September 8, 2023

Human Embryo, Mexico Abortion, Texas Immigration

September 8, 2023

Quote of the day:

"The greatest kindness one can render to any man consists in leading him from error to truth.”

- George Whitfield

Two Big Announcements:

  1. If you refer friends today, you are guaranteed a shot at Israel. For clarity, it will be the 7,000th referred person AND the person who referred them.

  2. And if you don’t win this giveaway, follow us on Instagram, tag friends in this post, and share it to your story for another chance!

Today’s Headlines

Texas Judge Orders Removal Barriers

A federal judge ordered Texas to remove barriers it had put in the Rio Grande River along the border with Mexico. The judge said Texas did not have permission to install the barriers, which are large buoys.

The US Department of Justice had sued Texas, saying the buoys violated federal law. The DOJ said Texas needed approval from the US Army Corps of Engineers before building structures like the buoys in the river. Texas Governor Greg Abbott had ordered the buoys placed in the river as part of his plan to improve security along the border. Abbott argued the buoys would deter migrants from crossing illegally from Mexico into Texas.

The judge disagreed with Abbott's arguments. He ordered Texas to take down the barriers by September 15. Texas quickly appealed the judge's order. Abbott's office said they will fight all the way to the Supreme Court to keep the barriers up.

*As of yesterday evening, a federal appeals court ruled the buoys could remain in place while legal challenges are pending.


The Remnant's Response

The three of the most common commandments in Old Testament are related to avoidance of idolatry, the care of widows and orphans and the charge to not oppress the sojourner and immigrant. All of which are accomplished by following the Truth in this one verse. “He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)

There is nothing in Scripture that remotely suggests that a nation should have open borders or be indiscriminate in dealing with immigrants. In fact the opposite is true. Here are 12 principles to help you think biblically about immigration law, border security and our responsibility to provide hope for the world.

  1. The bible encourages discernment in welcoming others, not indiscriminate amnesty

    (Exodus 22:21, Exodus 23:9 Deuteronomy 10:19, Leviticus 19:33–34)

  2. If you treat all people the same you are unwise and will soon be unsafe

    (Proverbs 22:3; Psalm 101:6-8)

  3. Immigrants are people made in the image of God and should be treated with dignity love and be called to respect the laws of the land.

    (Exodus 12:43-48)

  4. Racism is wrong. If you immigration policy says you need to be white/black/brown/etc. to be welcome you are uninformed, unbiblical and ungodly

    (Genesis 1:26-27, Romans 2:11)

  5. Rule of law is essential to a healthy community

    (Proverbs 13:13, 1 Timothy 1:8-10, 1 Peter 2:13-15, Romans 13:1-7)

  6. Rule of love is essential if any place is going to be representative of Godly governance

    (John 13:34-35, Galatians 5:22-23)

  7. Rule of law is never compromised by rule of love. We serve a God who is full of grace and truth. Full of justice and mercy

    (Exodus 34:6-7, John 1:14)

  8. Rule of love has order/law built into it - Justice and love are inseparable.

    (Exodus 34:6-7, 1 Peter 2:15-17; Micah 6:8)

  9. While we continue to warn others of the grave dangers of ignoring the rule of law, we must model for others the rule of love

    (Philippians 4:9, 1 Corinthians 11:1, Matthew 28:20)

  10. We should be committed to the great commission of our Lord more than we should be focused on the great admission into our land

    (Matthew 28:19-20, Colossians 1:28-29)

  11. America is not the hope of the world Jesus Christ is (Luke 2:29-32; Acts 4:12)

  12. Our greatest problem in America is that we have immigrated to godlessness, away from virtue and away from Truth found in word of God, and by doing so we have become are our own worst enemy

    (Proverbs 13:13-15)



Israel Bound: Win Your Spot.

Inspired by 1 Kings 19:18, we're giving away 2 spots for a group trip to Israel: one spot for our 7,000th subscriber + one spot for the subscriber who referred them to The Remnant.

