September 1, 2023

Abortion Protestors, Hurricane Idalia, Russia & North Korea

September 1, 2023

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Quote of the day:

"Teach me to live that I may dread the grave as little as my bed."

- Philip Doddridge

We are taking Labor Day off see you Wednesday.

Today’s Headlines

Abortion Protestors

A D.C. jury convicted five pro-life activists of conspiracy to violate civil rights and the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act after they protested at a late-term abortion clinic. The five individuals staged a sit-in where they sang, prayed, and used chains to block the facility's entrance in an attempt to delay abortions. They now face up to 11 years in prison, three years supervised release, and fines up to $350,000. The five protesters were remanded to jail custody to await sentencing at a later date.

Their defense plans to appeal the verdict, arguing it sets a dangerous precedent that they believe will eventually be overturned. Lauren Handy, the lead defendant in the trial, has a history of pro-life activism. The defense wanted to submit to evidence a video captured by Live Action of Dr. Cesare Santangelo, who runs the D.C. clinic, where he *stated that he would not seek to help babies who survive abortion attempts*, in violation of the “Born Alive Infants Protection Act”. The U.S. District Court Judge claims that without proof that the video is not heavily edited it is just "gossip from propagandists."

* Warning: Video contains disturbing content.


The Remnant's Response:

Scripture compels us to do good, seek justice, and defend those who cannot defend themselves (Isaiah 1:17; Proverbs 31:8-9). How we do this matters. In this case, the five defendants were compelled to break the law themselves in an effort to keep a more horrific crime from being committed. Christians can disagree on the extent to which people of faith should go to stop evil, but we cannot disagree that something in both word and deed should be done. While not everyone will feel led to chain themselves to doors, blocking access to an office that is tragically allowed to commit infanticide, none should be okay or feel justified in doing nothing. Christians must be okay with suffering when they violate the laws of a land, especially when those laws are wicked (Acts 5:27-29, 40-41). Too many people who have a professed faith in God have either personally voted for or endorsed voting for candidates who are not decidedly against abortion, justifying their decisions based on the data that suggests abortion rates have gone down under Democratic administrations that have been pro-choice. The reasons for this statistic are offered in this article. Nonetheless, whatever the reasons, it is unacceptable for a believer to support a candidate that will enable murder whether murders increase or decrease under their rule (Psalm 125:3,141:4). Substitute the word rape, child molestation, or slave ownership for “pro-choice” and ask yourself if you would vote for a candidate that is pro-____, irrespective of crime statistics under their governance. Not all of us will feel led to chain themselves to doors, but every true believer should chain themselves to the conviction to speak out against abortion and never vote for someone who fails to do the same.

Hurricane Idalia

Hurricane Idalia slammed into the Gulf Coast early Wednesday morning as a dangerous Category 3 storm, making landfall at 7:45 AM with maximum sustained winds of 125 mph. The hurricane brought significant flooding and damage from its high winds as it came ashore. Idalia has since weakened as it continues to push inland, and was reduced to a tropical storm as it dumped heavy rain on the Carolinas Thursday. Though no longer a major hurricane, Idalia remains a threat for flooding, downed trees, and power outages as it tracks over the Southeast. This is the strongest hurricane to hit the Big Bend area in 125 years. Currently, the only reported deaths from the storm are from related traffic accidents.


The Remnant’s Response:

Tragedies, both natural and those committed by men, have long been a part of our fallen world. (Luke 13:1-5) With the advent of new technologies and the ever-present 24-hour news cycle, what is different in our day is the constant awareness of these tragedies happening worldwide. The now endless wave of bad news and tragic happenings can lead to "empathy overload," leading to indifference or numbness toward other's suffering. This is not an option for the remnant. God calls His people to put on a heart of compassion (Colossians 3:12) and to weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15). But we must remember that we can only do this while depending on Him (Philippians 4:13, 19; John 15:5). No one person can meet the needs of a crying world, but each of us is called to do what we can, even if it involves great personal sacrifice, to care for the needs of our neighbor (Luke 10:37). May the Lord give us wisdom as we discern how to be the hands and feet of Christ in the face of another natural disaster.


Dallas/Forth Worth friends… do not miss the chance to have a dinner with our friends from Kiawe Outdoor. Please reach out to their team or email us and ask for an introduction if you would like to have a dinner with them while they are in the area.

Click the links and see the magic you can bring to your dinner table.

Russia & North Korea Colab

Despite North Korea's public denials, Russia and North Korea are in active talks over a potential arms deal, aiming to supply one another with various ammunition types. US intelligence reveals that Russia's interest is linked to its ongoing invasion of Ukraine. Another Russian delegation to North Korea followed the Russian Defense Minister's initial visit, and both countries expressed intent to boost bilateral cooperation. The US administration, concerned about this, plans to impose sanctions on involved entities. The move highlights Russia's desperation, seeking arms from nations like Iran and North Korea. This disclosure underscores the US strategy to expose such efforts and monitor them closely. It also offers detailed evidence of Russia seeking North Korea's support for its Ukrainian campaign.


The Remnant's Response:

The ongoing drama around North Korea's arms dealings and missile tests reflects fallen humanity's dangerous gravitation towards power and the intention to exalt self and rule others by using it (Isaiah 14:13-14), something that rarely ends well. (Isaiah 14:14-15). A much better tact for Kim Jong Un, and all of us, is to pursue humility and the fear of the Lord over pride and trying to make others fear us. (Proverbs 22:4, 1 Peter 5:6)

In these times of geopolitical uncertainty, our obvious need and duty to pray for political leaders, foreign and domestic, takes on added importance (1 Timothy 2:1-2). Pray with us now.

Other news you should know

🥶 While it’s blazing hot in Texas, there’s a freeze on Capitol Hill.

🚔 Chicago news crew robbed while reporting on robberies.

🇨🇦 Canada warns LGBTQ people of traveling to US.

 🏐 Nebraska volleyball sets a new world record with 92,000 in attendance.

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