September 9, 2024

GA Shooting Updates; Seasons, Schedules, and Sports; International Birth Rates

September 9, 2024

“We live in a world impoverished spiritually, starved emotionally, and incapacitated morally. But we also live in a world loved by God.”

Eugene Peterson

Seasons, Schedules, and Sports

With the beginning of the fall sports, school, and work season, we wanted to remind our readers of the purpose of the Remnant News and encourage you to stay focused in light of the constant temptation of this world to grab our affections,  hearts, and habits. With record levels of college and professional football viewership, coupled with the explosive growth of fantasy sports and gambling sites like Fan Duel, Draft Kings, ESPN Bet, and Bet MGM, there are more than state fairs, cooler weather, and fall colors that can occupy our attention in the coming months.

The prospect of cooler weather, the beauty of God’s creation as deciduous trees change colors, the excitement of a new school year (which admittedly doesn’t last long for the student), and the optimism of every college football fan (which admittedly doesn’t last long for most - here’s looking at you Notre Dame fans), all combine to make these next months full of potential joy for all of us.  

While all of the above are to be enjoyed, the wise among us know that we must be careful that the joyful moments still left in our broken world don’t become our obsession. There is much to love about the fall, but because of the fall (Genesis 3:1-6) we have to be careful we don’t let fleeting things cause us to fall away from our first love (Revelation 2:4). While every day is a another opportunity to experience the mercy of God (Lamentations 3:22-23) it is also another opportunity to get lost in the “many things” that distract us from the one thing that those who love God are to continually seek (Psalm 27:4). Every day we must be careful to not let “the worries of the world, the deceitfulness of riches and the desire for other things” (Mark 4:19a) enter in and choke out the Word that the Lord intends to be fruitful in our lives (Mark 4:19b). I have often reminded myself and others that “Bible first, Bible most” is a wise man’s mantra and constant practice (Deuteronomy 8:3). As the rest of the world is tempted to be obsessed with fantasy football rosters and potentially distracted by the promise of riches that take wing (Proverbs 23:5) or canidates that will “save our nation”, the remnant must be diligent to keep their eyes focused on the things above and not the things on the earth (Colossians 3:2). Our purpose in producing these thrice weekly Remnant Responses is to remind you that God’s Word is sufficient to give you direction, peace and perspective in the midst of every season, in light of every news story, through every election cycle, and give you strength as you live in this fallen world (John 16:33). Nothing blesses us more than to hear from readers who are equipped and encouraged by the biblical truth we share, who read the linked Scriptures that inform the perspectives given and especially those who share the articles, the truth in them, and the newsletters with others (1 Timothy 4:5).

Be assured the team at the Remnant News is praying for our readership, asking that the Lord would use our efforts to help His people so that they would stand firm in the faith (1 Corinthians 16:13) “in season and out” (2 Timothy 4:2) and throughout every winter, spring, summer, and fall.

By: Todd Wagner

International Birth Rates Decline


After decades of catastrophic warnings about “overpopulation” that never materialized, we are now witnessing a contrasting issue in the West. In 2022, the EU recorded its lowest number of live births since 1960, with only 3.88 million babies born, marking the first time the figure fell below 4 million. Fertility rates across Europe vary significantly, with France having the highest rate (1.79) and Malta the lowest (1.08). The EU’s average fertility rate was 1.46, one of the lowest globally, just above East Asia and Pacific regions. Notably, Ireland and Finland experienced significant declines, while Czechia, Romania, and Bulgaria saw the largest increases. Despite minor fluctuations, Europe continues to face a downward fertility trend, with all 41 European countries reporting rates below the global average of 2.27.

A culture that values what God values will cherish the family, as it is central to His good design (Genesis 2:24, Genesis 12:3). Conversely, a society in rebellion against God will consistently devalue the family (2 Timothy 3:2).

God’s first command to humanity was to “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28), a charge reiterated throughout Scripture in His covenants with Noah (Genesis 9:1), Abraham (Genesis 15:5; 17:4-5), Moses (Deuteronomy 7:13), and David (2 Samuel 7:12-16). 

