn't matter if, like Jake Spoon, you "ain't seen no line" or if you "was just trying to get through the territory without getting scalped."

You ride with an outlaw. You die with an outlaw. (Psalm 50:22)

This is especially a warning to all "Christians" who have been slow to speak out against abortion, LGTBQ+, racism, 'no fault' divorce, pedophilia, compromised pulpits, oppressive government policies and mandates, open borders, and a multitude of other injustices and evils increasingly embraced by a people who have lost their way. We often hear the intimidation that those who speak the Truth in love on these issues will be "canceled" and on "the wrong side of history." We are told it will cost us friends, careers, income, and "social credit." Jesus told his followers not to be surprised or deterred (Matthew 10:19-27). The question is not whether or not you will be canceled or on the wrong side of history. The question is, who do you want to be canceled by, and what side of eternity do you want to be on (Matthew 10:28, Jeremiah 1:17). What is about to happen in Gaza pales in comparison to what is certain to happen to America (and to every individual in America if we just want to get through life 'without being scalped.' The day is growing dark, and it is time to wake up (Ephesians 5:14-16). Night cometh (Luke 12:54-56, Revelation 22:13).

The remnant speaks (Proverbs 24:11-12). The remnant doesn't fear man (Galatians 1:10). The remnant knows, "They will fight against us, but they will not overcome us, because the Lord is with us to deliver us" (Jeremiah 1:19).

Jim Jordan Up For Speaker

Jim Jordan was nominated by Republicans for House Speaker but is struggling to get the 218 votes needed, as about 65 GOP lawmakers still oppose him. Supporters say Jordan's conservative credentials could help win over critics, but the math remains difficult. Kevin McCarthy previously failed to get the votes after 15 rounds. Some suggest Democrats could provide votes if concessions were made, like rule changes enabling bipartisan bills. Other GOP candidates may enter the race if Jordan falls short. Republicans urgently want to resolve the impasse to fund the government and respond to crises. But Jordan faces an uphill battle to convince opponents to back him on the House floor.


The Remnant's Response 

This is the third time we have commented on the removal and effort to replace Speaker McCarthy in the House. (See previous posts here and here). While members continue to debate, form coalitions, and seek enough agreement to install the next Speaker, the remnant knows the Lord is at work behind it all (Psalm 75:6-7). While God "removes Kings and establishes Kings" (Daniel 2:20-21), it does not follow that men are without accountability (Romans 14:12, 2 Corinthians 5:20). The sovereignty of God is a precious Truth that should comfort us in our affliction (Romans 8:28), not an excuse for our foolishness or rebellion (Luke 12:47-48). Much has been given to those who elect "Kings." This is true of the citizenry who elect representatives, and it is true of congressmen who elect Speakers of the House. We should be prayerful and wise with our votes and pray for those we have voted for (1 Timothy 2:1-2). As Todd Wagner once said, "Your hope is not in a vote, but your vote should reflect Who your hope is in." Sovereignty and our Constitution give every man the right to be his own oppressor. We have no right to complain about our oppression if we keep electing men who do not put their hope and find their morality in the Word of God (Proverbs 19:3). The remnant should vote with prudence (Proverbs 19:2), pray with passion (Colossians 4:2), so they can sleep in peace (Proverbs 3:24).

 Other news you should know

🎮 Call of Duty maker gets acquired for $69 billion. (we will write on this Wednesday)

🤬 Horror in Illinois, a 71 year old man brutally murdered 6 year old in hate crime tied to Israel/Palestine conflict.

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