October 20, 2023

Powell Pleads Guilty, Jordan Fails 2x, Israel Update

October 20, 2023

Quote of the day:

“A religion that does not produce deep humility, self-distrust, brokenness of heart, and hatred of sin, is not the religion of the Bible."

- J.C. Ryle

Today’s Headlines

Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty

Former Trump attorney Sidney Powell pleaded guilty in Georgia's 2020 election subversion case, admitting her role in illegally accessing voting systems in Coffee County. As part of the plea deal, she agreed to 6 years probation, testify in future trials, write an apology letter, pay restitution, and turn over documents. Powell had been accused of peddling conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being rigged against Trump. She is the second person to plead guilty in the case, while Trump and 16 others have pleaded not guilty.

Powell admitted taking actions to tamper with voting machines and unlawfully access data in conspiracy with the Coffee County elections supervisor. She was set to stand trial on Friday before the last-minute plea. Powell still faces legal jeopardy as an unindicted co-conspirator in the federal election probe and defamation lawsuits.


The Remnant's Response

It is good to be reminded that loud, confident, and even convincing proclamations do not necessarily make something true (Jeremiah 28:1-4; Proverbs 20:14). One of the most frustrating aspects of life is facing the reality that, when it comes to the testimony of others, we rarely know what we can or should believe. This is why those of us who want to be believed when we testify to the reality of the gospel story (2 Peter 1:16) must be cautious before attaching our names or support to conspiracy theories. This is also why we are reminded that a 'good name is to be more desired than great wealth' (Proverbs 22:1) and that our spiritual leaders must be trustworthy men (1 Corinthians 4:2).

Few people were more emphatic in their questioning of the election results in 2020 than Powell, and now she is writing a letter of apology to the people of Georgia for her behavior. What is not clear, after she pleaded guilty to six lesser misdemeanor counts, is whether she now believes there was no election fraud and, if there was, whether or not it affected the election results.

The late Charles Colson was correct when he said, 'The fact is that people will give their lives for what they believe is true, but they will never give their lives for what they know is a lie.' We can celebrate whenever anyone recants false words they previously testified (Proverbs 28:13), and we can be glad that we know a good Word that can always be trusted (Psalm 12:6, Proverbs 30:5). The remnant must traffic in Truth and can agree with Paul, that 'It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all' (1 Timothy 1:15).

Jim Jordan Fails Second Vote

Jim Jordan failed his second attempt at Speakership on Wednesday. Yesterday a House GOP conference meeting stretched over 3 hours as Republicans remained divided over a resolution to empower interim Speaker Patrick McHenry. Some oppose expanding McHenry's powers despite Speaker designee Jim Jordan's backing.

Frustration is high after the GOP remains locked after ousting McCarthy. Critics say the GOP lacked a plan before they blew up the speakership without preparing an alternative. The path forward is unclear, some are pushing for working weekends until a speaker is elected to force resolution. A third vote is expected to take place this morning.


The Remnant's Response

Identifying the problem, though absolutely necessary, solves only half of the problem. Wise leaders don't just identify problems; they create solutions (1 Kings 3:16-28).

While the remnant continues to pray for our nation's elected officials (1 Timothy 2:1-2) and sympathizes with leaders who have good solutions but lack the ability to gain the consensus necessary to effect change, we can be thankful that we, unique among people of faith in the world, can rejoice that we serve a good and perfect King (1 Timothy 1:17). A king who not only graciously allows us to see our problem but has also provided us with a perfect solution (Romans 5:18-19). While practically every religion on earth acknowledges that fallen man is the problem, only one offers a real solution (Isaiah 53:6).

May we, by God's grace, not add more trouble to the world through our failure to walk 'worthy of the calling with which we have been called' (Ephesians 4:1-3). Until we are home, may God's grace allow us to 'Make sure that none of us suffers as a murderer, thief, evildoer, or troublesome meddler' (1 Peter 4:15) or as a member of Congress who fails to create wonderful solutions.

Israel Update

Here are the big updates since Wednesday:


The Remnant's Response 

Whether the number was 500 or 100, the loss of life is tragic. As we wrote and prepared the remnant, we saw the headlines change from various news outlets multiple times regarding death tolls and responsibility. Once again, it is good to be reminded that there is very little news we can be absolutely assured of other than the good news (1 Timothy 1:15). Even more tragic than being deceived by Al Jazeera or The New York Times when it comes to today's truths, men are in far greater danger when it comes to 'paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons' (1 Timothy 4:1) when it comes to eternal ones.

In these last days, there will not only be 'wars and rumors of wars' (Matthew 24:6) but also propaganda and rumors about those wars. It is why we must be careful with 'dainty morsels' (Proverbs 18:8) that go down easily but eventually poison' our innermost being' and our eventual understanding.

Part of the problem currently manifesting itself in the Middle East is the hatred in the hearts of the sons of Hamas, who have been indoctrinated from their earliest days that Israel is 'satanic' and 'needs to be wiped from the face of the earth.' An often-quoted verse reminds us that children should be trained in the way they should go, and when they are old, they will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). Sadly, we are seeing this truth played out in a very negative way before our very eyes.

The remnant has to be careful to feed its heart on the 'perfect,' 'soul-restoring,' 'testimony of the Lord, which makes wise the simple' (Psalm 19:7), so it doesn't get deceived by the soul-destroying lies of the world. We all should be slow to speak with authority on things that we are not seeing with our own eyes and hearing with our ears. We do know this: what is happening in Israel and Gaza is tragic - and the remnant around the world ought to be praying for the violence to soon end, the gospel to go forth, and the Lord to return (Revelation 22:20-21).

 Other news you should know

🤦🏻‍♂️ White House doxxes Delta Force team in Israel.

⚾️ Astros tie the Rangers in the Texas showdown.

🏈 Speaking of cheaters^, Michigan Football is under investigation for a sign stealing scandal.

✝️ There are good reasons to leave a church and lots are leaving the methodist church.

🐊 Strong statement from Florida University President.

🏛️ Another protest in the Capitol building? Never mind no one is talking about this…

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