September 23, 2024

GA Woman Dies After Abortion, Candidate’s Internet Scandal, Pastor Resigns After Moral Failure

September 23, 2024

When there's something in the Word of God that I don't like, the problem is not with the Word of God. The problem is with me.

RC Sproul

GA Woman Dies After Abortion

In a speech in Atlanta, Vice President Kamala Harris condemned abortion bans, citing the death of Amber Nicole Thurman, a Georgia woman who died after delayed medical care due to the state's abortion law. Harris emphasized the suffering caused by these bans, particularly after the overturning of Roe v. Wade, placing the blame on Republicans and former President Trump. She met with Thurman's family and vowed to ensure Amber would not be remembered just as a statistic but as a loved mother and daughter. Harris criticized the notion that doctors must wait until a patient's life is at risk before providing care, calling it an inhumane policy.

From the beginning, the battle has always been over the truth (Genesis 3:1-5), and the battle continues today (John 8:32, 8:44). The discerning observer (Proverbs 22:3) knows that everyone is an evangelist for something and that everything written and said needs to be evaluated (Acts 17:11, Proverbs 18:17). This has recently been illustrated when listening to what the Democratic Party and mainstream media has done with the tragic death of Amber Thurman. What is true is that Ms. Thurman's death happened two years prior, and yet just this past week, Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC represented that a "healthy, happy" Ms. Thurman's "six-year-old son was forced to attend his mother's funeral at the age of six by George Bush and Donald Trump." In making this claim, abortion advocates are implying that it was "pro-life" policies that caused her death, a claim which, if true, is obviously damning of those policies and leaders who support them. 

What is true is that Thurman died after she "went to North Carolina for a medication-induced abortion but experienced rare complications after taking the prescribed abortion pills."  The rare complications referred to in the above article include her body becoming septic from delays in performing a dilation and curettage (D&C), which was necessary because of "excess tissue" in her uterus that did not "shed from her body." The discerning reader will notice the deceitful softening of terms in the media's portrayal of the tragedy. The "excessive tissue" she did not "shed from her body" should more honestly be described for what it was: pieces of her murdered twins remained in her body as a result of her successful attempt to end their lives. Thurman died because her body went septic as a result of parts of her chemically destroyed children remaining inside of her, something entirely too common for users of the drug.

It was Thurman's desire to abort her children and her use of mifepristone (chemical abortion pill), a drug that was quickly approved by the FDA during the Clinton administration and allowed to be delivered by mail under the Biden administration, which led to her death (Proverbs 14:12). While it is true that Thurman lived in a state (Georgia) which prohibits abortion after six weeks it is not true that this policy caused her death. Thurman's death and the death of her twins were caused by her choice to seek a chemical abortion and then delays in her receiving much-needed further care as a result of her use of the medicine. It is indisputable that mifepristone leads to increased emergency room visits for the women who choose to use it, and even more tragically, it universally leads to the desired death of the child the mother is carrying. Laws that prohibit abortion do not necessarily cause the deaths of women as the media and the abortion industry want to make you believe they do. It is not the policy that kills the woman; it is the abortion that kills the child. 

By: Todd Wagner

NC Candidate’s Internet Scandal

North Carolina GOP gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson faces scrutiny after CNN uncovered inflammatory and inappropriate comments made on a pornography website over a decade ago. Under a username, Robinson allegedly referred to himself as a "black nazi," supported the reinstatement of slavery, and made offensive remarks about civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and various minority groups. The comments contrast with Robinson's public stances as a conservative politician, especially regarding abortion and transgender rights. Robinson denies the allegations despite CNN matching personal details and email addresses to his online posts. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) stated that Robinson is "unfit to serve" if allegations from the report are true.

This story highlights a broader truth: we have no surplus of leaders with high character in the United States.

At most points in U.S. history, a scandal of this magnitude, if proven true, would conclude with the candidate voluntarily bowing out, understanding the dishonor their actions have brought upon themselves and their potential office.

Scripture warns us against being "double-minded," including in how we view and speak about politicians, even those who align with our own ideological views (James 1:8; Proverbs 24:23). While it's right to approach the media with an appropriate amount of skepticism, we must never excuse sinful behavior (Ephesians 5:11). If we, the remnant, are to stand as beacons of sanity and biblical faithfulness, our testimony must be unwavering, calling out sin wherever it is found, regardless of who commits it (Matthew 5:14; Isaiah 58:1).

While Americans should prioritize voting for candidates who promote policies guided by biblical wisdom principles and the fundamental rights of all Americans, character must not be dismissed and ought to be considered carefully. It is equally necessary for voters and leaders to discern character, as trust and integrity are vital for public office (Proverbs 29:2).

Ultimately, our hope and faith should rest in God's unchanging truth, not in flawed human leaders (Jeremiah 17:5). This unchanging truth includes, and does not exempt, our responsibility to hold leaders accountable. Remember, every word will be held to account—that includes every tweet, post, comment, and website interacted with on the internet (Matthew 12:36-37).

By: Jamie Wilder

Pastor Resigns After Moral Failure

Steve Lawson, a prominent pastor and theologian, has resigned from his positions at Trinity Bible Church of Dallas and OnePassion Ministries after confessing to an inappropriate relationship with an unidentified woman. The church's elders have expressed their commitment to supporting Lawson's personal repentance while emphasizing that the church will continue under Christ's leadership. Lawson's resignation follows other pastoral scandals this year. Lawson, who has had a notable career in Reformed theology, expressed regret for the damage caused to his family, church, and ministry.

"The wisest man in the Bible fell into sexual sin, the strongest man in the Bible fell to sexual sin, and the godliest man in the Bible fell to sexual sin. For me to think I'm above falling into this sin is to think that I'm wiser than Solomon, stronger than Samson, and godlier than King David.” Voddie Baucham

As we grieve the sin and its consequences, we believe this tweet captures how we believe the Lord would have us respond to "another" pastor falling into sexual sin and moral failure. Pray, grieve, confess, and hope.

By: The Remnant News Team

Other news you should know

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💰 Temporary funding agreement prevents government shutdown.

🔫 Tragic shooting in AL leads to 4 deaths and dozens injured. Read past relevant RR’s here.

💥 Hezbollah fires rockets and declares “open-ended” war with Israel.

🐧 Not to bring up penguins again, but this baby penguin is huge.

🇱🇰 Sri Lanka just elected a Marxist.

🃏 Cards Against Humanity vs. Elon Musk.

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