To enter:

  1. Make sure you’re an active subscriber to The Remnant.

  2. Refer your friends by clicking the “Share now” below.

  3. Winners will be announced on Monday.

P.S. → Follow us on Instagram to see another chance to win.

Full terms and conditions at Must be 18+ to participate. No purchase necessary.

Mexico Abortion Ruling

The Supreme Court of Mexico has decriminalized abortion, declaring federal laws against it as unconstitutional and in "violation of the human rights of women and individuals with the capacity to become pregnant." The court's decision removes abortion from the federal penal code, compelling national health institutions to offer the procedure without punishment. While about 20 Mexican states still criminalize abortion, this ruling sets a precedent for their eventual alignment with federal law.

Although the unanimous decision invalidates laws banning or restricting the procedure and compels federal public health institutions to offer it, its immediate impact may vary by region's conservatism.

This development aligns with the broader, recent Latin American trend of relaxing abortion restrictions, termed the "green wave," contrasting with growing restrictions in some U.S. states. The effectiveness of this ruling in expanding abortion access across Mexico remains to be seen.


The Remnant’s Response:

Ignorance of God’s goodness and the way of righteousness are not problems localized to America, (Romans 3:10-12) neither are the horrors of abortion and unrighteousness in government. The statement made by German essayist Kurt Tucholsky, “A country is not just what it does it is also what it tolerates" echoes the truth of Solomon’s statement in Proverbs 14:34.

The Bible tells us that God knew us even in our mother's womb (Psalm 139, Jeremiah 1:5), and clearly declares that murder is evil (Exodus 20:13). Abortion is murder.

To better equip yourself listen to a conversation between two friends of the Remnant News, Scott Klusendorf and Alisa Childers, as they address how to handle the top 6 objections to pro-life arguments. It is not enough for the remnant to be outraged at the advancement of evil, we must become educated vocal advocates for good who can speak clearly on issues that are dear to our King (Colossians 4:2-6).

Embryo Studies

Scientists at the Weizmann Institute have developed an embryo model closely resembling a 14-day-old human embryo, devoid of sperm, eggs, or a womb. This model, created from stem cells, aims to ethically explore early human development, a poorly understood and critical phase responsible for many miscarriages and birth defects. The researchers used reprogrammed stem cells to mimic four types of cells present in early human embryos. Approximately 1% of the cells spontaneously formed structures akin to embryos, demonstrating an "amazing phenomenon." This research represents the first "complete" embryo model, mimicking key structures of early human embryos. These models offer insights into cell development, organ formation, and genetic diseases. However, the 99% failure rate needs improvement for practical applications, such as understanding miscarriages and infertility. Furthermore, ethical questions arise as these models closely resemble real embryos, potentially requiring similar regulation.


The Remnant's Response:

Innovation and advancements in industry, science, and technology are not our problem; sin is (Isaiah 59:2). Our desire to be “god,” to determine good and evil, and to live without care, concern, or commitment to God was our problem in the garden and is our problem today (Genesis 2:16-17).

While scientists try to create models that will give us insight into the earliest stages of human development, wise men will seek the Lord’s provision for human depravity (Ephesians 2:1-7).

No matter how much man tries to create life without God, he will fail. God alone creates (Gen 1:1, 27), and God alone saves (Acts 4:12). While we can be grateful the Lord has given us understanding to bring temporary healing and grace to imperfections of life on this fallen earth, we should be especially focused on the final and perfect healing He has offered through His son (Isaiah 53:4-5).

Other news you should know

🏈 The NFL season kicked off last night and the reigning Super Bowl champs fell to the Lions. All eyes are on Boulder tomorrow.

🤝 Oklahoma State Department of Education announces partnership with PragerU Kids.

🐅 Joe Burrow reels in a big deal.

🐹 Man arrested on hamster wheel trying to cross the Atlantic ocean.

🧸 Hank the Tank’s reign is no more… the bear burglar is captured.

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