September 27, 2024

Arrests and Assissted Suicide, Kamala wants to Eliminate Filibuster, NY Mayor Indicted

September 27, 2024

A gospel that saves you, but doesn’t change how you live is a gospel foreign to the Bible.”

Shane Pruitt

Arrests and Assisted Suicide

Swiss police arrested several individuals after the "Sarco" capsule, designed to facilitate assisted suicide, was used for the first time in Merishausen. Criminal proceedings have been opened against those involved for aiding and abetting suicide, with four people detained, including Florian Willet, co-president of the group behind the capsule, The Last Resort. The deceased, a 64-year-old American woman with a compromised immune system, had passed psychiatric evaluations prior to her death in the Sarco pod. The capsule, which releases nitrogen gas to cause death, has sparked debate in Switzerland, where assisted suicide is legal, though authorities question the legality of the device itself.

The glory of Truth is that it stands strong in the face of every attack (Proverbs 30:5-6). It is consistent, life-giving, and those who marry themselves to it will be called wise (Luke 7:35). The grim reality of deception is, of course, the opposite. Lies are always exposed; they need to be constantly shape-shifted to prevent exposure, and those who marry themselves to them will be exposed as fools as they follow a way that seems right to men but in the end is death (Proverbs 14:12). Tragically, in this specific story from Switzerland regarding the Sarco capsule and "assisted suicide," death is not a metaphor, it is a morbid reality. 

In addition to the obvious concerns relating to tragic disregard for the value and sanctity of human life, we should also see the lunacy that always surrounds a nation that abandons the consistency found in loving Truth (Proverbs 12:19). Switzerland has now arrested individuals who are involved in allowing someone to do what Switzerland itself widely embraces. While many nations are embracing "assisted suicide" as a legal practice, Switzerland has been a world leader in welcoming non-Swiss to travel to their country when they are ready to travel to the afterlife. This country, known for encouraging the practice of assisting people as they seek to kill themselves, has arrested four people for helping an individual kill themselves because the product designed to kill them could be dangerous because the Sarco capsule did not pass "product safety laws" (Romans 1:22).

Switzerland's "Health Minister," Elisabeth Baume-Schneider, reported to the Swiss Parliament that the arrests were made because "inadequate precautions were taken and inadequate safeguards were in place" to help a person kill themselves and because they misused nitrogen in their device, according to the nations "chemical laws." As the foolishness of man increases, the Babylon Bee's business model is increasingly at risk.

It is almost impossible to believe that we now live in a world where arrests are made because a device intended to bring about death worked exactly as promised to produce a "peaceful death" for a person who legally traveled to Switzerland to do what Switzerland legally allows because the device they used to "care" for its customer was thought to possibly "not be safe" unless you live in a country like ours. “Progressive elites" and liberal politicians vehemently fight for government assistance to chemically castrate and mutilate our children's genitalia or to let mentally ill men who claim to be women invade the locker rooms and playing fields of biological females. Lies are always a form of stupidity, and those who traffic in them are eventually proven to be as stupid as the lies (Proverbs 12:1). The remnant should be secure in its love of the truth, speak up for the Truth and pray the Swiss soon see that the holes in their governance and logic are even bigger than the holes in their cheese. 

By: Todd Wagner

Kamala Wants to Eliminate Filibuster

Vice President Kamala Harris has called for eliminating the Senate filibuster to pass federal pro-abortion legislation that would nationalize abortion on demand. She attributes the reversal of Roe v. Wade to Donald Trump's appointment of conservative justices, making "reproductive rights" a central focus of her presidential campaign. The filibuster is a Senate procedure that requires 60 votes to end debate on most legislation, fostering deliberation, bipartisanship, and protecting minority interests by preventing the majority from enacting laws with little challenge. 

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has warned that if Democrats sweep the upcoming election, they are likely to pursue initiatives beyond federal abortion legislation, such as packing the Supreme Court and adding D.C. and Puerto Rico as states to ensure long-term congressional power. He concluded, "So it would fundamentally, in my view, turn America to California."

This is an ironic development from the camp that has spent the past decade criticizing the previous administration for eroding "democratic norms." Checks and balances are necessary in a fallen world where fallen people govern fallen people (Proverbs 11:14). Government was instituted to keep evil in check and incentivize the good of its people (1 Peter 2:14).

One would be wise to be wary of a simple majority of Democrats or Republicans being able to push through their agendas, but that does not mean the results would be equally detrimental (Matthew 10:16, Psalm 14:3). Make no mistake, Kamala Harris' end goal is abortion on demand in every state for any reason up to nine months, with no state allowed to pass any legal measures to protect the innocent preborn baby. We must not sit idly by but instead speak up for those who don't yet have a voice (Proverbs 31:8-9).

If the Democrats succeed in dismantling the filibuster, they may achieve their short-term goals but at the cost of long-term integrity in governance. True justice, peace, and law and order all find their foundation in Christ (Isaiah 9:6-7). Our leaders would greatly benefit from seeking Him before making morally vacuous statements and pushing policy goals like this one (James 1:5).

By: Jamie Wilder

New York Mayor Indicted

Mayor Eric Adams faces five federal charges, including bribery and soliciting illegal foreign campaign donations, stemming from a multiyear scheme involving Turkish officials. Prosecutors allege that Adams received over $100,000 in illegal gifts in exchange for pressuring officials to approve a Turkish consulate project despite safety concerns. Adams, who denies the charges and insists he will not resign, called himself a victim and urged New Yorkers to wait for his defense. If convicted, Adams could face up to 45 years in prison, though his sentence would likely be shorter under federal guidelines.

Indictments must be in the air in New York. While the truth will hopefully be found out and responded to appropriately, Mayor Adams faces consequences that I am sure he would quickly trade $100,000 for. If true, and Adams denies that claim, he will surely find out the truth readily shared in Numbers 32:23, Proverbs 14:12, and Hebrews 11:25.  It is popularly said that sin (corruption, bribery, dishonesty, partiality, etc.) takes you further than you want to go, keeps you longer than you want to stay, and costs you more than you want to pay. If he does not already feel the truth of those words, he soon will. 

By: Kirby Mankin

Other news you should know

🌀 Helene made landfall as a category 4 hurricane.

⚾️ And that’s a wrap for the Oakland A’s.

🇧🇷 X wants back into Brazil.

✈️ At this point, we expect nothign less Boeing.

🇫🇮 Finland doesn’t have the coin for China’s pandas.

🐼 And then again, some Chinese zoos do need their pandas back.

🚌 Hour-long bus chase ensues after bus hijacking in LA.

🏈 Some NFL stadiums will double as disaster shelters.

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