One of the main metaphors of the church that the Bible portrays is that of a unified family through the Son, with God the Father (Ephesians 2:18). Scripture is unapologetic in describing children as “a heritage from the Lord” and a “reward” (Psalm 127:3). Jesus instructs us to embrace the humility and purity of children (Matthew 18:3-4).

For those struggling with infertility, God’s kindness is evident through His many miracles for barren women— Sarah (Genesis 18:10-14; 21:1-2), Rebekah (Genesis 25:21), Rachel (Genesis 30:22-24; 35:16-18), and Hannah (1 Samuel 1:19-20). By “redeeming those under the law,” God the Father has also shown us the beauty and eternal values displayed through adoption as well (Galatians 4:4-5).

In the New Covenant, while never downplaying procreation, Christ emphasizes making disciples as the primary vocation for the remnant (Matthew 28:19-20). If you want to transform the world for Christ, focus on making disciples—whether through procreation or your vocation—and remember that giving your life to eternal things, including investing in the next generation of eternal souls, is the best and most sure path to the happiness and prosperity the Lord wants for you (Psalm 128).

By: Jamie Wilder

GA School Shooting Updates

The mother of Colt Gray, the 14-year-old accused of killing four people at Apalachee High School, called a school counselor before the attack after receiving a cryptic apology text from her son. Despite the warning about an unspecified emergency, the shooting began 30 minutes later, leading to the deaths of two students and two teachers, with nine others injured. Authorities had questioned Colt about online threats months earlier, but no action was taken at the time. His father, Colin Gray, faces charges for providing the weapon used in the shooting, while Colt will be tried as an adult for murder.

Unsurprisingly, the suppression of truth has expanded beyond the mere rejection of the existence and goodness of God (Romans 1:18-19). Today, we live in a world where stubborn authorities refuse to deal with how our rejection of the ethics and morality of the Judeo-Christian ethic are leaving our children vulnerable, self-mutilating, suicidal, and murderous. We have been warned in God’s word that rejecting Him would lead to the suffering of future generations (Hosea 4:6), and now we see how a failure to respond quickly to the warnings of a mother, however troubled she may be, has led to the deaths of four people, injuries to multiple others and trauma for an entire community. This is not a new problem, and if our elected leaders do not come to their senses, or better said, if we don’t come to our senses and elect better leaders, the sadness and despair will only increase (Deuteronomy 31:17).

This is not a new problem in our country. Not only have communities and individual parents been in denial about the effects liberal policies and progressive ideologies are having on younger generations, but there is often active suppression of information when that information runs counter-narrative to those policies (Isaiah 8:11-13). It has taken over a year and numerous court filings before the FBI would release the manifesto of the Nashville Covenant school shooter. The troubled minds of both the Apalachee shooter and the Nashville shooter were well known before the attacks happened, with the former being previously interrogated by the police for “online threats to commit a school shooting” and the latter being heavily medicated with SSRI drugs for multiple years and was under psychiatric care at Vanderbilt University Medical Center for over 2 decades. No one should have been surprised at the danger these individuals posed to themselves and others long before they illegally acquired weapons.  Long before a mother’s call to the school could have stopped the recent shooting, our nation’s response to the call of God to wake up from our rebellious ways could have begun our healing (1 Samuel 2:30). Until we stop suppressing the obvious problem (2 Chronicles 24:20) and wake up to the real solution, (2 Chronicles 7:14) we will continue to wake up to more shocking stories of shootings, stabbing, and sedition. 

By: Todd Wagner

Other news you should know

🗣 Tomorrow is the first Kamala v. Trump debate.

👎🏻 George W. Bush has no plans to endorse a 2024 presidential candidate.

🍁 September is National Suicide Prevention Month.

🕵🏻 So, ya, there was a Chinese spy in New York.

🇻🇪 Venezuelan candidate flees to Spain for asylum.

🚨 Hunter Biden pleads guilty.

🇸🇩 Sudan’s civil war has led to record-breaking losses and displacement.

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