August 2, 2023

Florida Controversy, Third Trump Indictment, Coup In Niger

Quote of the day:

"If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet the distance makes no difference; He is praying for me."

- Robert Murray M'Cheyne

August 2, 2023

Today’s Headlines:

Florida Controversy Over African American Studies

Recently, the Florida Board of Education's curriculum choice for teaching African American studies has sparked controversy. The 216 page document outlining the standards of and guidelines for teaching social studies in Florida includes this sentence: “Instruction includes how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.” Critics accuse Florida’s curriculum of “whitewashing” slavery, primarily by suggesting that slavery could benefitted the enslaved. Proponents of the new curriculum are drawing attention to the fact that a nearly identical benchmark is included in the widely accepted AP African American history curriculum. Vice President Harris has heatedly addressed this issue multiple times and Governor DeSantis has invited her to sit down and discuss the state’s decision.


The Remnant’s Response:

There are a number of things to respond to here, and in order to cover them all, we will separate them by points. Hang with us.

  1. By now, it should be obvious to you that our world is full of leaders and media companies that do not love our country as much as they lust after your attention (1 Corinthians 13:5).

  2. Leaders and media companies who want to exploit every opportunity to capture our attention by highlighting controversies and/or the perceived missteps of others, rather than bring clarity to a conversation, are not our friends; they are divisive, perverse, spreaders of strife who bring ruin to the land and separate intimate friends (Proverbs 16:28).

  3. Justifying any evil by saying "God will use this for good" is wicked. Evil is never good and will always be punished (Isaiah 3:11, Isaiah 5:20).

  4. Chattel slavery is always wrong, and nothing can justify its horrors (Exodus 22:19).

  5. Acknowledging that good can come out of evil is not only obvious, it is biblical (James 1:2-4, Romans 5:3-5, Romans 8:28). Both Florida's and the college board's curriculum appear to say the same thing about one aspect of the forced labor slaves endured. "Instruction includes how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit." The College Board's curriculum, which is widely accepted and celebrated, says this, "In addition to agricultural work, enslaved people learned specialized trades and worked as painters, carpenters, tailors, musicians, and healers in the North and South. Once free, African Americans used these skills to provide for themselves and others." Neither of these comments imply that these statements justify slavery's horror.

  6. Good leaders seek clarity, not controversy. Fools don't delight in understanding but only in revealing their own mind (Proverbs 18:2). Wise men ask questions and don't rush to judgments (Proverbs 18:13). Scorners set a city aflame, but wise men turn away from anger (Proverbs 29:8). The unwillingness of the Vice President to speak with a governor to bring unity and peace (or clearly expose error) instead of continuing to try and win political points is why we are where we are as a nation. In the middle of our nation being torn apart by the very issue being discussed in this debate, Lincoln quoted Jesus when he said, "a house divided will not stand" (Matthew 12:25).

  7. Trust is an essential ingredient for healthy interaction and civility in society. When trust is lost, so is peace. When a wise man has a controversy with a foolish man, the foolish man either rages or laughs, and there is no rest (Proverbs 29:9). We are seeing no rest because leaders and media continue to exploit opportunities to garner votes/attention instead of working to guarantee our future.

The remnant embraces these 7 truths and supports wise, mature, and good leaders who want to pursue peace over political points. Believers must model peacemaking and not get sucked into unbecoming, self-seeking behaviors and guard against provocations.

Third Time’s The Charm

  1. March 23, 2023 - 34 felony counts in relation to hush money paid to adult film actress.

  2. June 9th/July 27th, 2023 - a combined 40 felony counts against Trump in relation to classified documents.

  3. August 2, 2023 - 4 felony counts in relation to the events surrounding January 6th.


The Remnant’s Response:

All of us, in addition to President Trump, can be grateful that we live in a land where one is innocent until proven guilty. As President Trump’s trials continue to unfold and more details emerge, we are committed to continue to provide biblical responses to these historic events.

Meanwhile we will repeat what we have shared in previous issues (7/19, 7/26) about Donald Trump & Joe Biden, because repetition is the key to learning.

America's founders wanted to prevent politicized justice and ensure no one was "above the law", embracing the biblical "Lex Rex" (law is king) principle over the idea that rulers are above law ("Rex Lex"). 

Thankfully, America was founded on biblical principles of justice, even if imperfectly practiced. No one should be above the law or punished without due process. Inconsistency in applying laws is a sign of God's judgment (Ezekiel 9:9). The Remnant should be concerned if any leader seems immune to accountability or if laws are perverted for political gain (Leviticus 19:15).

May justice flow like a stream in our land (Amos 5:24), and may we flee partiality (Deuteronomy 1:17). Despite politics, we must focus on God's sovereignty, Christ's lordship, and speaking against injustice (Ephesians 5:11) while being slow to judge (Proverbs 19:2).

Coup In Niger

Insurgent soldiers in Niger claimed to have overthrown President Mohamed Bazoum, citing security issues, economic problems, and governance challenges. They took control by suspending institutions, closing borders, and imposing a curfew. The international community condemned the coup and expressed support for Bazoum as the democratically elected leader. However, the Sahel region's stability, already affected by extremist groups, faced further challenges due to the coup attempt.

In response, France prepared to evacuate French and other European nationals after recent violence targeted the French Embassy in Niamey. The coup was led by a military junta (a government ruled by the military), prompting ECOWAS, the West African regional body, to impose travel and economic sanctions against Niger, threatening force if Bazoum isn't reinstated. Mali and Burkina Faso supported the coup and warned against intervention, which escalated regional instability.


The Remnant’s Response:

Instability in a nation is a byproduct of iniquity in its people and leaders. "By the transgression of a land many are its princes" (Proverbs 28:2a). Sin always destroys nations, families, and individual lives. Alternatively, "by men of understanding and knowledge, so [a nation] endures" (Proverbs 28:2b), and righteousness in the land causes people to rejoice (Proverbs 29:2). 

The history of Africa's tribalism, animistic paganism, and chaos should be instructive to a watching world. Africa, like all lands on earth, desperately needs the truth of the gospel to invade its borders and the hearts of its leaders so it can experience peace. The remnant knows that there is no nation on earth that has not needed deliverance from sin and the ways that "in the end are the ways of death" (Proverbs 14:12). The sources of conflict in Africa are the same as the sources of conflict everywhere (James 4:1-3), and the solutions for Africa are the solutions for every nation, tribe, and tongue.

The path to human flourishing in the dark continent is the same path of grace so desperately needed in the European Nations which are evacuating their citizens from Niger today. While the remnant should pray for peace in other lands, it has to produce peace in its own life and land by living with understanding and obedience to the knowledge of God before it can take the gospel of peace to the uttermost parts of the world (Acts 1:8).

Live the gospel. Spread the gospel. Invite others to see the peace of the gospel in your life, family, community, and nation. Be a disciple. Make disciples.

May the remnant rise up and bring grace to every land as the Lord intends (1 Peter 2:9-13).

Other news you should know:

👨‍🎓 The I Promise school, founded by Lebron James has not had an eight grader pass a math test in three years. The school is 5 years old.

🎬 Euphoria actor, Angus Cloud has passed away at the age of 25.

🐦 Three theories on why Elon killed the bird.

🐅 Tiger Woods joins the PGA Tour Board amidst turmoil.

⚽️ US Women advance, but struggle.

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