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- October 18, 2024
October 18, 2024
Leader of Hamas Dead, FBI Adjusts Crime Stats, Human Trafficking at the Border
“No man is truly wise who is not wise for eternity.”
JC Ryle
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Yahya Sinwar Dead

Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas leader responsible for orchestrating the 2023 surprise attack on Israeli civilians, was located and killed by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) infantry and armored units as he attempted to flee from Gaza to Egypt. The October 7th attack resulted in over 1,200 Israeli deaths and the abduction of 251 hostages. Sinwar had long been a key figure in Hamas, known for his strategic planning and ruthless leadership. His death marks a significant blow to the organization as Israeli forces continue their efforts to dismantle its leadership and operations.

The Jewish people have faced numerous genocide attempts throughout their existence, notably from Egypt (Exodus 14:5-14), Assyria (2 Kings 17:5-6), Babylon, Persia (Esther 6, 7), Greece (under Antiochus Epiphanes), Rome, and Germany. Since 1948, when Israel was reconstituted as a nation-state, they’ve been facing unending threats from their Muslim neighbors. Sinwar is only the latest to try and fail.
God has preserved the Jews through all of this, promising that there will always be a remnant of His chosen people, Israel, and that He will be their deliverer (Isaiah 10:20-21, 1 Kings 19:18, Romans 9:27-28) and will punish their adversaries.
The Father has said that He will never let His people be destroyed, yet wicked and unbelieving leaders of other nations continue to try. Though many millions of Jews have died during these devastating events, the Lord does not let all of His people die. He founded a nation with Abraham and promised that it would endure, even through persecution, to the end, when Israel would finally acknowledge Jesus as their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10) and be restored and justified (Jeremiah 33:8, Romans 11:26-27). Until then, Israel rightly seeks to defend itself and destroy great threats of evil against their land and citizenry. Join us in praying that with each move and countermove, innocent life is preserved and evil is extinguished.
By: Ken Teaff
FBI Adjusts Crime Statistics

The FBI quietly updated its 2022 crime data, revising a previously reported 2.1% drop in violent crime to reflect a 4.5% increase. The updated data shows a net increase of 80,029 violent crimes in 2022 over 2021, including an additional 1,699 murders, 7,780 rapes, 33,459 robberies, and 37,091 aggravated assaults. Based on their statistics, the FBI had previously claimed that violent crime declined for three consecutive years, and the Biden-Harris administration had touted the original data as evidence of declining crime under their leadership. The revision sparked criticism from the Trump campaign, which accused the federal government of manipulating data. While the White House maintains that crime is at a near 50-year low, Lott expressed concern over the lack of media correction and transparency regarding the updated statistics, likening it to previous inaccuracies in job data estimates.

This story is bigger than scoring political points. We should be thankful that the truth is being pursued (Psalm 25:5), yet mourn that thousands of violent crimes were overlooked and underreported by the FBI (Psalm 34:18).
Further, we will all give an account for what we have done—every word and every deed, every action and even our inaction (2 Corinthians 5:10, Matthew 12:36). The Lord knows the hearts of those involved in the initial reporting of crime statistics, as well as those who have corrected them (Proverbs 21:2). While we can hope this was an honest mistake, the reality remains that crime has occurred far more than we have been led to believe over the past three years. Those who publicly disseminate false information should seek repentance (Acts 17:30).
It is never partisan to hold leaders accountable to the standard of truth and to ensure transparency with the American people (Proverbs 16:10, Proverbs 29:12). In an anti-institutional age, restoring trust with the public is not negotiable for our leading institutions. Those who have been victims of horrific crimes should cling to the truth that God sees them and has not overlooked them (Psalm 34:18).
Remember that the Lord is ever-knowing and ever-present (Hebrews 4:13). If we lived as a nation in light of that reality, we would be a step closer to making Earth resemble Heaven (Matthew 6:10).
By: Jamie Wilder
Sex Trafficking at the Border Skyrocketing

An article published by the Free Press highlights the growing human trafficking crisis at the U.S. border over the past three years. Since President Biden took office, a nonprofit organization working in coordination with law enforcement at the Texas border has reported a 90% rise in advertisements for prostitution and child trafficking involving migrant women. Human trafficking rates have more than tripled, making it the fastest-growing criminal enterprise in the United States. This alarming trend was underscored by a recent sting operation in Florida, which led to the arrests of 157 individuals, including 25 illegal immigrants.

It is difficult but important to confront the depth of our world's brokenness and depravity (Romans 1:29-31). If Paul was able to consider his generation “crooked and perverse,” how much more so can we (Philippians 2:15)?
Whether or not it's making headline news, tragic crimes are being committed in untold numbers against the vulnerable all day long. While we can find comfort in knowing the truth, we cannot accept complacency.
We are called to speak out and vote against policies that lead to harm (Proverbs 31:8-9).
We are called to protect the vulnerable and prosecute the violent (Isaiah 1:17, Psalm 82:3-4).
We are called to offer comfort, care, hope, and healing as the hands and feet of Jesus (Matthew 25:40, 1 Corinthians 12:27, James 2:14-17).
We are called to ruthlessly address the temptation or sin in our life that leads us towards evil and ends in death (Matthew 5:29-30, James 1:14-15). But for grace, so go I.
When I can hardly stomach the traumas being endured by victims of pure evil, I remember that our King is coming on the clouds, He has not turned an eye away from the sinner or the sufferer (Psalm 34:18, 147:3), and He is coming with justice on his heels and vengeance on His lips (2 Thessalonians 1:6-8). Today, I am challenged to speak with more clarity and kindness on the importance of knowing the One who holds every tear (Psalm 56:8) and will wipe them away from the eyes of His children soon (Isaiah 25:8, Revelation 21:4).
By: Kirby Mankin
Other news you should know
⚰️ Pop star Liam Payne dies after falling from a balcony.
👮🏻 TX court stops execution.
🍁 Olympian faces murder and drug charges.
🎨 Modern-day art fraud in $6.5M case.
🇮🇹 Italy passed an anti-surrogacy law that will make it more difficult for the LGBTQ community to become parents.
🙌🏻 6,000 students at this university gather to worship Jesus.
💉 Another study links COVID shot to Myocarditis in kids.
📰 Did the New York Times actually just write a decent article?

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