September 25, 2024

Operation Northern Arrows, Has America Changed? George Soros Buys Audacy

September 25, 2024

Many claim they reject the Bible because it contradicts itself. Few admit they reject it because it contradicts them.”

Matt Smethurst

Israel’s Operation Northern Arrows

Israel launched dozens of airstrikes on Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon, killing 558 people, including 50 children (as reported by Lebanese officials), in one of the deadliest bombings since 2006. Hezbollah retaliated by firing missiles into northern Israel, while Israel's military claimed to have killed Hezbollah's missile commander, Ibrahim Qabisi. The escalating conflict, part of Israel's "Operation Northern Arrows," has caused a mass exodus of civilians from southern Lebanon. The international community, including the U.N. and EU, expressed concern over the rapid escalation, fearing a full-scale war.

As we approach the anniversary of the horrific events of October 7th, 2023, it is good to remind ourselves that the reason people who love God’s Word should be supportive of Israel’s continued action against militant groups has nothing to do with the nation being called Israel and everything to do with Hezbollah and Hamas rightly being called terrorist organizations (Romans 13:4). If Israel was senselessly attacking Palestinian or Lebanese people as Hezbollah and Hamas have attacked Israeli’s, then God-fearing people should be supportive of military action being taken against Israel even as they are today supportive of military action being taken by them. 

See this past Remnant Response discussing why Israel (or any nation attacked) has a right to defend itself against evil, and here, where we discuss that just because Israel is often referred to as “God’s land,” those who are directing its government and military are not necessarily “God’s men” and, as such, will make egregious mistakes and sometimes endorse behaviors that do not represent God’s best.

War is ugly, necessary, messy, always unwelcome, and filled with ‘innocent’ suffering. Human justice is not perfect justice, but it is God’s instrument for today (Romans 13:1-4) and, as such, should be implemented, bathed in prayer (2 Timothy 2:1-2), and administered as wisely as possible (Proverbs 20:18). 

Israel is to be commended for its effort to warn Lebanese civilians to evacuate any homes used to store weapons for Hezbollah, and we all should continue to pray for peace in the region even while we acknowledge it will take supernatural intervention for that to be accomplished fully (Isaiah 2:2-4).

Join us in praying for the “peace in Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6) that will only come when those who live there recognize the Prince of Peace who has come to them once as a suffering servant (Isaiah 53:1-12, Zechariah 12:10) and who will come again as their conquering King (Joel 3:2).

By: Todd Wagner

What Was America Like 20 Years Ago?

Over the past 20 years, U.S. public opinion has shifted dramatically on social, political, and technological issues. According to Pew Research, support for same-sex marriage surged from 31% in 2004 to 72% by 2023. On a similar trajectory, marijuana legalization gained favor, with approval rising from 32% in 2002 to 88% today. Trust in the government drastically dropped, with only 20% of Americans expressing confidence in Washington, compared to 54% in 2001. The U.S. also became more diverse, with the share of non-Hispanic White residents dropping from 69% in 2000 to 58% in 2023. Moreover, 29% of Americans now identify as religiously unaffiliated, a sharp increase from 16% in 2007, reflecting the ongoing cultural and demographic shifts.

The numbers reveal a nation in flux, but the real story is in the heart. Trends like the sharp rise in support for "same-sex marriage," paired with declining trust in government and a growing secular population, highlight a deeper spiritual drift (Romans 1:21-23). The broad acceptance of these shifts suggests we've traded timeless truths for fleeting trends (2 Timothy 3:1-5). 

As John Wesley noted, "What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace." What we accept today reflects what we've forgotten—our need for moral anchors in this chaotic world (Isaiah 33:6).

The radical rise of the irreligious echoes Paul's warning: "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine; instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear" (2 Timothy 4:3).

We live in an individualistic culture with an insatiable hunger for autonomy over any kind of authority. While this isn't surprising, it is concerning. 

While diversity and new perspectives can be beneficial, without God's Word as our foundation, we risk building our house on sand (Matthew 7:26-27). Trends shift, but truth remains unchanged (Hebrews 13:8, Isaiah 40:8). Let this be a call to root ourselves in Him, not in the sway of popular opinion or even in ourselves (Colossians 2:6-7, Proverbs 3:5-6).

