October 4, 2023

McCarthy Ousted, Andy Stanley & LGBT, Pope Francis and Gay Marriage

October 4, 2023

Together With:

Quote of the day:

“The more afflicted men are, the more they look up to God; and the less afflicted, the more they look after the world."

- William Jenkyn

Today’s Headlines

McCarthy Ousted As Speaker Of The House

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was removed from his position in a historic vote yesterday. Eleven Republicans joined all the Democrats to oust him as Speaker. This is the first time the SOTH has been removed by a no-confidence vote.

The vote shows deep divisions in the Republican party. Congressman Matt Gaetz accused McCarthy of making a secret deal with Democrats on a funding bill. Gaetz filed the motion to remove McCarthy. A bipartisan vote seemed unlikely, but Democrats supported the motion since they have long viewed McCarthy as too extreme.

If McCarthy lost only 5 Republican votes, together with the Democrats, he would be removed as Speaker. McCarthy said he was confident he would keep the job. With the final vote at 216 to 210 against him, a historic precedent was set. Never before has a Speaker been removed halfway through a Congressional term and some fear this will undermine future Speakers. Rep. Patrick McHenry Temporarily Replaces Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker.


The Remnant's Response:

6 leadership Truths:

  1. Leadership is tenuous. Even the best leaders sometimes have their own people want to ‘kill’ them. (1 Samuel 30:6) Let us never forget, that the only perfect leader the world has ever known, actually did allow (John 10:18) His own people to kill Him. (John 1:5; 1:11; 19:16-21)

  2. Leadership is hard. McCarthy, in his address to the nation last night after he was removed as speaker, wisely reminded us that “doing the right thing isn’t always easy, but it is necessary” That is true for all of us, but especially servants of the King of King (Luke 7:8). Fear God, not man (Jeremiah 1:17, Matthew 10:28).

  3. Leadership is chosen by God. (Daniel 2:20-21, Psalm 2). God prevents what He wants and allows what He allows (Proverbs 21:1).

  4. Leadership is necessary. When strong, good, effective leaders are removed, it is a sign of judgment. Isaiah warned faithless Israel that a coming and certain judgment of God was the removal of good and faithful leaders from their land (Isaiah 3:2-3) and, as a result, the people were oppressed (Isaiah 3:5).

  5. Leadership that is unfaithful or wicked is a sign of judgment (Habakuk 1:6-11).

  6. Leadership that is unfaithful should be rejected. When people have leaders who stand against the Lord and His purposes, the people should stand against them. (Daniel 3:16-18, Acts 4:19-20, 2 Corinthians 11:4)

What kind of leader was McCarthy? Time will tell. It is clear that some voted against him because they thought he was too extreme and some voted against him because he was not extreme enough. The one who judges rightly (1 Peter 2:23) will determine if our congress just removed a good leader- which would be foolish, or if they faithfully removed a compromised and foolish one.

Andy Stanley & The Unconditional Conference

The Unconditional Conference, hosted by Andy Stanley and North Point Community Church, concluded over the weekend, focusing on supporting LGBTQ+ children and their parents within church communities. Stanley emphasized a pastoral approach rather than a theological one. The event had openly LGBTQ+ individuals speaking and promoted affirming LGBTQ+ individuals to maintain influence and relationships with them, acknowledging the difficulties they face in adhering to traditional biblical views of marriage.

Stanley affirmed the biblical definition of marriage between a man and a woman, but acknowledged that many LGBTQ+ individuals choose same-sex marriage for “the same reason you and I did: love and companionship", and because celibacy for them is unsustainable. He argued that the church's role is to decide how to respond to this decision, emphasizing their choice to "draw big circles" rather than drawing lines to restore relationships and save lives.


The Remnant’s Response:

The idea that a “pastoral” response can in any sustained way be separated from a “theological” response is foolishness. Pastors do not have the option of neglecting theology (the study of God) if they are going to shepherd God’s people. In fact, for the sake of God’s people they are told they cannot (1 Timothy 4:16). While there are times to delay having theological conversations (Ecclesiastes 3:7b) in order to comfort and console (Romans 12:15), there is always a time when in the name of love, truth is fully and clearly affirmed (1 Corinthians 13:6). With that in mind, we must, at this time, throw away (Ecclesiastes 3:6b) Andy Stanley, and others like him, as reliable pastors and theologians when it comes to shepherding people toward the Truth concerning sin and the Lord’s expectation that we should (1 Peter 4:11) and can, (1 Corinthians 10:13) resist it. Grace should, (Matthew 6:12; Ephesians 4:32) and will always, be extended when there is repentance (Acts 3:19). By God’s grace this is true of same-sex attracted individuals, hetero-immoral people, and erring pastors. Let us pray all three of the above come to their senses and walk in the grace, truth, and power the Lord intends for them.

Stanley grossly errs when he juxtaposes Jesus’ “drawing circles” as opposed to “drawing lines”. While it is true Jesus welcomed with open arms those who were ‘weary and heavy laden’, (Matthew 11:28) it is equally true that He drew hard lines to those who honored Him with their lips while there lives contradicted their commitment to Him (Matthew 15:8, Luke 13:5, Matthew 23). Jesus’ sacrifice makes it possible for us to be close with the Father (Ephesians 2:13) and at the same time His Word makes it clear that our sin, and continual acceptance of it, separates (Isaiah 59:2) us from Him. James reminds us all that we can “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” (James 4:8). That is great news for us, for the LGTBQ+, for the straight-but-sexually-promiscuous, and the double-minded pastor. Let us be found continually praying and speaking truth in love to them all.


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Pope Francis Opens The Door For Gay Marriage

Pope Francis hinted at a potential shift in the Vatican's stance on same-sex unions, suggesting that Catholic priests may be allowed to “bless” such unions on a case-by-case basis. This development comes as the Pope responds to inquiries from conservative cardinals seeking clarity on the matter. While he reiterated the traditional Catholic teaching that marriage is between a man and a woman, Pope Francis also emphasized the importance of showing "pastoral charity" and kindness in dealing with individual cases.

While it's crucial to note that this doesn't constitute an official change in Church policy, these remarks are seen by some as a notable step towards greater inclusivity for LGBTQ+ individuals within the Catholic Church. The Pope's words reflect an evolving conversation within the Church regarding LGBTQ+ issues, and the timing of this discussion coincides with the Vatican's Synod on Synodality, where LGBTQ+ matters are being addressed, adding further significance to the ongoing debate.

This development underscores Pope Francis' reputation for being open to progressive causes within the Church. Throughout his papacy, he has taken stances on various social issues, including climate change and the refugee crisis. Notably, early in his papacy, when asked about the sexual orientation of priests, he responded with the famous words, "Who am I to judge?"


The Remnant's Response 

Let us pray the Pope subscribes to or follows The Remnant, has read the Remnant Response to the Stanley story above, draws hard lines when it comes to truth and gives the conservative cardinals seeking clarity on this matter a reason to rejoice.

If you know other Christ followers that need daily encouragement, forward today’s Remnant News to them and make sure they subscribe. If anyone has the Pope’s email let us know and we will reach out to Him with you.

 Other news you should know

🤣 Clean comedy… yes pleaseeee!

🚨 When your phone goes off today don’t be alarmed.

🔫 Active shooter last night in Baltimore at Morgan State University.

🔐 Crypto fraud trial began this week and is expected to last 6 weeks.

🚔 Hunter Biden plead not guilty to firearms charge.

👩🏻‍⚖️ Trump has a limited gag order on him for his civil suit.

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