August 25, 2023

Serial Killer, Russian Killed, Killer Debate

August 25, 2023

Quote of the day:

"In necessary things, unity; in doubtful things, liberty; in all things, charity."

- Richard Baxter

Today’s Headlines

Wagner Group Leader Dead

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the Russian Wagner mercenary group, was reportedly aboard a private plane that crashed near Moscow, resulting in the deaths of all ten individuals on board. Prigozhin, often called "Putin's chef," initially gained prominence by securing Kremlin catering contracts. Subsequently, he played a pivotal role in establishing the Wagner force, which has been involved in various conflicts, including those in Ukraine and Syria.

In June, Prigozhin led a mutiny within the Wagner group against Russia's military leadership concerning Ukraine. Although there has been no official confirmation from either the Kremlin or Wagner about his whereabouts, a source from Western intelligence intimated that he was present during the crash. According to a U.S. intelligence evaluation, the crash was likely caused by a deliberate explosion. This has been attributed to potential threats posed by Prigozhin to Putin's leadership, aligning with existing suspicions.


The Remnant's Response:

As the facts continue to come to light, what we know now is:

  • "It is appointed for man to die once, and after this comes judgment" (Hebrews 9:27).

  • "He who walks with wise men will be wise, and the companion of fools suffers harm" (Proverbs 13:20).

  • "When a wicked man dies, his expectation will perish, and the hope of strong men perishes" (Proverbs 11:7).

  • The wicked "spend their days in prosperity, and suddenly go down" (Job 21:13).

  • God takes no "pleasure in the death of the wicked" (Ezekiel 18:23), and neither should we (Proverbs 24:17).

  • "The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish" (Proverbs 14:11).

It is better to walk in righteousness than it is to fly private.

The Elephant Not In The Room

Wednesday night, when eight candidates took the stage in the first GOP primary debate, one notable candidate was not there.

Former President Donald Trump set a record alongside Tucker Carlson for participating in the most-watched interview of all time, raking in 248M views in just 24 hours.

Then, Thursday evening, President Trump made history again when he turned himself to Fulton County jail, where he was booked. Immediately following, Trump returned to "X" for the first time since January 2021. Needless to say, it was a busy 48 hours.


The Remnant’s Response:

You can read what we wrote on the Trump indictment saga 8/16, 8/2, and 7/19. Meanwhile, Trump is clearly an individual that creates great interest. It is always healthy to remember that our hope isn’t in a party or person (Psalm 121), and while no system (or man) on earth is the source of our hope (Psalm 62:1-2), what happens in government is worth praying for (1 Timothy 2:1-2) and participating in (Jeremiah 29:7).

Here are a few lessons you might have learned watching:

Take a second now and pray for our country.

Serial Killer In UK

The UK has handed out a life sentence to a neonatal nurse responsible for the death of 7 infants and the injury of several more. Parents and families offered devastating accounts of their grief and loss in a hearing that was unattended by the defendant. With details frankly too evil to describe here, the defendant received the severest punishment allowed by British law, a "whole-life order”. The hospital where the murders occurred had experienced an "unexplainable" increase in death or significant decline for "no apparent reason" beginning in 2015, except for this particular nurse being on-call in all cases. Several senior doctors testified that they raised concerns about this nurse as early as October 2015, but they were not taken seriously for another nine months.


The Remnant's Response:

This story is especially painful in that it involves the most vulnerable among us. When evil invades a space intended to provide help and healing, suffering is amplified. Please stop and pray for the families still navigating the horrors of this crime (Romans 15:20).

There is much to talk about in this case – including the obvious inconsistency that exists in our world where, on the one hand, there is righteous indignation at the murder of children who are as young as 23-30 weeks from conception, and on the other hand, is vehemently committed to allowing other children safely developing in their mother's womb to be terminated throughout the entire term of a 40+ week pregnancy. The logical inconsistency is stunning and informed by the same evil that motivated the "nurse".

We want to focus today on the astonishing fact that the chief executive of the hospital required doctors and consultants who first reported the nurse to apologize to the nurse because he (and others) were not willing to assign responsibility to her after months of complaints and reviews.

This means that evil was perceived, reported, and then, for a time, tolerated, and overlooked by leaders. Leaders who maintained that reporting the doctor's concerns to the police would "damage the hospital's reputation" and "turn the neonatal unit into a crime scene". Something we now know it should have been.

When you rightly stand up against wrongdoing, you may often be met with doubt, ridicule, and accusations of being intolerant or bigoted. You may be told you are on the wrong side of history and pressured to repent or apologize to the perpetrators. The remnant can learn from Jeremiah's example (Jeremiah 26:7-9) that speaking truth in the face of opposition is often the right thing to do, even if and especially when it leads to criticism. The remnant must speak against evil wherever it is found and remember that silence in the midst of sin is itself a sin (Leviticus 5:1; James 4:17). The Lord has made it clear that:

  1. His remnant will often be mocked, disbelieved, and hated for their convictions and testimony (John 15:18-19, Matthew 5:11).

  2. There will be judgment waiting for us if we are silent (Jeremiah 1:17; Ezekiel 33:7-8).

  3. There is a reward for those who speak the Truth in love and faithfully represent the King (Matthew 5:10, 12).

The remnant not only can never give hearty approval to evil (Romans 1:32), but it must be heralds of righteousness in the day of evil (2 Peter 2:5).

You can be celebrated now or celebrated later. We will wait for the one who judges rightly to speak and speak the Truth today until He does tomorrow (1 Peter 2:23).

Other news you should know

🏡 Mortgage rates soar to highest since 2001.

🇯🇵 Japan releases radioactive wastewater into Pacific Ocean.

👶 South Carolina Supreme Court upholds 6-week abortion ban.

😷 Masks are making a comeback… you can be sure we have a lot to say about that.

⚾️ Ohtani’s season cut short.

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