September 18, 2024

Explosions in Lebanon, BBC/Diddy, Trump Assassination Attempt

September 18, 2024

“If this world is going to be reached, I am convinced that it must be done by men and women of average talent.”

DL Moody

Justice Looms for the BBC and Diddy

Yesterday, two major developments occurred for two men who find themselves at odds with the law due to sexual crimes.

In New York, Sean "Diddy" Combs was arrested and denied bail while he awaits a trial for federal charges of racketeering conspiracy and sex trafficking. Prosecutors report having dozens of witnesses who testify to the injury and abuse sustained at his hands, while the defense maintains Comb's innocence.

In England, Huw Edwards, a distinguished BBC reporter of 40 years, was sentenced to a six-month suspended prison term after pleading guilty to possessing indecent, "repugnant" images of children, avoiding immediate jail time. He was also ordered to complete a sex offender treatment program and will be on the sex offender register for seven years.

Tragically, across the world, headlines are being made due to the sexual crimes of two influential men. While one seems to be on the front end of his journey towards justice's administration, the other seems to be nearing, or at, the end. Both men no doubt have asked themselves at some point, "How did I get here?" The answer, as always, is one bad decision at a time (James 1:15). We would be well-served to briefly reflect on the "slow leak" that can culminate in the kinds of crimes that should land you in prison immediately and for a long time (Ecclesiastes 8:11).

We live in a culture that has been dominated by sexual perversity. From "soft porn" in movies and books to explicit pornography to sex work and the LGBTQ movement, there is not a corner of the world that is not impacted by the pervasive influence of sexual perversion. We are all immersed in a broken culture that has been infiltrated with the lies of the enemy; its presence around us is inescapable. We would be wise to ruthlessly heed the advice of David in Psalm 101:3-4 and Paul in 1 Corinthians 6:18 and Ephesians 5:3. Crimes of any kind, but especially the sexual kind, against women (and possibly men in Comb's case) and children deserve the fullest extent of our law's application. While grace is always available at the foot of the cross for every perpetrator (and, importantly, every victim), we must demand quick and appropriately severe justice lest the hearts of men be given fully to do (more) evil (Ecclesiastes 8:11).

By: Kirby Mankin

Trump’s 2nd Assassination Attempt

On September 16, 2024, an assassination attempt was made on former President Donald Trump at his golf course in Florida by Ryan Wesley Routh. Routh, who had been vocal about his disillusionment with Trump and his support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, was spotted by Secret Service agents with a rifle near the golf course. After a confrontation, Routh was reportedly shot at by the Secret Service, leading him to flee the scene. He was later apprehended on I-95, approximately 50 miles away from the golf course. Routh was charged with federal gun crimes following his arrest. This incident marks the second known attempt on Trump's life, highlighting ongoing security concerns surrounding the former president. The mainstream media's response has been revealing, echoing a chorus blaming Trump's rhetoric for the continued assassination attempts and political violence. Others in the MSM issued calloused or inflammatory responses showing little regard for Trump's life or the requisite concern for the assassination attempts.

A British historian, Lord Acton, once said, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The MSM and major political parties have no doubt drank deeply from the chalice of power and have become drunk on the absolute corruption that spills from its brim. God is not surprised at violence and evil as an outflow of this drunken pursuit of power (Mark 10:42-45), nor is He surprised that the MSM is incented to obscure the truth and blame Trump for his own woes, see Job 4:7-9 (which, in Trump's case, happen to be that certain people want to murder him). The Remnant knows righteousness does not beget a trouble-free life, and similarly, a trouble-ridden life does not necessarily stem from sin (1 Peter 1:3-10; John 16:33; John 21:21-22). Jesus highlighted the true problem when he spoke of the murderous depravity of our own hearts (Matthew 5:21-22). The only anecdote for this depravity is God's truth and grace—which urgently seek an appointment with man's repentance (2 Chronicles 7:14).

The Remnant can rest peacefully in the face of the MSM's distorted truths, Routh's dastardly assassination attempts, corrupt pursuits of power, and hotly contested elections with waning integrity IF, and only if, we fix our minds on the eternal and the God that provides perfect peace (2 Corinthians 4:18; Isaiah 26:3).

By: Matthew Lopez

Pagers Explode in Lebanon

Hundreds of pagers exploded simultaneously in Lebanon and Syria on Tuesday, killing at least nine, including an 8-year-old girl, and injuring over 2,700 people. Hezbollah blamed Israel for the coordinated attack, though no evidence was provided, and Israel has not commented. Most of those affected were Hezbollah members, prompting Lebanese authorities to urge caution in using handheld communication devices. Iran's ambassador to Lebanon was among the wounded. The explosions, concentrated in Hezbollah strongholds, triggered a nationwide health emergency with over 200 people critically injured. The attack has heightened tensions, raising concerns about a security breach for Hezbollah. The Red Cross deployed ambulances as the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah escalates amidst ongoing regional hostilities.

While many key details about this development remain unconfirmed, our priority is to (always) emphasize adherence to Scripture over geopolitical expertise. May we approach the Word, the news, and the people around us with humility and conviction that honors the Lord (James 1:19, 1 Corinthians 10:31). 

Seven Faithful Reminders:

- "When the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy" (Proverbs 11:10). 

- "In the case of just wars, the aim must be to bring peace about, and therefore one must do so by minimizing the harm to the innocent," Augustine of Hippo (Exodus 23:7). 

- "What is possible" does not always equate to "what is morally justifiable" (Proverbs 14:12, 1 Corinthians 10:23).

- The loss of life, especially of children (Matthew 19:14), should break our hearts. 

- We must never grow too comfortable with death (Romans 12:9, 1 Corinthians 15:26). 

- Christ did not come to make peace with death but to wage war against it and emerge victorious, for "The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work" (1 John 3:8). 

- The Lord calls us to "seek peace and pursue it" (Psalm 34:14), but also gives governments the right, and responsibility, to prosecute evil and protect the good (Romans 3:14).

By: Jamie Wilder

Other news you should know

👋🏻 Sweden is paying migrants to go home.

✈️ Boeing’s having a rough go of it.

🗣 They’re still talking about scoring errors made at the Olympics.

🎶 Tito Jackson of the Jackson 5 died at 70.

👶🏻 We gotta help this one out.

📱 TikTok was in court on Monday.

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