October 27, 2023

House Speaker Elected and Maine Shooting

October 27, 2023

Quote of the day:

A brave man is not only he who overcomes the enemy, but he who is stronger than pleasures."

- St. Ambrose

Today’s Headlines

Mike Johnson Elected Speaker

Mike Johnson (R-La) has been elected Speaker of the House, ending the three-week-long stalemate Congress faced. Johnson is "new" to Washington, having served only seven years as a state rep. Previously, he was a trustee for the Southern Baptist Conventions ERLC (Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission) and worked professionally as a litigator for Alliance Defending Freedom. Many celebrate Johnson's win as he is a professing believer and staunch pro-life, pro-marriage advocate. Johnson promises an effective congress as they face high-priority issues like the wars in Israel and Ukraine, Government funding, and more. Critics are calling out his "Christian Nationalist" tendencies and declaring it a setback for the nation. Interestingly, he is the "least experienced" representative to serve as Speaker since 1883.


The Remnant's Response

While many were critical of the small group of republican representatives responsible for the removal of Speaker McCarthy and the ensuing three-week delay in electing a replacement for him, there is little argument that their efforts produced a major change in House leadership. As anthropologist Margaret Mead observed, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Jesus would agree (Matthew 16:18, 13:31-32). It is no surprise that the mainstream media has been raising all kinds of concerns about Speaker Johnson, citing his reputation as a man who does more than profess his faith in Christ but one who actually practices it when it comes to his convictions on life, marriage, morality, and personal responsibility (John 15:18). For the last many years, tired appeals to "separation of church and state" have proven effective at keeping many faithful Christians from fulfilling their God-given responsibility of participating in our nation's governance. As we wrote about here, Christians should and must care about 'politics' if they are going to fulfill the Lord's call on their lives to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16) in society, and as we wrote about here, Thomas Jefferson's use of the phrase 'separation of church and state' was written to emphasize our Constitution's intention to keep the government out of church affairs not faithful Christians/churchmen out of government.

As the American people have become more educated on Jefferson's intent in his letter to the Dansbury Baptists and come to understand the phrase "separation of church and state" is not mentioned in or supported by our Constitution, a new concern has been brought forth with the use of the phrase "Christian Nationalism."

When asked if you support "Christian Nationalism," a discerning person will learn to respond with a question rather than an affirmation (Proverbs 26:5). Depending on how it is defined, Christian nationalism is either a sinister plot by white Christian Zionists willing to employ crusader-like strategies whereby Christianity is forced onto others - or it is a term used to warn others of dangerous ideologues who think it is their job to establish Christ's Kingdom on earth today through governmental powers. When used this way, the term Christian Nationalists is nothing more than a label used to besmirch and demonize people of faith, thus removing any movement to support them from participating in the public square lest they 'take us back to the middle ages.'

However, there is another way to define a “Christian Nationalism” that isn’t so sinister. While it is of course true that no Christian should ever put their ultimate hope in a specific party, person, country or candidate, it is appropriate to advocate for righteous laws and vote for righteous leaders. As believers, we are called to love God and our neighbor (Matthew 22:37-40), seek the welfare of the city in which we live (Jeremiah 29:7), to obey and honor Christ in all we do (Matthew 6:33) to advocate for just and righteous laws (Micah 6:8) and to do everything we can to make disciples, teaching them to obey all the Lord’s commandments (Matthew 28:19-20).

If someone can deter us from living faithfully simply by casting dispersions on us or tagging us with 'negative labels' like Christian Nationalists, we are the weakest of men (Jeremiah 12:5, 1 Corinthians 15:58). That said, embracing the name without defining it in a clearly biblical way is not wise (Matthew 10:16).

Here is a short thread that may be helpful when confronted with the term Christian Nationalist.

Mass Shooting in Maine

Maine is reeling from a devastating shooting spree that has resulted in significant casualties, with at least 18 confirmed dead and many others suffering various injuries in the horrific shootings that took place at a local bar and bowling alley.

The person of interest began firing at a crowded bowling alley in Lewiston and proceeded to a nearby bar. Consequently, residents in Lewiston, as well as in nearby towns and cities, have been instructed to take shelter, leading to the widespread closure of schools, businesses, and municipal facilities.


The Remnant's Response 

Please stop now and join us in praying for the dozens of families whose members are victims of this evil.

  • Pray they would experience the comfort and provision of the God who is near the broken-hearted. (Psalm 34:17-18)

  • Pray for the authorities to find the man who did this and for justice to be delivered swiftly and decisively. (Proverbs 21:15)

Then, even as we mourn with those who mourn (Romans 12:15), let us be prepared to respond to this sadness with wisdom. (James 1:5) We know from experience that calls for the removal of freedoms are sure to follow when some use their freedom to do evil. Please reread our previous comments on sin, America, and guns here and here.

America has a sin problem, and if it responds by isolating power within a small group of people, that sin problem will lead to more deaths, not less. Mortacracys, mentally ill totalitarian governments, have killed millions more people than mentally ill gunmen. As awful as the mass shootings are, which we are increasingly experiencing as a people, we must be careful not to love quick fixes which will only lead to greater horrors. (2 Corinthians 7:10) The solution to America’s sin problem will only be found in America repenting of its “National Christlessness”. It should not surprise us that the enemy of America, and all men, (1 Peter 5:8) has made “Christian Nationalism” the threat instead of “National Christlessness”. (2 Chronicles 7:14).

 Other news you should know

💪 Israeli troops briefly raid northern Gaza to "prepare" for an expected full-scale incursion

🛻 Back in business? Autoworkers reach tentative deal with Ford, still striking GM, Stellantis

🇻🇪 Venezuelan voters choose winner of opposition primary, Maduro & Co. are not happy about it

🏀 James Harden reportedly wasn’t let on the plane.

🇨🇳 China’s second highest-ranked official passed away yesterday, leaving a highly desirable role in the Communist party (somewhat) available for the taking (we all know that in communism, you only get what you’re given).

⚾️ Rangers and Diamondbacks set to kickoff the World Series tonight at 7:03PM CT.

🏖️”The Florida Man Games,” coming to a beach near you in 2024.

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