September 18, 2023

Ken Paxton, Christless Conservatism, Exceptional Coaching

September 18, 2023

Quote of the day:

"To know Christ is the best knowledge; to love Him is the best love; to believe in Him is the best faith; to experience Him is the best experience; and to preach Him is the best preaching."

- David Clarkson

Today’s Headlines

Christless Conservatism

A few Stories Here:

  1. In his "Meet the Press" interview, former President Donald Trump stirred controversy by declining to commit to a federal ban on abortion. Trump also stated, "I can live with or without [a federal ban], either way," positioning himself as a mediator.

  2. During Friday’s interview with journalist Megyn Kelly, Trump was also reluctant to denounce the idea that a man can become a woman and still contends that he won the 2020 election.

  3. Congresswoman Lauren Boebert of Colorado recently found herself forcibly removed from a theater due to disruptive behavior. Her actions included shouting, exuberantly clapping, taking flash photos, and engaging in inappropriate physical contact with her date. Her date was the owner of a gay bar known for hosting drag shows. She is currently seeking a divorce from her husband.

  4. Last month, South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace sharing an anecdote at a prayer breakfast. She recounted her morning, during which she had to inform her fiancé that they didn't have time for intimacy due to her tight schedule. Mace quipped, "I know he can wait... I'll see him later tonight,".


The Remnant’s Response:

When considering how we assess the leadership and choices of others, it is crucial not to let our political leanings overshadow our allegiance to Christ (Joshua 24:14). When it comes to calling out foolishness or sin, it is our responsibility to identify it, regardless of who commits it (Deuteronomy 1:17). We must resist the temptation to excuse the transgressions of those within our "parties" or peer groups while condemning those on the outside (James 2:1).

Ross Douthat, a keen observer of our cultural moment, once said, "If you dislike the religious right, wait until you meet the post-religious right," reminding us of the potential pitfalls that lie ahead as we continue to superficially consider God’s standards of good and evil (Isaiah 1:17). As we evaluate our leaders, we must remember the words of Jesus, who cautioned us to judge others not by their rhetoric but by the fruits of their labor (Matthew 7:15-20). To be sure, immoral people can advocate for moral policies, and it is true that in some way, we all fall short of the standard we believe is best (Romans 7:18-19), but be warned, what individuals embrace in private almost always begins to influence what they are willing to embrace in policy (Romans 1:32). We would be wise to distinguish between those who merely pay lip service to conserving the good and those who are willing to give their lives and future public support in defense of it (Daniel 3:17-18).

Ken Paxton Acquitted

The Texas Senate voted to find Ken Paxton not guilty of corruption charges and let him remain attorney general. Paxton was impeached by the Texas House for allegedly improperly helping a wealthy donor. Most Republican senators voted to acquit him, saying there was not enough evidence against Paxton. Some Republicans criticized the House for impeaching Paxton in the first place. Paxton thanked his lawyers and said the case against him was just politics. Even though he was acquitted, Paxton still faces an ongoing FBI investigation and old criminal charges from 2015. The Senate vote allows Paxton to keep his job and powers as attorney general. But it revealed divisions between Republicans who supported Paxton and those who tried to remove him.


The Remnant's Response 

As we wrote here, a trustworthy leadership, a fair and impartial justice system, and a discerning and moral citizenry are necessary pillars of a healthy society. Though the Texas senate has delivered its verdict on Mr. Paxton, allowing him to return to his office, only time will tell if the “necessary pillars” are alive and well.

No matter how carefully we vote for individuals we believe are trustworthy- it is up to them to maintain their trust when in office, and the sad truth is most of us will never know the truth about how trustworthy leadership really is behind closed doors. Clearly, the Attorney General operated in an untrustworthy manner as it relates to his marital vows, but the senate jury decided his marital indiscretions did not lead to him being guilty of dereliction of duty or abuse of his office. Whether or not the “jury” acted in a fair and impartial way, free from party or outside influence is a matter of personal opinion and speculation of the thoughts inside hearts we cannot know. (1 Corinthians 2:11) What we can be is constantly intentional about being discerning and moral ourselves.

While everyone can have their opinion of the trial, there should be massive agreement amongst the remnant that:

  • The truth is worth seeking and whatever time it takes to get to it is worth it. (Proverbs 23:23)

  • Corruption should be severely dealt with and not tolerated. (Psalm 101:7-8)

  • Leaders should use their positions of influence to preserve good, prosecute evil (1 Peter 2:14) and bless others, not as a means for personal gain, cover-up personal sins or garner wealth. (Psalm 101:2-4)

  • We should seek justice and prosecute evil wherever it exists, irrespective of our familial or tribal relationship with the accused. (Deuteronomy 16:18-20)

  • Christians are called to pray for our leaders, whether we agree with them or not. (1 Timothy 2:1-2)

We should be slow to rush to judgment and listen to both sides before forming strong opinions. (Proverbs 18:13, 17) and be humble about our own propensity to bias.

Coach Prime Era at Colorado

Deion Sanders's Colorado football team achieved a dramatic double-overtime victory over underdog Colorado State, securing a 3–0 record. Shedeur Sanders, Deion's son, orchestrated a 98-yard scoring drive in the final minutes to force overtime, ultimately leading to a Colorado win. Shedeur finished with 348 passing yards and four touchdowns. Colorado initially struggled but showed resilience. Despite falling behind 28–17, they managed a comeback.

The game maintained the excitement surrounding Colorado's season, with anticipation building for Deion Sanders's Pac-12 debut against Oregon.

Deion Sanders made a big coaching decision to kick a field goal on fourth-and-2 in the fourth quarter, cutting the lead to 21–17. Despite being favored, Colorado's victory added another chapter to their captivating season.


The Remnant's Response:

Leadership is everything. When a leader improves, everyone benefits (1 Samuel 15:18). When God desires to bless people, He raises up a leader (Exodus 3:7-10). When God intends to bring judgment upon people, He removes leaders (Isaiah 3:1-5). While some may not appreciate Coach Prime's style, there is no denying that his presence has dramatically transformed the landscape of college football.

God states that it is commendable for men to aspire to leadership (1 Timothy 3:1) and provides us with clear instructions on how to choose them (Mark 10:35-45). God's sternest judgments are reserved for leaders (Matthew 23:23-33), partly because they have the potential to do the greatest good and inflict the greatest harm (Luke 12:48).

It is easy to criticize leaders; it is difficult to be one (Proverbs 20:6). It is simple to critique Deion and his brash, self-promoting "I'm coming" rhetoric, but it is challenging to criticize his early results, both on the field in terms of wins and, more importantly, off the field in his expectations of his players.

One of the aspects that makes Sanders so exceptional is his apparent indifference to what others think about him, a trait that most great leaders possess (Galatians 1:10). How Deion's season and tenure at Colorado will end will be interesting to watch, but not as fulfilling as completing your own leadership assignment with excellence. (2 Timothy 4:7-8) Rather than criticizing what you dislike about others' leadership or envying their success, it is much wiser to observe them, learn from them, emulate what is good (1 Corinthians 11:1), and remain committed to avoiding what is self-serving or evil (Proverbs 14:7).

 Other news you should know

🍄 Oregon legalized “magic mushrooms”. (we will write on this soon)

📲 Have you updated your IOS yet? If your an android person, we are praying for you.

😇 3 men charged with kidnapping conspiracy on Governor of Michigan found not guilty.

🛺 Another day, another strike.

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