September 13, 2023

Libyan Floods, Biden in Nam, Iran Prisoner Swap

September 13, 2023

Quote of the day:

"When we love God with all our heart, we shall be willing to endure anything for his sake."

- Thomas Manton

Today’s Headlines

$6 Billion Prisoner Swap with Iran

The United States has issued a sanctions waiver allowing the transfer of $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds from South Korea to Qatar. This is part of a prisoner exchange deal expected to lead to the release of five Americans held by Iran. Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that the funds would be used for humanitarian trade and confirmed that five individuals detained in Iran would be released. Some Republican lawmakers criticized the move, alleging it amounted to paying a "ransom" to Iran. The funds had been frozen since 2018 when the U.S. withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal and reimposed sanctions. Qatar will oversee the funds' use for humanitarian purposes, with U.S. oversight. Both the U.S. and Iran expressed optimism about the prisoner exchange occurring soon.


The Remnant's Response 

As finite people living under the administration of an infinitely wise God (Deuteronomy 29:29), and especially as citizens living under human governments that are not infinitely wise (Ecclesiastes 7:23) or motivated by good (John 3:19), we have to be careful before we make judgments (Proverbs 29:20). It is wise to remember that we are all victims of what we have been told or what is made available to us through "leaks," press releases, and "trusted" news sources. One of the jobs of leaders is to make hard decisions, even when it leads to a loss of popularity or public support (Jeremiah 1:17). Weak men are bad leaders, and bad leaders are people pleasers (1 Samuel 15:24). Men of conviction are good leaders, and good leaders fear God, not man (Galatians 1:10). It is not always easy to be sure when leaders are making a wise decision when we don't have the information they do.

Leadership always comes down to trust, and when a leader has proven he is untrustworthy in either his past decision-making, his cognitive ability, his personal righteousness, or his tendency to self-gain, it is hard to trust them.

Meanwhile, seeking understanding and asking questions is both good and necessary (Proverbs 25:2). A society is in great peril when individuals lose their ability to freely voice their concerns or challenge their leaders.

That said, there certainly seems to be a reason for the western world to be concerned when a nation like Qatar, sympathetic to sharia law, is given stewardship over how a nation like Iran, whose current government considers the west "the great Satan," will use 6 billion dollars in assets. Appeasement and enablement are never winning strategies. Good men and good governments make war on evil; they do not negotiate with it (1 Peter 2:14).

Pray for your leaders. Read wisely. Trust in God's Word and character above all else. Be careful before you speak with authority without all the information you can gather.

Biden Visits Vietnam

President Joe Biden's visit to Vietnam resulted in the establishment of a historic partnership, raising the United States to the highest diplomatic status in Hanoi, and placing it on an equal footing with China and Russia. This strategic move signifies Vietnam's growing importance in U.S. foreign policy, with a focus on securing global supply chains and reducing reliance on China. Key highlights include agreements on semiconductors and minerals, crucial for supply chain stability, and discussions about security cooperation.

The visit comes as both countries seek to balance their relations with China while advancing their own interests. Vietnam's importance as a "friendshoring" destination for U.S. technology companies is on the rise, with plans for Vietnam Airlines to purchase Boeing jets and tech executives from Google, Intel, and others meeting Vietnamese counterparts.

Additionally, the partnership aims to address human rights concerns in Vietnam, with hopes of goodwill gestures such as the release of activists. However, challenges persist, particularly in strengthening critical mineral supply chains and addressing the shortage of skilled workers in the semiconductor sector. Overall, the visit underscores the evolving geopolitical landscape in the Indo-Pacific and the United States' commitment to forging strategic alliances in the region.


The Remnant’s Response:

For twenty years (1955-1975), America sent its sons to war in a land that we now consider an ally that will help us prosper in our conflicts with other nations in the same region. How fickle is the world of men. Our friends today are our enemies tomorrow, and our enemies today we will tomorrow call friends. As it is with men, so it is with nations. The Lord warns us against putting our hope in anything but Him in our search for peace (Jeremiah 2:36) or in our search for praise (John 2:24-25).

While nations seek to forge alliances and seduce one another with promises of shared privileges, resources, and vows to help one another when attacked, only a fool believes the promises of men will last (Micah 7:5-6). The wise man will do all he can to be at peace with his neighbor but knows that in the end only the Lord can bring sustained peace. “So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another” (Romans 14:19), but we especially must “look to the Lord from where our help comes from.” (Psalm 121:1-3).

Where will you seek peace today? Prayerfully it will be in the goodness and sovereignty of your God. As Charles Spurgeon once said, "The sovereignty of God is the pillow upon which the child of God rests his head at night, giving perfect peace." Amid the fickleness of global diplomacy, shifting national interests, interpersonal betrayal, and constant treachery, our ultimate security lies only in unwavering faith in our perfect, steadfast, covenant-keeping, soon-to-come, sovereign King. (Psalm 37:1-4)

Libyan Floods

Two dams collapsed in Derna, Libya over the weekend, leading to massive flooding. Over 10,000 people are missing and 1,500 people have been confirmed dead. A government minister said the city looks like it was hit by a tsunami.

A powerful storm hit on Sunday and its damage has affected several Libyan cities. In Derna, neighborhoods were swept out to sea after a dam collapsed. As the death toll keeps rising and could be much higher, rescue teams continue to look for survivors.

Libya has been unstable since its leader Gaddafi was overthrown in 2011. Now with two rival governments, responding to the disaster has proven much more difficult.

Aid is being sent from other countries. But years of conflict have left Libya without proper rescue teams to deal with a crisis like this. To increase access to aid, certain infrastructure, like roads and power lines, will need to be rebuilt.


The Remnant's Response:

With reports of another natural disaster, read our thoughts on how the Remnant can respond here. 

Other news you should know

🤡 The CDC recommends new COVID shot for everyone over 6 months.

💰 Thieves potentially stole up to 1 in every 7 dollars of COVID relief.

🏉 Comprehensive highlights of all of Aaron Rogers debut with the Jets. In all seriousness, praying for a speedy recovery.

🇰🇵 North Korea & Russia met for “talks,” allegedly working toward an arms deal.

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