As the remnant, always be prepared to give an answer for the hope and faith you have (1 Peter 3:15)—and remember that our Savior is the Bread of Life; whoever believes in Him will never go hungry, and whoever believes in Him will never be thirst again (John 6:35).

By: Jamie Wilder

George Soros Buys Audacy

Through an expedited FCC approval process, Billionaire George Soros has secured a significant stake in Audacy, America's second-largest radio network, igniting controversy over media ownership and regulatory impartiality. Critics argue the swift approval, lacking usual scrutiny, sets a concerning precedent potentially influenced by Soros's political leanings. The deal, worth around $400 million, rescues Audacy from bankruptcy, making Soros's fund the principal shareholder. This acquisition, approved ahead of the 2024 elections, raises questions about foreign influence in U.S. media and the concentration of media power. With the FCC's Democratic majority backing the decision, opposition voices like Commissioner Brendan Carr highlight national security and diversity concerns in media ownership. This move has fueled a broader discussion on the balance between market dynamics, political influence, and maintaining a diverse media landscape in democratic societies.

As Soros seeks to establish a beachhead in the airwaves with his acquisition of Audacy, it's safe to assume those same airwaves will soon be inundated with the same darkness, lies, distortions, and downright blasphemy that always follow Soros's lead initiatives. In his book, "Soros on Soros," George admits to having Messianic fantasies since childhood, and in a 1993 interview with the Independent, he is quoted saying, "It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out." Soros not only has the audacity to proudly profess a Messianic complex but has accumulated astounding resources allowing him to acquire Audacy and, presumably, fast track the FCC's unprecedented approval process to consummate the acquisition before the 2024 POTUS election (consider, Luke 4:5-8).

Interestingly, the Bible refers to Satan as the "Prince of the Power of the Air" (Ephesians 2:2), reminds us that "…many will come in my Name…" (Matthew 24:5), and calls for constant awareness of Satan and his schemes to destroy (2 Corinthians 2:11; 1 Peter 5:8). All the foregoing warnings are applicable here as Soros blatantly tells us he is living out his messianic complex before our eyes, seeking to control the radio airwaves for his own agenda. When a man like Soros or any man tells you who he is and what he is doing, you should believe him (not that he is the Messiah, but that he believes he is the Messiah). And then, rather than bemoan about the corrupt capture of the FCC and all other three-letter agencies, we'd do much better to walk in obedience to our call to stand firm in the faith (1 Corinthians 16:13). A faith which our Messiah prayerfully, tenderly and urgently reminds us requires a sanctification in truth (John 17:17), the only sword which is capable of laying bare every lie in the Soros-controlled airwaves (Hebrews 4:12; Ephesians 6:17). The holy Word of God is wholly effective when God's saints fear not a Soros-swindled election, but do take heed the call of "the Elect" (1 Peter 2:9) to be bold as lions (Proverbs 28:1), to put on the helmet of salvation, to take up the Sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17) and to set captives free with its Truth (Isaiah 61:1; John 8:32). Pray that 1) all people that have their ears polluted with Soros' agenda be spurred to conversation with a member of the "kingdom of priests" (Exodus 19:6; Revelation 1:6) who will heed the call of the Elect, and 2) whatever harm the Enemy intended with Soros and Audacy will be turned around for good, that many would come to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Genesis 50:20). 

By: Matthew Lopez

Other news you should know

💸 US to send a $365M aid package to Ukraine.

🚫 Kamala Harris said what? Harris calls for eliminating filibusters to pass the "Roe" abortion bill into federal law.

🏢 Bad Boyz in the Big House: P Diddy and FTX Founder Sam Bankman-Fried are reportedly in the same area in jail.

🗿 Man in Black, Now in Bronze: Johnny Cash Statue Installed in Capitol.

🌀 Hurricane’s forecast is “most aggressive” seen in decades.

😬 Is Iran trying to assassinate Trump?

🫁 Honestly, the information just keeps getting worse.

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