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- October 25, 2024
October 25, 2024
Dr. Delays Publishing Data, France’s Mass Rape Trial, “No Concessions” Abortion
“The seeking of the kingdom of God is the chief business of the Christian life.”
Jonathan Edwards
Table of Contents
Doctor Delays Publishing Revealing Data

Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy has delayed publishing her study on puberty blockers due to concerns about its potential exploitation in political debates. The study, ongoing since 2015, followed 95 children with gender dysphoria and found that transitioning through puberty blockers does not lead to significant mental health improvements, contradicting earlier research that suggested benefits. The project has received $9.7 million in funding to date from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), funded by American taxpayers.
As an advocate for these treatments, Olson-Kennedy fears the data could be weaponized by opponents of medical interventions for transgender youth. Critics argue that withholding such findings is problematic, as the evidence could inform families and healthcare providers. Amid ongoing legal battles over gender-related medical care, Olson-Kennedy's decision raises concerns about the politicization of medical research.

If truth gets in the way of your politics, the worst thing you can do is cast aside that truth (Proverbs 23:23). This serves as a good reminder that we must be careful that our politics don't become the filter through which we view the world (Proverbs 4:23).
Dr. Olson-Kennedy may blame the political climate and her ideological opponents for her hesitance to publish her findings, but she would do well to heed Jesus' parable about the man with the log in his own eye (Matthew 7:3-5) and his warning to those that cause little ones to stumble or be led astray (Matthew 18:6).
All truth is God's truth (John 16:13), and we don't need to wait for studies to confirm what He has already revealed. Remember, the serpent's first temptation to mankind came cloaked in questions about what God really said (Genesis 3:1). In the pursuit of truth, we must remain steadfast, recognizing that as believers, we are called to speak boldly and stand for truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). Let us pray for justice for the children caught in this horrific experiment and for accountability among those like Olson-Kennedy (2 Corinthians 5:10).
By: Jamie Wilder
Dad, frustrated with Disney+, builds new Bible app for daughter
Disney, YouTube, and Netflix have collectively lost their minds. Their values (or lack thereof) are not aligned with Gospel truth. Most believing families simply want to raise their kids with a faithful foundation, Biblical literacy, and a lasting relationship with Jesus. That's why two brothers & dads have been on a mission to use their background in technology to build something better - Flash Bible. An epic Bible app created to train up little disciples. An app that can be self-guided with interactive Bible trivia. Join us and help us build more resilient faith not only in your own home but also in homes around the world.
Will you help us take on the tech giants? Get 50% off when you sign up with the code FAMILY50 & send us your feedback.
France’s Mass Rape Trial

Gisèle Pelicot, a 71-year-old French woman, took the stand in court to address the trial of her former husband, Dominique, who admitted to drugging and facilitating her rape by dozens of men over a decade. Pelicot recounted her deep betrayal, sharing that Dominique had been a caring husband, but she is now grappling with the horror of his actions. The trial has drawn widespread attention in France and around the world, with feminist groups supporting her and calling for legal reforms around consent.
Warning: The story contains disturbing content

When reading a story like this, we may find ourselves asking, How can God allow such evil to happen? If God is real, can He truly be good while allowing His creation to suffer in these ways? As we prayerfully consider this story—and the tragic number of others like it—it’s essential to let Scripture guide us in understanding the presence of evil in our world.
Scripture affirms that God is indeed good; He is the very definition of goodness (Matthew 19:17). Evil exists because of the fall (Genesis 3:1–24). When sin and death entered the world through Adam, our capacity to seek good on our own disappeared (Romans 3:10–12). Yet in God’s providence, He provided a path to redemption: the “second Adam,” Jesus Christ, who came to restore what was lost by offering Himself as a perfect sacrifice for the world (Romans 5:15). Evil persists not because of God, but because of humanity’s inherited tendency toward sin and brokenness.
Even so, God does not abandon us to our sin. Instead, He sent His own Son, who willingly and humbly endured death on the cross for us (Philippians 2:5–8). Jesus experienced every temptation we encounter yet remained without sin, ultimately taking on the penalty of our sins through His sacrifice (Hebrews 4:15).
What happened to Ms. Pelicot is a tragedy of deep sorrow, and Scripture assures us that God’s justice will be served against the unrepentant (Psalm 1:5–6; Romans 12:19). We are called to resist and fight against such evil (1 Corinthians 16:13-14; 2 Corinthians 10:3–5), while also recognizing our own depravity. Jesus warns that even our hearts harbor sinful anger and lust, aligning us with the very evils we oppose (Matthew 5:22, 5:28). We must remain vigilant, knowing that the devil prowls like a roaring lion, seeking to lead us into destruction as well (1 Peter 5:8).
As we confront the brokenness and pain in our world, may we fix our eyes on the unseen hope of redemption—the day when Christ will wipe away all tears and heal all scars (Romans 8:23; 2 Corinthians 4:18; Revelation 21:4). In this hope, let us see God as He truly is: the Redeemer, the merciful Savior, and the ultimate Just Judge.
By: Jack Mueller
Abortion, No Concessions, and Religious Freedom

In a recent interview, Vice President Kamala Harris rejected the idea of making any concessions on a national abortion law, including religious exemptions, if elected president. She emphasized that abortion is a fundamental freedom and criticized the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which led to restrictive state laws. Harris also dismissed hypotheticals about working with Republicans in Congress, stating that women's rights to make decisions about their bodies should not be compromised. Critics, including the Center for Baptist Leadership, condemned her stance, arguing that it threatens religious liberty protections.

The impact of legislation on religious liberties is crucial to understand, especially for Christians. While Vice President Kamala Harris's stance on abortion may not come as a surprise, her insistence on "no concessions" carries significant risks for the freedom to live out one's faith. Christians must recognize the inherent threat this poses, as legislation without religious exemptions could force believers to violate their deeply held convictions, undermining their right to freely exercise their religion.
Scripture is clear that obedience to God's law always supersedes man's law (Acts 5:29). And God's law unequivocally calls us to cherish life (Psalm 127:3), protect life (Proverbs 31:8-9), and see life as God sees it: invaluable, image-bearing (Genesis 1:27), and worthy of great sacrifice (John 15:13).
The world and its strategies have long been hostile to the way of "life." Those who do not see the inherent evils of murder inside the womb are also not concerned with preserving the Christian way of life and safeguarding our ability to practice it freely in this country (John 15:19).
By: Kirby Mankin
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