July 26th, 2023

Israel Overhaul, Biden Impeachment Inquiry, United Methodists

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Quote of the day:

"Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are."

- St Augustine of Hippo

July 26th, 2023

Today’s Headlines:

Israel’s Judicial System Reform

Israel's government, under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, passed a controversial law that limits the power of the Supreme Court. The law, known as the "reasonableness bill," reduces Israel's Supreme Court of its ability to strike down government decisions and laws it deems unreasonable or unconstitutional.

This is the first part of Netanyahu's and his allies' broader judicial overhaul plan, which aims to weaken the judiciary by limiting its oversight capacity over the government. The plan has sparked the largest protests in Israel's history, with demonstrators rallying both for and against the proposals for 29 consecutive weeks.

The passage of the law has provoked deep concern both domestically and internationally that Israel's democratic institutions and separation of powers are being eroded. In contrast, Netanyahu and his supporters argue that the reforms will allow the Knesset to execute its will as representatives of the people. However, opponents fear that the reforms will grant the government unchecked power to violate civil rights and make Israel less democratic.

Israel is a parliamentary democracy where the ceremonial president and the Prime Minister, holding executive power, are both accountable to the Knesset (legislature). Israel is one of only five countries without a written constitution (along with Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United Kingdom). As a parliamentary democracy without a constitution, it operates differently than the United States. The current coalition government holds a narrow majority in a Knesset that leans conservative relative to the nation overall. Prime Minister Netanyahu's past legal troubles also raise questions about possible self-interest in reducing judicial oversight.


The Remnant’s Response:

While God's Word does not demand a specific system of government, biblical principles prioritize accountable leadership (1 Samuel 8:1-20), equal justice for all (Leviticus 19:15), and the rule of law (Deuteronomy 17:18-20). Every ruler should memorize these verses. "Like a roaring lion and a rushing bear is a wicked ruler over a poor people. A leader who is a great oppressor lacks understanding, but he who hates unjust gain will prolong his days" (Proverbs 28:15-16).

Law must serve justice and the common good. Any effort to serve the self-interest of rulers over the needs of society's vulnerable will incur judgment on a land (Isaiah 10:1-3). One should be careful in forming their opinion based on any one news source. Media often serve more as a propaganda machine for a particular party than a reliable source of information. Wise men read wisely and listen to what both sides are claiming before rushing to an opinion (Proverbs 18:13). Both sides in this debate claim the moral high ground of wanting to preserve what is best for Israel's democracy. One thinks the judiciary is unaccountable to the people and their elected officials and has too much discretion to operate because there is no constitution to guide them. The other side believes it is dangerous to allow a simple majority of the Knesset (legislature) to make laws that are oppressive to minority groups or that are self-serving to the current majority coalition without the check of an independent judiciary.

Whatever unfolds, be careful before offering perspectives or solutions that are not well-informed (Proverbs 19:2-3).

Biden Under Scrutiny

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy signaled a clear path towards pursuing an impeachment inquiry against President Biden, citing corruption allegations tied to Hunter Biden's overseas business dealings. Republicans claim that Biden may have benefited from his son's activities, while Democrats dismiss the claims as unsubstantiated and politically motivated. Hunter Biden has found himself at the epicenter of controversy during the Biden presidency. A simple majority in the House is needed to impeach, while a two-thirds supermajority in the Senate is required for removal.


The Remnant’s Response:

Last week we wrote the response below about Donald Trump receiving a target letter and it remains equally applicable here.

No one should be above the law or punished without due process. Inconsistency in applying laws is a sign of God's judgment (Ezekiel 9:9). The Remnant should be concerned if any leader seems immune to accountability or if laws are perverted for political gain (Leviticus 19:15).

May justice flow like a stream in our land (Amos 5:24), and may we flee partiality (Deuteronomy 1:17). Despite politics, we must focus on God's sovereignty, Christ's lordship, and speaking against injustice (Ephesians 5:11) while being slow to judge (Proverbs 19:2).


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United No More: The Methodist Schism

The United Methodist Church (UMC) is facing a crisis that carries significant lessons for Christianity in America. For many years, the UMC was one of the largest religious bodies in the United States, but it is now experiencing a decline, primarily due to a theological conflict. Within the church, conservatives feel increasingly alienated by the push from theological liberals on LGBT+ issues.

To date, around 6,200 United Methodist congregations have been approved to leave the denomination, representing approximately 20% of its churches and possibly over a million members. More exits are expected to be approved in the coming months, with estimates suggesting that up to 7,000 churches might leave by the end of the year. Additionally, next May's General Conference could lead to the official removal of bans on same-sex rites and premarital sex, further influencing more members to exit the church.

The decline of United Methodism might pave the way for a revitalized form of Methodism. While some churches are joining the new Global Methodist Church, which operates more as a network than a traditional denomination, others may choose to be independent or form their own networks.


The Remnant’s Response:

It is good that Methodists are no longer "united" because, as James observed, "the wisdom from above is first pure and then peaceable" (James 3:17). For decades, there has been an increasing number of members who strongly advocate for the inclusion of LGBTQ Christians in all aspects of life in the church, including leadership positions. While we should be diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3), we cannot compromise on the Truth of God's word in the name of unity.

One should not use the word "church" when speaking about those who advocate for such things without putting the word "apostate" in front of it. If Jeremiah were alive today, he would say: "An appalling and horrible thing has happened in the land: The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule on their own authority; and My people love it so! But what will you do at the end of it?" (Jeremiah 5:30-31).

We are not allowed to have convictions of convenience. Methodist leadership must abandon its practice of "abeyance (delay) on submitting or processing complaints related to homosexuality" and separate from those who advocate for unbiblical positions. A failure to do so will rightly result in all the faithful leaving the denomination so that they can strive to reclaim, uphold, and faithfully express historic biblical Christianity.

Other news you should know:

⚽️ Kylian Mbappe is making $24/second with his new contract.

🏀 Celtics Star, Jaylen Brown just signed the richest NBA contract in history. He was All-NBA Second Team…

⛹🏽‍♂️ Bronny James, son of NBA star Lebron James, went into cardiac arrest during a basketball practice at USC.

🧑🏾‍🍳 Former white house chef Tafari Campbell recently drowned at the Obama’s residence in Martha’s Vineyard. An investigation is ongoing.

🇨🇳 China has replaced their foreign minister after the previous one has been “missing” for a month.

📦 UPS and The Teamster Union have come to an agreement.

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