September 15, 2023

Progressive Pulpits, Mitt Retires, Libya Updates

September 15, 2023

Together With:

Quote of the day:

"Love each other. Unite and work for freedom, justice, and peace. Forgive and don’t hate each other. Pray with faith, Act with courage, Never surrender.”

- Free Burma Rangers

Today’s Headlines

A recent survey by the Public Religion Research Institute revealed that mainline Protestant clergy in the United States hold more supportive views of LGBTQ rights, abortion rights, and "racial justice" than their congregations. Mainline clergy tend to be more progressive on these issues. 90% of clergy among all mainline Protestant denominations favor laws protecting LGTBQ+ people against discrimination. 73% of the clergy say they oppose the Supreme Court's rejection of abortion rights under Roe v. Wade.

The divide highlights the growing impact of political division within American churches, resulting in individuals seeking churches that align with their beliefs, leading to increased polarization within religious communities. For instance, the United Methodist Church has experienced a 20% loss in congregations due in part to disagreements over the church's stance on marrying or ordaining LGBTQ+ individuals. Furthermore, 56% percent of churchgoers today say their church is more divided by politics today than five years ago.

The survey also reflects a trend of Americans switching religions, often due to disagreements on LGBTQ+ issues. All of this highlights the complex interplay of faith, politics, and social issues in American religious communities today.


The Remnant's Response 

Faith, "politics," and social issues do not have a "complex interplay" - they are completely inseparable. The fact that pastors don't know this or church attenders think politics and church should not mix is why America is in the condition it is currently in.

The problem in ancient Israel and the problem in modern America is not the intermingling of faith and politics. Truth and justice are defined by God, not man (Psalm 89:14). How a society defines these building blocks of civilizations is birthed from what is preached by the prophets, enforced by the princes, and what is tolerated by the people. Sodom and Gomorrah, like modern-day America, despite their professed beliefs in God, had "political beliefs" (Isaiah 1:10:17) that incurred the wrath of God. Like Israel- America today has a problem in its pulpits. And problems in the pulpit always make their way to the people (Ezekiel 22:23-29). People say what they think, but they do what they believe. It is not enough that a nation's motto is "In God we Trust"; it must be a nation's manner.

Americans still profess to be a majority Christian nation, but it is embarrassingly clear they either don't know what it means to be Christian or do know and don't care. At best, we have become a people who honor the Lord with our lips while our hearts are far from Him (Matthew 15:8), or at the very least, we are like fools who build their houses on the shifting sand of hearing instead of on the solid foundation of doing (Matthew 7:24-27).

When a nation's teachers are apostates, the people will soon follow (Hosea 4:9). It is good that Americans are leaving churches where pastors and elders are unfaithful. It is good that houses of worship are separating from denominations that no longer worship the God of the Scripture. It is NOT good that the so-called shepherds are even more foolish in their understanding than the so-called sheep.

Senator Mitt Romney of Utah announced that he will not seek a second term in the Senate. Romney, who served as the Republican presidential nominee in 2012, shared that his decision is driven by a desire to allow a new generation of leaders to take the reins and shape the country's future. At 76, he believes continuing into a second term would likely be less productive and less personally fulfilling than his current term. In his official statement on social media, Romney stated, "I have spent my last 25 years in public service of one kind or another. At the end of another term, I'd be in my mid-80s. Frankly, it's time for a new generation of leaders. They're the ones that need to make the decisions that will shape the world they will be living in."

Romney also highlighted his concerns about the current political landscape, mentioning his mistrust of President Joe Biden's leadership and the challenges he perceives within House Republicans. Moreover, he voiced reservations about the potential future leadership, suggesting that the country might have to choose between President Biden and former President Donald Trump in the upcoming elections. He noted concerns about Biden's ability to lead on important matters and Trump's reluctance to do the same. Romney's decision not to seek re-election signals a significant development in the political landscape, potentially impacting the composition of the Senate and the direction of the Republican Party.


