October 16, 2024

Ex-Basketball Player Shot by Police, Kamala’s Comments from the Pulpit, “Replacement Rate” Efforts Failing

October 16, 2024

“Worldliness is what any particular culture does to make sin seem normal, and righteousness seem strange.”

David Wells

Ex-Women’s Basketball Player Shot by Police

Sydney Wilson, a former Georgetown women's basketball player, was fatally shot by Fairfax County officer Peter Liu during a welfare check initiated by a mental health counselor who noted Wilson's agitated state. Upon arrival, Officer Liu attempted to de-escalate the situation; however, bodycam footage shows Wilson lunging at him with a knife, resulting in multiple stabbings of Liu. In response, Liu fired five shots after being chased into a corner of a hallway, leading to Wilson being pronounced dead at the hospital. Fairfax Police Chief Kevin Davis defended Liu's actions as appropriate for the circumstances. Wilson's funeral was held on October 5, with donations requested in her honor to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Officer Liu is currently under investigation and remains on restricted duty.

(warning: graphic photo/video)

Compassion is a mark of a healthy Christian (Colossians 3:12), and it invites us to approach difficult situations with humility (Proverbs 22:4). In the wake of Sydney Wilson’s death, it’s crucial to recognize the challenging positions that police officers, like Officer Liu, find themselves in daily. They often have to make split-second decisions that come with weighty consequences.

At the same time, we must remember to mourn with those who mourn (Romans 12:15). The loss of life is always sorrowful, and regardless of the circumstances, it profoundly impacts family and community. There are many in our country who are suffering from mental illnesses, and it should absolutely break the hearts of believers that lives are lost due to an unstable mind.

Even when an officer-involved shooting is deemed justified, it does not diminish the tragedy of the situation. Scripture reminds us that God does not delight in the death of even the wicked (Ezekiel 33:11). Please join The Remnant team in thanking the Lord and praying for officers who follow protocol and strive to protect their communities (1 Timothy 2:1-2).

By: Jamie Wilder

“Replacement Rate” Efforts Failing

European countries like Hungary and Norway offer extensive benefits, such as subsidized housing loans and generous parental leave, to encourage higher birth rates amid falling fertility rates. Despite these efforts, however, fertility rates remain well below the replacement level, with cultural shifts playing a larger role than financial incentives. Many individuals, like Hungarian and Norwegian women, express that even with practical support, their personal desires and life goals outweigh the incentives to have more children. Governments worldwide, including in the U.S., are now rethinking family policies, but challenges in balancing career, lifestyle, and childbearing persist.

God's Word is clear: children are not a distraction or burden. They are a blessing and a gift (Psalm 127:3-5). While there may be many good reasons not to have children, refusing to have children because they will lower your quality of life, "keep you from good things," or be an anchor from the "American Dream" is a significant miss. Countries around the world are finally beginning to discover what God's Word has always taught. Children are not just a blessing to a family; they are a nation's future, and a nation that forgets her children is a nation that will soon be forgotten. A nation without children will perish, and a nation that neglects the children they have will be a nation that suffers when their children grow to become leaders who reject God.

Governments should care for children, support families, and incentivize what will lead to greater flourishing and prosperity, but tax breaks or better loans on a minivan will not ensure that the children being procreated will be raised by parents who will expose them to the only way of fruitful and prosperous life and living (Jeremiah 6:16). When you have to incentivize childbearing with anything other than the goodness and kindness of God's sufficient truth, you run the risk of allowing children to continue to be viewed or treated as a commodity, something to be exploited or used for personal benefit. Tragically, we've already begun to see what happens when people discard and disregard children for personal gain, and we could be about to see what happens when we create them for personal gain.

Children take selflessness, they take time, and they require and deserve a tremendous amount of care and investment (at home and in the public square), but there is not a remotely comparable investment that will produce the same "return" in our own lives (Proverbs 17:6) and for the prosperity and future of our nations as children will who are loved as they should be (Mark 9:36-37), protected in the ways they deserve to be (Matthew 18:6), and trained up in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6).

By: Todd Wagner

Kamala’s Comments from the Pulpit

Kamala Harris, speaking at a church in North Carolina, criticized Donald Trump for spreading misinformation about the government’s hurricane response without directly naming him. She emphasized that false claims undermine trust in critical, life-saving information and accused some individuals of exploiting the crisis for political gain. Trump has alleged that FEMA ran out of funds to aid Republican communities affected by Hurricanes Milton and Helene, with the money being diverted to assist undocumented immigrants. Her comments are being criticized as false and inappropriately political, given the context of a church setting.

While there are plenty of angles to discuss regarding Kamala's Sunday morning comments, we will focus on the problem of politicians seeking to speak authoritatively on the issue of truthfulness and lying, as it seems to be a pervasive problem amongst them.

Only in Judaism and Christianity is lying totally condemned (Proverbs 12:22, 6:12, 16-17).

God hates lying – the original sin. The serpent lied to Eve about God (Genesis 3:4-5), leading her to disobey God's instructions, which resulted in further sin. Lying often leads to more sin or is used to hide other wrongs. In Acts 5:1-10, Ananias and Sapphira lied to Peter to cover up their greed, and God struck them dead, bringing "great fear upon the whole church." We, too, should feel this fear when we lie, as it offends the Creator.

God hates lying because it destroys trust. Once someone is known to be a liar, others find it hard to trust them again. While the Psalmist laments that "all men are liars" (Psalm 12:2; 116:11), this is a cry of frustration, not just an observation of human nature.

Jesus called Himself "the truth" (John 14:6). Those who follow Him should strive to be like Him in whom there is no deceit (1 Peter 2:22), and all those who teach and seek to speak authoritatively on Scripture should do so with great caution as they (should) know those who do so will receive stricter judgment (James 3:1).  

By: The Remnant News Team

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