The Remnant’s Response:

There is much to appreciate in Senator Romney's thoughts regarding his decision not to run for reelection. One of the jobs of a leader is to make sure they are raising up their replacement (2 Timothy 2:2). There is more than a little wisdom to be harvested in the axiom, "Your success is determined by your successor." It is certainly possible for a man to live a faithful life and do all he can to build into those underneath him, only to have them fail. Yet it is much more common to find men who have served well themselves but failed to effectively train the next generation (See 1 Samuel 2:12-34 for an especially sad example of one).

As far as age disqualifying or disabling leaders, it is more common to find leaders failing because they have been dismissive of God's principles, will, and way than aging out. There is little question we have individuals currently serving in our government who are dealing with apparent age-related cognitive issues. It is even more obvious that when our current President was a younger man, his leadership harmed our country's moral trajectory because of his willful disobedience to God's revelation regarding such seminal issues as life and the definition of marriage and human sexuality. Aging can be a problem, but it is more common for agnosticism toward God's Word to be an even greater one. To be sure, God's word tells us to "rise up before the gray-headed and honor the aged," but in the same breath, it tells us that even more important than honoring our elders, it is imperative that the young and old honor the Lord (Leviticus 19:32).


The Free Burma Rangers is one of our day's most compelling images of courage and sacrificial love—a humanitarian organization providing emergency relief to people in conflict zones. Working with local groups, they train and supply relief teams to deliver medical care, shelter, food, and clothing and document abuses in Burma, Iraq, and Sudan.

Their mission is to help all people regardless of ethnicity or faith. They aim to expose oppression, stand with the oppressed, and support groups dedicated to justice, freedom, and service. The relief teams provide critical aid and hope to vulnerable communities in war-torn areas.

For the next week, their documentary is free online. We highly encourage watching it, learning from it, supporting their mission, and praying. Watch it here. Give to their mission here.

Libyan Floods Update

A catastrophic flood in the Libyan city of Derna has killed thousands and left many missing after torrential rains caused dams to burst. The floodwaters swept through the city overnight, causing buildings to collapse with families inside. Many were swept out to sea. The death toll continues rising, with estimates ranging from over 3,800 confirmed dead to possibly up to 20,000 total deaths.

The city is devastated, with no power, water, fuel, and roads blocked. Many residents are now displaced. International rescue teams have arrived to assist, but there is a shortage of body recovery experts and concern over disease outbreaks.

Survivors are desperately searching for missing loved ones amid the wreckage. Clothes, furniture and cars litter the muddy streets. The floodwaters carved a wide path through the densely populated city center along a usually dry riverbed. Rescue efforts are complicated by Libya's political divides and weak central governance since the 2011 revolution. Aid convoys from across Libya are arriving in solidarity with the victims. Officials defend warnings given, but residents say they underestimated the severity of the flooding.


The Remnant's Response:

Another day, another illustration of the reality that "creation has been subjected to futility" (Romans 8:20) and will continually "groan for redemption" (Romans 8:22) until our Lord restores His creation. It is a sad fact that sin brought death into the world (Genesis 2:17) and that the effects of humankind's rebellion against the Lord will plague us until the end of time as we know it. This week's floods in Libya join the sadness of Maui's wildfires and Morocco's earthquakes as the latest illustration of how sins affect our once-perfect world.

The Lord uses these tragedies to remind us that this world is not our home and to continually remind us that His warnings are not to be scoffed at. Praise God that His redemption and mercy are stronger than our sin, and if we cry out to Him, He hears us with abundant grace and provides us a way of escape from the full and final judgment due us all (Isaiah 53:6). We join all of nature in longing for the day when "there will no longer be any curse," and the Faithful and True King restores all things. Until then, let us "grieve, but not as those who have no hope" (1 Thessalonians 4:13) and be bold in inviting others to come to their senses and reconcile with God while there is still time. For behold, today is the day of salvation, and "now is the acceptable time" (2 Corinthians 6:2).

While you join the rest of the remnant in waiting for that glorious day, don't waste the privilege the Lord has given you to bring His glory to those still stuck, flooded with despair.

 Other news you should know

⛳ LIV-PGA Tour $3B deal subpoenaed by Senate.

💻 Hunter Biden has been indicted on three counts.

🚔 2 week manhunt ended with the capture of escaped convict in Philly.

🚗 Standoff - Automakers and auto workers union remain unresolved as strike deadline looms.

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